Importing Item Data Using Import Maps

Retailers can upload data using spreadsheets and suppliers can send product and catalog data as comma-separated values (CSV) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) files.

Suppliers can use standard industry formats, such as BMECat or eClass, or others. Users must onboard or upload the data provided by suppliers into Oracle Product Hub.

The following is an overview of the functions that you can perform when importing items using import maps.

  • Bring in data in XML format directly through an import batch without having to reformat it.

    • Upload item data in XML format directly to an import batch. The data is processed and placed in interface tables for import into Oracle Product Hub.

    • When uploading the XML file, map the elements of the XML file to the Product Hub data columns to facilitate moving the data into interface tables.

    • Preview the data from the XML file after mapping the XML elements to the Product Hub data columns.

    • Save the mapped data columns to be reused later for another data upload.

    • Optionally, link saved maps to suppliers so only relevant maps are used by suppliers.

    • The data map can be inherited from parent's item class.

    • Import maps can be used to upload data to an item batch of any source system.

    • If data errors are encountered during the XML file upload, then no data gets uploaded. The data errors are identified along with the type of errors and presented to user in a report.

    • XML file upload also preprocess all the data records so that users can navigate to the batch details and look at the data in the interface tables.

  • Bring in data in the Nested XML file format directly through an import batch without having to reformat it.

    • Upload item data in Nested XML format directly to an import batch. The data is processed and placed in interface tables for import into Oracle Product Hub.

    • Nested XML files support mapping of recursive and repeating XML nodes and attributes. When uploading the Nested XML file to import packaging and structure data:

      • Map the parent node containing item information to the Item node in the Master Data region of the Import Map.

      • Map the recursive parent node with packaging and structure child item information to the Pack or Structure node in the Master Data region.

      • For example, for GDSN, Data Stewards map the catalogueItem XML node to the Item node in the Master Data region and the catalogueItemChildItemLink XML node to the Pack node in the Master Data region

    • The repeating nodes of a Nested XML data file display in the Source Data region of an import map. When a repeating node is mapped, the other corresponding repeating nodes can't be mapped.

    • Recursive nested XML refers to nested XML in which the structure or packaging hierarchy is built top-down, rather than the entire hierarchy at the same level. For example, this hierarchy:

      Parent Item
          Child Item 1
              Child Item 1A

      is represented by this nested XML:

      <Item>Parent Item
          <Item>Child Item 1
              <Item>Child Item 1A</Item>
    • An XML attribute refers to an attribute on an XML element. For example, languageCode is an XML attribute in <descriptionShort languageCode="en">Short Description</descriptionShort>.

      <descriptionShort languageCode="en">Short Description</descriptionShort>
    • You can map XML attributes this way:

      • An XML attribute is displayed under its XML element in the Source Data region of the import map. Map the XML attribute in the Source Data region to the item attribute in the Master Data region of an import map.

      • Map an XML node in the Source Data region to an item attribute in the Master Data region, based on the value of the XML attribute. To do so, you can use the decode() function to create an expression. For example, consider an XML node that contains descriptions in various languages, such as <descriptionShort languageCode="en">Short Description</descriptionShort>. Based on the language specified in the XML attribute, you can map the XML node using the following decode() function: Item.Main.DESCRIPTION.US=decode([languageCode],'en',[descriptionShort],''), where languageCode is the XML attribute and descriptionShort is the XML node.

  • Bring in product data in the CSV file format directly through an import batch without having to reformat it.

    • Upload item data in CSV format directly to an import batch. The data is processed and placed in interface tables before being imported into Oracle Product Hub.

    • When uploading the CSV file, map the metadata (columns) of the CSV file to the Product Hub data columns to facilitate pushing the data into interface tables.

    • Preview the data from the CSV file after mapping the CSV columns to the Product Hub data columns.

    • Save the mapped data columns to be reused later for another data upload.

    • Optionally, link saved maps to suppliers so only relevant maps are used by suppliers.

    • Import maps can be used to upload data to an item batch of any source system.

    • If data errors are encountered during the CSV file upload, then no data gets uploaded. The data errors are identified along with the type of errors and presented to user along with sample data rows. Using this, rectify the data errors and upload the CSV again.

    • CSV file upload also preprocess all the data records so that users can navigate to the batch details and look at the data in the interface tables.


    When entering item data in the data file, we strongly recommend that you group all data of an item together.

  • Manage item batches.

    • Create an import map while uploading source file data to item batch from Manage Item Batches page.

    • Additionally, create an import map from the Manage Import Maps page

    • Edit and delete import maps from the Manage Import Maps page.

  • Map source data for items, packs, and structures.

    • Upload a CSV, XML, or Nested XML file using the controls in the Source File region.

    • Map the CSV columns or XML elements to entities in the Master Data table.

      • Map data sources by dragging them from the Source Data table and dropping them on the corresponding entities in the Master Data table.

      • Map data sources by selecting Map Source Columns from the Actions menu of the Source Data table and then selecting the corresponding entities in the Master Data table in the Select Master Column dialog.

    • Expand the Pack and Structure nodes in the Master Data table to expose the attributes of packs and structures. By mapping to these attributes you can import pack and structure hierarchies.

    • Map source data to item attributes in the Master Data table so that items are imported along with packs or structures.

    • Import maps support the mapping and import of all attributes available for items, item relationships, attachments, descriptive flexfields, and trading partner items.

    • Source data columns that contain values in multiple languages can be mapped to attributes that support multiple languages. The language of a source column is identified by the value of the language code column in that row.

  • Transform source data using complex expressions before importing the data through an import batch.

    • Write basic transformation expressions using functions that operate on the source data, such as the string functions split() and concat().

      • The split() function:

        • Takes the source data value to be split

        • Takes the delimiter that indicates the points in the value at which to split the value into parts

        • Takes the part number to return

        • Returns the part of the split input value corresponding to the specified part number


        If the value of Attribute1 is

        AS-100#Acme Solution 100#Description




        Acme Solution 100
      • The concat() function takes multiple source data values as input and concatenates them into a single value.

    • The transformation functions are independent of the file type used for uploading the data.

    • To use a transformation expression, the general procedure is:

      1. Select a row in the Source Data table. Select Actions > Create Expressions. Select the Master Data Column into which the evaluated value of the expression is uploaded.

      2. Select the function to use. Build the expression by inserting Source Data columns and other parameters to the selected function.

      3. Optionally, validate the expression.

  • Associate multiple suppliers with the import map.

    • Select the External check box to enable all suppliers to access the import map as a template in Oracle Product Hub Portal.

    • If you enable external suppliers, you can then specify which ones can access the import map. Click the Manage Suppliers button and use the Manage Suppliers dialog to add only the wanted suppliers.

  • Import items to multiple organizations.

    • Map a source data column that identifies the organization for an item to the Master Data attribute Item.Main.Organization.

    • During import, source items are assigned to the organization identified in the source data.

  • Set change order line effective dates.

    • For the source data attribute that provides the effective date for change order lines, map its source data column to the Master Data attribute Item.Main.Change Order Line Effective Date.

    • In the Change Orders region of the Edit Item Batch Options dialog box for the item batch that uses the import map, set the value of Effective Date to User-entered.

    • During data upload, the value provided for the effective date attribute in the source data file is inserted in the VERSION_START_DATE column in the interface table.On importing item changes, the mapped date value is set as the Effective Date for the change order line.

  • Import item category assignments:
    • Map data source columns for the item categories to the Catalog.Item Categories set of the master data attributes.
    • Set the start and end dates of the item category assignments using the Start Date and End Date attributes available under the Item Categories node of the import map.

      You can delete the end dates of the existing item category assignments through import by entering #NULL in the smart spreadsheet column that’s mapped to the End Date attribute under Item Categories node of the import map.

    • Re-assign existing item category assignments to new ones using the Old Category Code and Old Category attributes available under the Item Categories node of the import map. Make sure the Transaction Type is passed as UPDATE in the data file.
      Note: You can’t save an import map if the External check box in the import map is selected and any of the Old Category Code or Old Category attributes are mapped.
  • Import structures with components, reference designators, and substitutes.

    • Map data source columns for the structure to the Structure.Item Structure set of master data attributes.

    • Map data source columns for the structure component to the Structure.Component set of master data attributes.

    • Optionally, import common structures.


      Only the first level of common structure can be created through import.

      • Map the data source column containing the item number of the source item from which the common structure is to be created to the master data attribute Structure.Item Structure.Common Structure Item.

      • Map the data source column containing the organization of the source item from which the common structure is to be created to the master data attribute Item.Main.Common Organization.

        Note that the attribute Common Organization was previously named Pack Common Organization.

    • Optionally, import reference designators and substitute components with start dates.

      • To import a reference designator for the structure, map a source column to the master data attribute Structure.Reference Designator.Reference Designator.

      • To import substitutes for the structure, map a source column to the master data attribute Structure.Substitute.Substitute Item or Structure.Substitute.Substitute Source System Reference.

      • If you import start dates for a structure component (by mapping to the master data attribute Structure.Component.Start Date ), and are also importing reference designators and substitute components, you must enter the date value in every row of the data file that contains details for the reference designator or substitute.

      • You don't directly specify the effectivity start dates for reference designators and substitutes. The import process applies the effectivity start date for a component to its reference designators and substitutes.

      • If you're importing multiple reference designators or substitutes for a component, then you must enter the component's effectivity start date in every row of the source data file that specifies a reference designator or substitute.

        In this rough example of source data, the date 1-Oct-2020 must be entered for every row that specifies a reference designator or substitute.


        Component Start Date

        Reference Designator














      • If you're importing the same component with different effectivity dates, then the import process applies the effectivity start date for the component to the corresponding reference designator or substitute specified in that dated component's row of the source data file.

        In this rough example of source data, the reference designator RefDes001 will be imported with a start date of 1-Oct-2020, and the substitute Sub002 will be imported with a start date of 1-Nov-2020.


        Component Start Date

        Component End Date

        Reference Designator


















  • Replace components on the following:
    • Item structures of commercial items
    • Preliminary item structures of engineering items
    • Affected item structures on a change order

    The image shows how you map the data source column containing the component number of the replacement component to the master data attribute.

    The image shows how you map the data source column containing the component number of the replacement component to the master data attribute

    The image shows item import template for the replace action.

    The image shows the input provided for the replace action. Keyboard V01 is replaced by Keyboard V02
  • Share import maps between applications instances.

    • Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to export setup data associated with import maps, and import that data to another instance of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. After importing this data into a target instance, you will be able to view and edit the mappings there. You can export and import by specifying either:

      • The entire Product Management offering

      • The Items functional area

      • The Manage Import Maps task (which exports only the import maps)

      • The Manage Import Maps task as part of an implementation project.

    • Import map task data is exported and imported as CSV files or configuration packages.

    • You can compare the setup data for import maps, as you can with other setup data, by using the Compare Setup Data action.

    • Only the mappings in an import map are exported, not the CSV or XML data files associated with the import map, or any Smart Spreadsheets attached to the import map.

    • After you have imported the import maps into the target instance, run the Regenerate Import Map Templates scheduled process to regenerate the Smart Spreadsheets for the imported import maps.