Pending Transactions

A pending transaction is either a transaction that's waiting to be executed, or a transaction that has been executed, but has resulted in an error.

For miscellaneous receipts, miscellaneous issues, subinventory transfers, interorganization transfers, and user-defined transactions that are waiting to be executed or have errors, do the following:

  1. Click Manage Pending Transactions from the Inventory task list in the Inventory Management work area.

  2. Edit the errors.

  3. Click Add All to Process Schedule. You can optionally select rows in the table and click Add Selected to Process Schedule to process only your selected rows.


    You can process a maximum of 500 rows at a time.

For pending cycle count adjustment transactions do the following:

  1. Open the scheduled process interface.

  2. Search for and run Import Count Sequences.

For cycle count adjustment errors, do the following:

  1. Download the Review Count Interface Records spreadsheet from the Counts task list in the Inventory Management work area.

  2. Edit the errors.

  3. Upload the data.

To do this task you need a Microsoft Excel add-in. From the Navigator, click Tools > Download Desktop Integration to install the add-in.