Collect Pending Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations

Use the Collect Pending Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process to load supply data into the planning data repository, which then adds the data to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Planning transaction database tables.

When you upload this data, the Load Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process is automatically called to distill the uploaded files, and then add the data to the staging database tables. Once loaded, use the Collect Pending Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process to assess the data and then populate the Supply Planning transaction database tables.

When to Use

You can configure the Collect Pending Supply Data scheduled process to run automatically after data is loaded into the staging tables. This is managed by the Supply Chain Collaboration ORA_VCS_CM_INITIATE_SUPPLY_DATA_ESS_JOB configuration parameter setting and controlled using REST. If multiple suppliers are uploading data at similar times, however, we recommend that you not run the collection process automatically for performance reasons. Rather, we advise scheduling the process to run after all supplier uploads have completed. You then can schedule the collections process to run only once, rather than each time a supplier loads supply data.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations as Supplier User (VCS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL_DATA_SUPPLIER_PRIV)
  • Manage Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations as Enterprise User (VCS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL_DATA_ENTERPRISE_PRIV)
  • Manage Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations Using a Web Service (VCS_MANAGE_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL_DATA_WEBSERVICE_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Typically scheduled to run at a set time, after all suppliers have loaded supply data.

Can run after an individual Load Supply Data process.

Can be run at any time.

Frequency Should be based on the frequency of data input from suppliers. For example, if suppliers are loading data weekly, this process should run weekly, after data loading completes.
Time of Day Depends on your business process for supplier load-timings.
Duration Varies, based on the amount of supplier data being processed, and on the general planning collection process duration.
Compatibility Only one instance of the job should be running at any time. There’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Collect Pending Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Validation errors and warning messages display in the error log.
  • The collections processes and refresh numbers that this scheduled process initiates display in the log file.
  • Interactive warning validations are not performed.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release the process