Item Service Groups Specifications

These are the Item Service Groups specification attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when you define or update items.

Item Service Groups Specification Attributes

Attribute Name Description
Billing Type Indicates user definable and must be tagged with one of these Billing Category Codes:
  • Material (M)
  • Labor (L)
  • Expense (E)
  • Consumable (C)

Billing Types are used in contracts to define discount percents.

Duration Enter a positive number to indicate the service duration. Duration and Duration Period are required for warranty and service contract item types only. The number you enter here, along with the duration period, provide defaults when you order the service. You can select any period or unit of measure as long as it’s associated with the Time unit of measure class.
Duration Period Enter a number to indicate the service duration period.

Duration and Duration Period are required for warranty and service contract item types only.

Enable for Customer Self Service Indicate whether the item is eligible for customer self service. The digital customer self service applications use this option to determine which product items are displayed to customer self service users. For example, when the customer is creating a service request, they are shown a product selector dialog box. If Enable for Customer Self Service is enabled for the item, then the customer can see this item in the product selector dialog box.
Note: On the REST API this translates to an attribute called CSSEnabled.
        "name" : "CSSEnabled",
        "type" : "string",
        "updatable" : false,
        "mandatory" : false,
        "queryable" : true,
        "allowChanges" : "never",
        "precision" : 1,
        "title" : "Enable for Customer Self Service",
        "maxLength" : "1"
Enable Contract Coverage Indicate whether the item is eligible to be covered by a service contract. Items eligible for contract coverage must also be defined as Track. When you enable this option, you can order service for this item.
Enable Defect Tracking Indicate if defects of this item can be tracked.
Enable IoT Indicates whether the asset item is enabled for IoT.
Enable Provisioning Select the check box to make the item eligible for electronic fulfillment by the service fulfillment manager. Additional setup is required in the service fulfillment manager.
Enable Service Billing Select the check box to enable the Billing Type field.
Parts Sourcing Indicate from where the field service parts are sourced. This attribute is a part of the Service Logistics attribute group. Select any of the following:
  • Buy Only: Service parts will always be bought.
  • Inventory then buy: Service parts will be first sourced from the inventory and if it's not available, will be bought.
  • Inventory Only: Service parts will always be sourced from the inventory.
Recovered Part Disposition This field is reserved for future use. Currently all three disposition types cause the part to be transacted into the technician's default or designated subinventory. In the future, this field will control the process for returning defective or unused parts to a warehouse consolidation point.
Service Request Select if you can create a service request for the item. The available choices are:
  • Enabled: You can create a service request for the item.
  • Disabled: Service requests are disabled for the item.
  • Inactive: Service requests are inactive for the item.
  • Null: You can’t create a service request for the item.
Service Start Delay Enter a positive number indicating how many days after shipment the warranty should start.
Standard Coverage Select the relevant coverage associated with this item only if the Sales Product type is Included Warranty. The coverage template is created in Oracle Contract Management Cloud with the appropriate Entitlement type.