
You can create a team to manage access to certain objects. This involves adding members based on the membership conditions defined for your filtered list or adding individual members directly.

Additionally, you’ll add permission sets that identify the object for which permission is given, the conditions that must be met, and the type of access to be granted.

Prerequisite for creating teams:

  • Create access conditions
  • Create permission sets

Create a Team

Here’s how you create and configure a new team:

  1. On the Tasks panel tab, click Configure Teams.
  2. Select Teams from the Product Management Search drop-down list.
  3. In the Search Teams page, click Create.
  4. In the New Team page, provide these details:
    1. Name: Unique name for the team.
    2. Description: A short description of the team.
    3. Status: Set the status of the team to Active.
  5. In the Membership tab:
    1. Add members based on the membership conditions defined for your filtered list.
    2. Optionally, add individual members directly.
  6. In the Permission Sets tab, add the permissions you created in the Permission Set page.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Team Status

You can set the team status as Active or Inactive.

An active status indicates a fully operational team that honors the membership conditions and permissions assigned to the team.

An inactive status indicates a team that isn't currently operational, so the membership conditions and permission sets aren’t honored. For example, consider a team configured to provide component engineers based out of New York City or Houston permission to view all manufacturers and restrict manage permission to some US manufacturers. If the team is set as inactive, then the conditions for the view and manage permissions aren’t honored.

Guidelines for Managing Teams

  • All the permissions granted to the team are granted to all the members of the team. If you add a user to multiple teams, that user can access all the objects that each of those teams has access to.
  • If a new user is created and meets the membership condition defined for a team, then that member automatically gets assigned the team’s privileges for data access. Similarly, if a user leaves the organization, then that user won’t meet the membership condition, and will no longer have access. If a user moves from one division to another, then the team access will be computed automatically based on the conditions defined for membership rules.
  • A member or membership condition can be included in multiple teams. A permission set can also be assigned to multiple teams.
  • The team is inactive by default. After permissions are applied, members can access the data only if the team status is set to active.

Update Access Controls

You can run the following scheduled processes to update the access control lists:

  • Refresh the Access Control List for Teams:
    • Run this when you want to reset the access control list for teams completely.
  • Update the Members List Based on Membership Criteria: Run this the first time you associate membership conditions to the team. You can specify the frequency at which the member list should be refreshed, based on how often member data is likely to change. You can run this job when members are moving divisions, joining the organization or leaving the organization and you want to refresh the data before the scheduled refresh
    • For this job to work you must enable Atom Feeds.