How the Print Cancel Transfer Order Report Is Processed

The Print Cancel Transfer Order Report process enables you to perform a mass cancellation of the remaining quantities on transfer orders based on selection criteria entered when initiating the process.

The process provides many options such as canceling based on the percentage filled on transfer orders that are partially shipped, days of inactivity, or days past due based on the scheduled ship date. You also have the option to cancel backordered transfer orders only.

The Print Cancel Transfer Order Report process prints a report showing the order being canceled. When you run the process, you have the option to just print the report, or to perform the cancel and print the report. Printing the report only, provides a chance for some fine tuning prior to actually initiating any activity canceling transfer orders.

Settings That Affect the Print Cancel Transfer Order Report Process

Important parameters that affect the Print Transfer Order Report process include:

  • Percentage filled

  • Date type

  • Date offset

  • Backordered transfer orders only

  • Cancel transfer orders

  • Include in-process orders

  • Number of days without activity

In addition to these parameters, you can choose values for many other attributes such as the source and destination organization, item number, and transfer order origin.

Attributes tied to self-service requisitions are also available providing support in budgetary control environments to clean up orders that need to be canceled during period end preparations. This includes attributes such as requisition numbers, budget dates, and charge accounts.

Percentage Filled

Use this value to optionally determine whether or not transfer orders meeting the selection criteria should be canceled. This option enables you to cancel based on the percentage filled on the transfer orders that are partially shipped. For example, if 95% of an order is shipped, then you can cancel the remaining quantity on the transfer order.

The percentage fill is the rate determined by dividing the Shipped Quantity by the Requested Quantity. If the calculated percentage filled is greater than or equal to the entered value, then the process selects the orders for cancellation. This default value is zero.

Date Type

Specify a date type value of None, Scheduled Ship Date, or Requested Delivery Date. The default value is None.

Date Offset

This option lets you cancel transfer orders for a specified number of days after either the scheduled ship date or the requested delivery date. This value defaults to zero.

Backordered Transfer Orders Only

Set this value to indicate whether or not you want to include only transfer orders that have a backordered line. If this option is selected, then in addition to meeting all the other selection criteria, the transfer order line also needs to have quantities in a backordered status.


There may be some quantities in a backorder status and other quantities that aren't. If any backorder was created for the transfer order line, then the transfer order line is eligible to be canceled.

Cancel Transfer Orders

If you select the Cancel Transfer Orders option, any orders meeting selection criteria that aren't an exception, are canceled.

The process cancels the remaining quantity on transfer order lines. This reduces the quantity on the transfer order line down to the previously shipped quantity. This process also then cancels delivery lines in shipping associated with that transfer order line. All processing that occurs when a quantity on a transfer order line is reduced or canceled from the Manage Transfer Orders page is performed when canceling or reducing the quantity using the Cancel Transfer Order Report process. This includes updating budget dollars, as well as closing completely shipped or canceled orders.

You can cancel transfer order lines in these situations:

  • Transfer order lines meeting selection criteria with no current fulfillment activity.

    This enables you to cancel all lines with no activity.

  • Transfer order lines meeting selection criteria including those with released lines.

    This includes transfer orders with lines in a Released to Warehouse or Staged status.

  • Transfer order lines with backordered quantities only.

    This enables you to cancel transfer orders that have gone through pick release processing and have had a backorder created for them.

When canceling quantities from the Print Cancel Transfer Order Report process, the cancel action:

  • Cancels the line if there has been no shipping activity.

  • Automatically reduces the quantity to the shipped quantity if there has been shipping activity.

If you don't select the Cancel Transfer Orders option, the process prints the report only without canceling any transfer orders.

Include In-Process Orders

Specify whether or not you want to cancel orders that have lines in the Released to Warehouse or Staged status. If this option is set to No,, then transfer order lines with a line in either of these two statuses cannot be canceled.

The process still extracts and reports on these lines, but if you selected the Cancel Transfer Orders option, then these lines receive a warning message on the report letting you know that the transfer order line couldn't be canceled because it's in the process of being picked and shipped.

Number of Days Without Activity

Enter a value for the Number of Days Without Activity field to cancel transfer orders that meet this requirement. For example, if you enter a value of 10 in this field, the process cancels transfer orders that have had no activity for 10 or more days.

Cancel Results

The Print Cancel Transfer Order report displays the results of the cancel process. This table explains the three possible values for the Cancel Results column.




The cancel processing was successful.


You may receive an error message in cases where the cancel processing is rejected by shipping.

For example, this can happen when a line is shipped, but the shipped quantity hasn't yet been interfaced. The transfer order line level won't be correct until the transaction is posted. In this situation, the line appears on the report along with an error message from shipping explaining the issue.


The transfer order is being processed through Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management and the cancel request has been submitted to Order Management.

To later verify that the transfer order line has been canceled, you can view it from the Manage Transfer Orders page.