Set Up User Roles and Privileges in Order Management

Set up user roles and privileges to manage the authentication and authorization that Order Management uses to secure Order Management processing, including web service usage.

Note: This topic describes predefined job roles and duty roles to illustrate how job roles, duty roles, and privileges work together. However, you must create your own roles to meet your specific requirements. For details, see Security Reference for Order Management

Here's how Order Management implements security.

  • Uses authentication through a user name and password during sign in to allow each user to access the Order Management work area

  • Uses authorization through user roles and privileges to allow each user to do different tasks according to job outcome in the Order Management work area

This topic describes how to examine privileges and job roles that come predefined with Order Management, and how to add an Order Management user. For background details, see:



Securing SCM

Job roles, privileges, duty roles, and how to set up security, including values that you set for each user.

Security Reference for Order Management

Job roles that come predefined with Order Management.

The examples in this topic use predefined job roles. You must create your own job roles, depending on your security requirements.

Here are some example roles.



Pricing Administrator- All Business Units, which is QP_PRICING_ADMINISTRATOR_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_DATA

Administers pricing.

Product Manager, which is EGP_PRODUCT_MANAGER_JOB

Sets up organizations and items so you can add items to your sales orders.

Summary of the Set Up

  1. Create users and assign job roles.

  2. Create a job role.

  3. Manage data access for users.

This topic uses example values. You might need different values, depending on your business requirements.

Create Users and Assign Job Roles

Create two users and assign job roles. One user can use administrative privileges. The other user can use only view privileges.

  1. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to manage job roles.

    If you don't sign in with these privileges, then various actions will be grayed out when you do the Create Implementation Users task, such as copying a job role, and you won't be able to add privileges to a job role.

  2. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task:

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Initial Users

    • Task: Create Implementation Users

  3. On the User Accounts page, click Add User Account, enter values, then click Add Role.



    First Name


    Last Name



  4. In the Add Role Membership dialog, enter Order Manager, then click Search.

  5. In the search results, click the row that contains the values.




    Order Manager



  6. In the Confirmation dialog, click Add Role Membership > OK, then click Done

  7. On the Add User Account page, add the user's passwords, then click Save and Close.

    Each user can use these passwords the first time the user signs in. Instruct your users to change passwords immediately after sign in.

Create another user and assign a job role so the user can only view sales orders, but not create, update, or delete them.

  1. Identify the role that provides only view access to sales orders.

    • Go to Security Reference for Order Management.

    • Examine the roles, duties, privileges, and policies until you locate one that meets your needs. For this example, the Order Entry Specialist is the most likely role.

    • In the Order Entry Specialist section, scroll through the Privileges area until you locate the Item Inquiry granted role.

      Granted Role



      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      Manage Item Attachment

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      Manage Item Catalog

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      Manage Item Global Search

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      View Item

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      View Item Organization Association

      Item Inquiry

      Queries and views items in the enterprise.

      View Item Relationship

    • For this example, you must provide only read access, so you will use the View Item privilege.

  2. On the User Accounts page, click Add User Account, set the values, then click Add Role.



    First Name


    Last Name



  3. In the Add Role Membership dialog, enter the role you located earlier in this procedure, Order Entry Specialist, then click Search.

  4. In the search results, click the row that contains the values.




    Order Entry Specialist



  5. In the Confirmation dialog, click Add Role Membership > OK, then click Done.

  6. On the Add User Account page, add passwords for this user, then click Save and Close.

Create Job Role

As an option, you can create a job role to meet your business requirements. In this example, you create a job role that allows Yu to view sales orders but not edit them.

  1. On the User Accounts page, click Roles.

  2. On the Roles page, in the Search window, enter Order Entry, then click Search.

  3. In the search results, in the row that contains these values, click Actions > Copy Role.




    Order Entry Specialist




    Reduce your work load. Modify the copy of a predefined role rather than create a new one.

  4. In the Copy Options dialog, select Copy Top Role, then click Copy Role.

  5. On the Basic Information page, enter values, then click Next.



    Role Name

    Order Entry Specialist View Only

    Role Code



    Search for and view sales orders, including sales order header, order lines, price details, and price totals. Don't allow user to create, update, or delete any part of the sales order.

  6. On the Function Security Policies page, delete all rows except rows that contain these privileges.

    • Monitor Sales Order

    • View Customer Account

    • View Customer Account Contact

    • View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

    • View Customer Account Information

    • View Customer Account Site

    • View Customer Account Site Use

    • View Fulfillment Line Freight Charges and Cost

    • View Fulfillment Line Shipping and Tracking Details

    • View Item

    • View Item Organization Association

    • View Item Relationship

    • View Orchestration Infrastructure Messages

    • View Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

    • View Orchestration Order Hold

    • View Orchestration Order Line Hold

    • View Orchestration Process Details

    • View Orchestration Process Hold

    • View Order Orchestration Request Messages

    • View Orders

    • View Planning Supply Availability

    • View Supply Availability Report

    • View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

    • View Supply Orders

    For example:

    the Function Security Policies page.


    • If you must add a privilege, then click Add Function Security Policy.

    • If you must add all privileges, for example you select to not copy a predefined role, then, in the Add Function Security Policy dialog, enter the first characters that are similar across a group of privileges, such as View Customer, click Search, then add each privilege from the search results.

  7. On the Data Security Policies page, delete each row that includes these values.



    Policy Name

    • Grant on Collaboration Document Header

    • Grant on Business Unit

    To delete a row, click the down arrow in the row, then click Remove Data Security Policy.

  8. Verify that the Data Security Policies page displays these policies.

    Policy Name

    Policy Description


    Grant on Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

    Order entry specialist can view customer account site use.

    Read, View Customer Account Site Use

    Grant on Trading Community Relationship

    Order entry specialist can view trading community relationship.

    Read, View Trading Community Relationship

    Grant on Trading Community Organization Party

    Order entry specialist can view trading community organization.

    Read, View Trading Community Organization

    Grant on Application Reference Data Set

    Order entry specialist can view customer account site use.

    View Customer Account Site Use

    Grant on Application Reference Data Set

    Order entry specialist can view customer account site.

    View Customer Account Site,

    Grant on Trading Community Party

    Order entry specialist can view trading community person.

    Read, View Trading Community Person

    Grant on Trading Community Customer Account

    Order entry specialist can view customer account.

    Read, View Customer Account

    Grant on Application Reference Data Set

    Order entry specialist can view customer account relationship.

    View Customer Account Relationship

    Grant on Trading Community Customer Account Site

    Order entry specialist can view customer account site.

    Read, View Customer Account Site

    Specify the Create, Read, Update, and Delete Actions

    Specify the actions that each policy allows. For example:

    • In the Policy Name column, in the row that contains this value, click Actions > Edit Data Security Policy.



      Policy Name

      Grant on Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

    • In the Edit Data Security Policy dialog, next to Actions, click the down arrow, then add or remove the check mark next to each of the actions you will allow or disallow the user to do.

      For example, View Customer Account Site, Manage Customer Account Site, Read, Delete, Update, and so on. For this example, you're setting up a read-only view, so make sure only the view actions and read actions contain a check mark.

    Specify Access According to a Group of Business Units

    A business unit set as a group of business units that you can use for a specific setup. For example, assume you add business unit 1 and business unit 2 to business unit set x, and then attach Payment Term NET30 to set x. You can then use this payment term for business unit 1 and business unit 2.

    The Set Id identifies the business unit set. For details, go to Implementing Sales, then search for Overview of Multiple Business Units in Sales.

    You can specify the actions that each policy allows according to Set Id. For example:

    • In the Policy Name column, in the row that contains this value, click Actions > Edit Data Security Policy.



      Policy Name

      Grant on Application Reference Data Set

    • In the Edit Data Security Policy dialog, next to Actions, click the down arrow, then notice you can specify a wide range of views and manage actions that the user can perform.

    Specify Access According to Business Unit

    You can specify the actions that each policy allows according to business unit. For example:

    • Click Create Data Security Policy.

    • In the Create Data Security Policy dialog, click Search.

    • In the Search Database Resources dialog, enter Business Unit, click Search, wait for the results to display, then click OK.

    • Set the values.



      Policy Name

      Grant on Business Unit

      Data Set

      Select by Instance Set

      You can also use Select by Key to specify the business unit according to BU_ID.

      Condition Name

      Specify how to filter according to business unit. For most situation, select Access the Business Unit for Which the User is Explicitly Authorized.


      Select the actions that you must allow the user to do for the business unit.

  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Role Hierarchy page, delete all role hierarchies except for these:

    Role Name

    Role Code

    Item Inquiry


    Item Inquiry


    Item Inquiry


    Item Inquiry


    Manage Item Catalog


    Print Order


    Use the Role Hierarchy page to specify other job roles that the job role you're creating can access. A role hierarchy is a hierarchy that specifies other job roles that a job role references.

    For example, here's the predefined role hierarchy that the Order Entry Specialist job role uses.

    Order Entry Specialist
              B2B Messaging Administration
                        Collaboration Messaging Manager
                        Collaboration Messaging Setup
                        SOA Infra Designer
              FSCM Load Interface Administration
              Item Inquiry
              Upload data for Source Sales Order Import

    For details about the role hierarchy that each predefined job role uses, see the Security Reference for Order Management book.

  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Users page, click Add User.

  13. In the Add User dialog, search for Yu Li, wait for the results to display, click Add User to Role > OK in the confirmation dialog, then click Cancel.

  14. Click Next > Save and Close.

Manage Data Access for Users

Manage data access for Yu.

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task:

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Initial Users

    • Task: Manage Data Access for Users

    For details, see Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM.

  2. On the Manage Data Access for Users page, enter a value, then click Search.



    User Name

    You must search according to dot notation, which is firstName.lastName.

    The search results display the data access you set up for Yu, including for the Order Entry Specialist role where you added Yu as a user on the User Accounts page, and the other job roles you specified when you created the Order Entry Specialist View Only job role, and then assigned to Yu.

  3. Click Authorize Data Access.

  4. In the Opening SecurityDataAccessTemplate.xls dialog that displays, accept the Open With option, then click OK.

    Microsoft Excel opens.

  5. Edit in Microsoft Excel.

    • In Microsoft Excel, in the Connect dialog, click Yes.

    • On the Login page, sign in with the privileges that you need to manage IT security.

    • In the Authorize Data Access for Users template that displays, verify that the template includes the security contexts that Yu needs for view access.

      Security Context

      User Name


      Business unit

      Order Entry Specialist

      Data access set

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Asset book

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Business unit

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Control budget

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Cost organization

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Intercompany organization

      Order Entry Specialist View Only


      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Manufacturing plant

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Inventory organization

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Project organization classification

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

      Reference data set

      Order Entry Specialist View Only

    • In the Security Context Value column, in the first row that contains data, right-click the cell, then click Invoke Action.


      Use this action instead of manually entering text. This action searches the Oracle database for the data access sets you can use. If you manually enter text, and if your text doesn't exactly match text that the database contains, then the upload will fail.

    • In the Select Security Context Value dialog, set the value, then click Search.



      Business Unit

      Vision Operations

    • In the search results, click the row that includes Vision Operations, then click OK.

      Notice that Excel adds Vision Operations to the cell you selected in the Security Context Value column.

    • Repeat the above steps for each of the other rows that contain data.

      For example, for the row that contains Asset Book, set value Security Context to an asset book.

    • In the command ribbon that displays across the top of Excel, click Authorize Data Access for Users > Upload.

    • Wait for the upload to finish, then verify that the Status column displays Successfully Uploaded for each row.

    • Click Status Viewer, then verify that the Status View displays No Error.

    • Sign out.

  6. Go back to Oracle Applications.

  7. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  8. On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process, then run the scheduled process.

    Scheduled Process Name


    Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes

    Synchronizes users, roles, and role grants with the definitions that exist in LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) that Order Management uses to determine who can access the Order Management work area.

Examine Role Usage in Your Implementation Project

Your implementation project specifies the roles that can do for each task in the project. You will examine how a predefined implementation project allows the Order Administrator role to manage source systems where you typically use web services to communicate data.

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. On the Setup page, click Tasks, then click Manage Implementation Projects.

  3. On the Manage Implementation Projects page, click Actions > Create.

  4. On the Create Implementation Project page, click Next.

  5. In the Order Management row, add a check mark in the Include column, then click Save and Open Project.

  6. In the Task list, expand Order Management > Define Orders, then, in the Manage Upstream and Fulfillment Source Systems row, in the Authorized Roles column, click Details.

  7. Notice that the Authorized Roles dialog includes the Order Administrator role.