Item Attribute Groups and Attributes
Attribute groups are a logical group of attributes that are displayed in their own subregion of the user interface page at runtime.
Attribute groups can be either single-row or multiple-row. The selected behavior determines how the attributes appear in the user interface, as well as how they are used. Each attribute group is associated with one or more item classes.
Single-row attribute group: Contains a collection of attributes that appear as separate fields in a region named for the attribute group. For example, a single-row attribute group named Processor contains the attributes appropriate for a processor. When these attribute groups are displayed in the user interface, the attribute fields for each group are arranged compactly within a region titled with the name of the attribute group. Attributes can be multiple data types.
Multiple-row attribute group: Attributes appear as columns in a table that represents the attribute group. Each row in the table is considered an attributes group. The attributes is collection of values specified by the columns in the table. The table appears in the user interface within a region titled with the attribute group name, such as MSRP Price. No other fields appear in the table. For example, a multiple-row attribute group named MSRP Price contains the attributes Country, MSRP, and Currency. Each row of the table describes an MSRP price, and is a value of the MSRP Price attribute group.
When you configure an attribute group, you can assign privileges. Using these privileges you control the user's ability to view or edit attributes in the following: view or edit Item tasks, change order impact analysis, and item structure report. To do this, select the view and edit privileges for the attribute group in Context Usage.
Within the attribute group, create an attribute and a value set. For example, create an attribute group named Cost and Compliance and within that add attribute named Material Cost. Using value sets, define the set of currencies applicable to item cost. After you create attribute groups and attributes, complete these tasks:
Associate the attribute to the item class by using the Manage Item Class task
Deploy the attribute by using the Deploy Item Flexfields task