Overview of Loading Measures from Other Plans

You can copy data from a plan in one Oracle module to another plan in a different Oracle module. You can also copy data between measures in the same plan in an Oracle module. When you load measures, you can:

  • Copy a stored measure into another stored measure across plans or within the same plan.

  • Copy a calculated measure into a stored measure across plans or within the same plan.

    By doing so, you can reduce the time taken for calculating and displaying the table or graph that displays the stored measure.

  • Copy a calculated measure into another calculated measure across plans.

  • Take snapshots of measure values for comparison at a later time.

You've two options to load measures between plans or within a plan:

  • Use the Load Measures from Other Plans page in a Sales and Operations Planning, Demand Management, or Demand and Supply Planning work area.

    This page in turn submits the parent scheduled process named Orchestrate Load Measures Processes in the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • Use the scheduled process named Orchestrate Load Measures Processes in the Scheduled Processes work area.

The target measure is refreshed only when you use the page or scheduled process. Therefore, you should use the page or scheduled process whenever the value of the source measure changes. Usually, you must use the page or scheduled process after a plan run with a data refresh.

The load measures from other plans functionality provides you with visibility of data from a measure across different planning modules. For example, you can make the constrained forecast from Oracle Sales and Operations Planning visible to demand planners in Oracle Demand Management for reference. You can also enable further refinement of the operations forecast. After you copy a calculated measure into a stored measure, you can perform aggregate or disaggregate analysis of the tactical planning data.

You can load a source measure to a different target measure. For example, you can load the Constrained Forecast source measure from a demand and supply plan to a target measure called Tactical Constrained Forecast in an aggregate sales and operations plan. You can then compare the aggregate constrained forecast with the tactical constrained forecast to drive effective decision-making.

Also, you can create measure mappings and save them to a measure copy set to reuse in subsequent scheduled process runs. You can modify measure mappings in an existing measure copy set. By using measure copy sets, you can quickly submit the scheduled process.

Specify Time Range When Loading Measures from Other Plans

You can specify the time range when copying the measure data between plans. You can include either the entire or a specific time range. You can copy the measure data for the past and future periods to support period-to-date reporting and analysis.

The context of the copy is based on the target plan. If you copy the data between different plans, the copy time level is the higher time level of the two plans. For example, you want to copy the measure data from a demand plan at a hybrid time level to a sales and operations plan at a monthly time level. Here, the data is copied at the higher time level, that is, the monthly time level. However, if you copy the measure data from a sales and operations plan at a monthly time level into a demand plan at a daily or hybrid time level, the data is copied at the monthly time level. Once this data gets copied, it gets disaggregated to the daily or hybrid time level.

If you copy the data in the same plan, the copy time level is the planning time level of the plan.

For example, you've the following sales and operations plan with a monthly time level and need to copy the measure data from a calculated measure to a stored measure within the same plan. The plan start date is November 2, 2022, and the current date is November 14, 2022.

Example of specify a time range

  • Suppose the source forecast measure spans both forecast and history. You must use a negative value when you select the past time period. Specify -1 to identify the month prior to the current month, that is, October 2022. Set the time level range end as 24 to include the entire future in the monthly range.
  • If the source forecast measure spans the forecast, specify the time level range start as 1. The measure values in the November 2022 period are copied from the plan start rather than from the current date forward.
Note: Enter time range start and end values that are nonzero integers.

Source and Target Measure Mapping

Here's some more information about source and target measure mapping:

  • When you're copying measure data between plans, if the target plan's measure catalog contains a measure with the same name as the source measure, it's automatically selected as the target measure. If a measure with the same name as the source measure isn't available in the target plan's measure catalog, then you must manually select the target measure.

  • If none of the target measures is shared, only forecast data is copied. If at least one target measure is shared, both forecast and historical data are copied.

  • When you copy data from a calculated measure to a stored measure, select a calculated measure for which the resulting value doesn't change often.

    Calculated measures that use collected, historical data are good choices as source measures. Calculated measures that change when you generate a forecast or do a manual override aren't good choices as source measures.

  • When you want to copy data from a calculated measure to a stored measure, you can duplicate the calculated measure to create the stored measure. Remove the calculations from the copy, and retain the other settings.

  • You can't use a source measure in more than one mapping row of a measure copy set. Also, you can't use a target measure in more than one mapping row of a measure copy set.

  • Source and target measures can be predefined or user-defined.

This table summarizes how the list of available target measures is determined and displayed:



The source and target plans are the same

  • The source measure isn't available for selection because the source measure and target measure must be different.

  • No calculated measures are available for selection.

  • The source and target plans are the same

  • The source and target plan types are different

  • The available target measures are of the same type as the source measure.

  • The available target measures are in the measure catalog of the target plan.

  • The available target measures have the same calculation order for aggregation as the source measure.

  • If the source measure is stored, then only stored or editable measures are available as the target measures.

  • If the source measure is calculated, then the available target measures are:

    • Stored or editable

    • Calculated and with the same dependent measures as the source measure when the source plan and target plan types are different

      In this case, the dependent measures are in the measure catalog of the target plan, and one of the dependent measures must be stored or editable.

  • The available target measures have at least one hierarchy level in common with the source measure.

  • If the source measure contains the Day level of the Time dimension, then the available target measures must also contain the Day level of the Time dimension.

  • The available target measures can be shared.

  • If the planning time level of the target plan is higher than Day, then the available target measures can be shared.

    If the planning time level of the target plan is Day, then the available target measures can't be shared.

  • The available target measures aren't archived.

Source and Target Plan Type Mapping

When the planning time level of the source plan is Day, the target plan can have any planning calendar and planning time level.

When the planning time level of the source plan isn't Day, the target plan is selected as follows:
  • If the planning time level of the target plan is Day, the planning calendar can be anything.
  • If the planning time level of the target plan isn't Day, the planning calendar of the target plan and source plan must be the same.

You can copy measure data between a demand plan with a hybrid time hierarchy and a sales and operations plan with an aggregate time level. The planning calendar for each available sales and operations plan is one of the calendars on the basis of which the hybrid time hierarchy for the demand plan is created. The planning calendar and planning time level of the sales and operations plan determine the level at which measure data is copied.

For example, if you copy measure data from a demand plan for which the planning calendar is a Gregorian hybrid hierarchy to a sales and operations plan that's defined at the Gregorian month, measure data gets copied at the Gregorian month level. If you copy measure data from a sales and operations plan defined at the fiscal Quarter level to a demand plan with a fiscal hybrid hierarchy, measure data gets copied at the fiscal Quarter level and disaggregated to the Hybrid time level.

The functionality for copying measure data between plans can also be used with planning level profiles. For information, see Overview of Planning Level Profiles.

This table summarizes how you can copy measure data from work areas and between plan types:

From Work Area

Source Plan Type

Target Plan Type

Demand Management

Demand and Supply Planning

Demand plan

Demand plan

The source and target plans are the same.

Demand and Supply Planning

Sales and Operations Planning

Demand and supply plan

Sales and operations plan

Demand and Supply Planning

Demand and supply plan

Demand and supply plan

The source and target plans are the same.

Demand Management

Demand and Supply Planning

Sales and operations plan

Demand plan

Demand and Supply Planning

Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and operations plan

Demand and supply plan

Sales and Operations Planning

Sales and operations plan

Sales and operations plan

The source and target plans are the same.

Sales and Operations Planning

Demand plan

Sales and operations plan

Sales and Operations Planning

Supply plan

Sales and operations plan