Archival for Calculating MAPE Statistics

A Supply Chain Planning administrator with the Manage Rolling Archives security privilege can create archives for the calculation of the MAPE statistics at a week or month level.

Perform the following steps to run the Build Plan Archive schedule process:

  1. In the Navigator, under the Tools section, click the Scheduled Processes link to access the Scheduled Processes page.

  2. Access the Process Details page for the Build Plan Archive process:

    1. On the Schedule Processes page, click the Schedule New Process button.

    2. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, click the Name list, and then click the Search link.

    3. In the Search and Select: Name dialog box, enter Build Plan Archive and click Search.

    4. Select Build Plan Archive and click OK to return to the Schedule New Process dialog box.

    5. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, click OK.

  3. In the Process Details dialog box, select the plan to archive and then click the Advanced button.

  4. On the Parameters tab, select Do not delete archives or Delete archives automatically.

    If you select to delete archives automatically, enter a number in the Most Recent Days to Keep field. The archive process automatically deletes older archives based on this parameter.

  5. Select the Enable for MAPE calculations check box and enter or select the following parameters:

    1. Archive Time Hierarchy: Select the calendar to use for the archive.

    2. Archive Time Level: Select the time level to use for the archive.

    3. Measure Catalog for Archival: Select the measure catalog to use when archiving.


      Oracle recommends that you create a measure catalog for archived measures instead of archiving every measure in the plan.

    4. Use default archive name: Select to use the default archive name.

    5. Use user-defined archive name: Select to overwrite the default name with a user-defined name.

  6. Click the Schedule tab to set up the frequency parameters.

    • To run the plan immediately, select As soon as possible.

    • To run the plan in the background at a set time, select Using a schedule. Next, select a Frequency, such as Monthly or Weekly, to create MAPE rolling archives for use in waterfall and trend analyses.

  7. Click Submit.