Item Healthcare Specifications

The following are the Item Healthcare specification attributes. You can set these attributes when you define or update items.

Item Healthcare Specification Attributes

Attribute Group Attribute Name Description
Device Status Combination Product Indicates that the product contains two or more regulated products that are physically, chemically, or otherwise combined or mixed and produced as a single entity; packaged together as a single package; or packaged separately for the intended use together as defined under 21 CFR 3.2(e). At least one of the products in the combination product must be a device.
HCT/P Product Indicates that the product consists of human cells or tissues intended for implantation, transplantation, infusion, or transfer into a human recipient as defined under 21 CFR 1271.3.
Kit Indicates that the device is a convenience, combination, in vitro diagnostic (IVD), or medical procedure kit. Kits are a collection of products that are packaged together to achieve a common intended use.
GUDID Miscellaneous Attributes Contains Natural Rubber Latex Indicates that the device or packaging contains natural rubber that contacts humans as described under 21 CFR 801.437. Selecting Yes indicates that the device label or packaging contains one of the following statements:
  • Caution: This Product Contains Natural Rubber Latex Which May Cause Allergic Reactions.
  • This Product Contains Dry Natural Rubber
  • Caution: The Packaging of This Product Contains Natural Rubber Latex Which May Cause Allergic Reactions.
  • The Packaging of This Product Contains Dry Natural Rubber.
Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex

Indicates that natural rubber latex wasn’t used as materials in the manufacture of the medical product and container and the device labeling contains this information. Only applicable to devices not subject to the requirements under 21 CFR 801.437.

Prescription Use Indicates that the device requires a prescription to use.
Over-the-Counter Indicates that the device doesn’t require a prescription to use and can be purchased over the counter (OTC).
What MRI Safety Information Does Labeling Contain? Indicates the MRI Safety Information, if any, that’s present in the device labeling. See the ASTM F2503-13 standard for more information.
Requires Sterilization? Indicates that the device requires sterilization prior to use.
Public Device Record Key A unique key generated by the system to identify a device record, even if the primary DI changes.
Public Version Number A number generated by the system to track the public release updates to a device record.
Public Version Date Public release date of the device record.
Public Version Status The status of a device record associated with a record version change.
GUDID Package Device Identifiers Package DI Number

A device identifier for the package configuration that contains multiple units of the base package (doesn’t include shipping containers).

Package Discontinue Date

Indicates the date a particular package configuration is discontinued by the labeler.

Package Status

Indicates whether the package configuration is available or discontinued:

  • Package Discontinue Date > today or null, Package Status = In Commercial Distribution
  • Package Discontinue Date =< today, Package Status = Not In Commercial Distribution
Package Type Type of packaging of the product (box, carton, and so on)
Quantity Per Package

Number of packages contained within the particular package configuration with a unique DI.

Healthcare Pricing Attributes Chargeable Indicates whether a patient can be charged for the inventory item.
Charge Code Charge code of the item.
Charge Per Unit Full price of the part including markups.
Base Price: Base price for the part excluding markups.
Markup Distributor markup for the item.
Revenue Code: Revenue code of the item.
Healthcare GUDID Primary UDI Enabled Indicates if the item is UDI enabled.
Issuing Agency Organization accredited by FDA to operate a system for the issuance of UDIs.
Primary DI Number Main identifier for a medical device and uniquely identifies a device through its distribution and use. The primary DI number will be located on the base package, which is the lowest package level of a medical device containing a full UDI. For medical devices without packaging, the primary DI number and full UDI may be on the device itself.
Device Count Number of medical devices in the base package. For example:

Base Package =Box of 100 gloves; Primary DI = 101; Device Count =100

Unit of Use DI Number Identifier used by the hospital staff and materials management to account for a single device when the UDI is labeled on a higher level of packaging. The Unit of Use DI doesn’t appear on the label.
Labeler D-U-N-S Number Identifies the labeler for a version or model of a device. Business number issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) that’s used to associate the labeler (company) name and address to a given version of model of a device in GUDID.
Company Name Company’s name associated with the labeler DUNS number entered in the DI record.
Company Address: Company’s physical address associated with the labeler DUNS number entered in the DI record.
Brand Name The Proprietary/Trade/Brand name of the medical device as used in device labeling or in the catalog. This is recognizable by the consumer. This name is typically registered with USPTO and have the ® and/or TM symbol. This information may:
  • Be on a label attached to a durable device
  • Be on a package of a disposable device
  • Appear in labeling materials of an implantable device
Device Version The version or model found on the device label or accompanying packaging used to identify a category or design of a device.
Catalog Number The catalog, reference, or product number found on the device label or accompanying packaging to identify a particular product.
Device Description Additional relevant information about the device that’s not already captured as a distinct GUDID data attribute.
Device Exempt From Premarket Submission Device is exempt from FDA Premarket regulations; or a preamendment device.
FDA Listing Number Number assigned by FDA during registration and listing to all devices in commercial distribution, regardless of pre-market authorization requirements per 21 CFR 807.28(f).
For Single-use Indicates that the device is intended for one use or on a single patient during a single procedure.
Healthcare Standardized Codes UNSPSC The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®) is a global classification system of products and services. These codes are used to classify products and services.
UNSPSC Segment UNSPSC segment of the item.
UNSPSC Family UNSPSC family of the item.
UNSPSC Class: UNSPSC class of the item.
UNSPSC Commodity: UNSPSC commodity of the item.
HCPCS The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code of the item. It’s a collection of standard codes for medical procedures, supplies, products, and services. The codes help to process health insurance claims by insurers.
HCPCS Description: HCPCS description of the item.
HCPCS Status: HCPCS status of the item.
Healthcare Additional Attributes Implantable Indicates whether the part can be implanted.
Color Color of the item.
Latex Product Indicates if the item contains latex.
Sterility Sterility of the item.
Breakable Pack? Indicates if the item can only be used in a pack and not individually.
Clinical Indicates whether the item is clinical.
GUDID Sterilization Method Sterilization Methods Indicates the method(s) of sterilization that can be used for this device.