Actions for Reviewers and Approvers

Users added as approvers for a change status can perform several actions, while users added as reviewers are simply informed about the change through FYI notifications.

As a reviewer, you can review notifications from:

  • Bell icon

  • BPM Worklist

  • Email

As an approver, you can perform the following actions:

  • Approve

  • Reject: You can reject the task to prevent further approval.

  • Request More Information: If the task assignee wants more clarification from the requester, the task can again be sent to the requester. Users can also specify who requested the information. The task isn't rejected and once the required information is provided, the approval flow begins again.

  • Reassign: You can assign the task to another user for approval. The new user's hierarchy is used for approval. For example, if a user thinks that the task is relevant to another department, he can reassign it.

  • Delegate: You can delegate the task to another user. After approval by the delegate, the initial user's hierarchy is used for approval. The delegate can still act on the task after task expiry.

  • Withdraw: If you're the task initiator, you can withdraw the task after the approval has been initiated.

  • Escalate: You can escalate the task from the current assignee to the supervisor.

  • Claim: A task that's assigned to a role or multiple users must first be claimed. Claim is available for group or multi-user assignments. After you claim the task, all applicable actions are listed. Claim is available only if auto claim is disabled and the response required from is set to One.

  • Dismiss: Used for a task that requires the person (acting on the task) to acknowledge the receipt. This is similar to an FYI notification, which doesn't involve any action.

  • Resume: A task that was halted by a Suspend action can be worked on again.

  • Release Claim: Release a claimed task so that it can be claimed by other assignees.

  • Suspend: The expiration date remains suspended until the task is resumed. After suspension, options to update a task are disabled.

    • The Suspend and Resume tasks are only available for users with the BPMWorkflowSuspend privilege.

    • Dismiss is the only action supported for FYI notifications.