Refresh Snapshot

Use the Refresh Snapshot scheduled process so you can refresh your snapshot and keep your configurator model in the Configurator Models work area synchronized with updates that you make on the item, the item's item class, and the item's value sets in the Product Information Management work area.

When to Use

See Refresh Your Snapshot.

Privileges Required

  • Create Item Based Configurator Model (CZ_CREATE_ITEM_BASED_MODEL)
  • Manage Snapshots (CZ_MANAGE_SNAPSHOTS)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type As needed.
Frequency Any time that you modify the item, the item's item class, or the item's value sets in the Product Information Management work area.
Time of Day Anytime.
Duration Typically few minutes, but it varies depending on the size of the model that you're refreshing. A model that has several thousand components will take longer.
Compatibility You can't run the Refresh Snapshot scheduled process simultaneously with these scheduled processes:
  • Release Workspace
  • Import Product Model Item
  • Import Items Associated with an Item Class Item
  • Unrelease Model Participants
  • Workspace Prerelease Report
  • Another instance of Refresh Snapshot


You don't run this scheduled process from the Scheduled Processes work area and you don't set parameters. Instead:

  1. Go to the Configurator Models work area, click Tasks > Manage Snapshots.
  2. On the Manage Snapshots page, search for your snapshot.
  3. In the search results, select the snapshot that contains the model you need to refresh.
  4. click Actions > Refresh.
  5. In the dialog that displays, click Yes.
  6. In the Confirmation dialog, notice the request ID, such as 187461.

For more, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.