Supply Plan Options for Organizations and Schedules

Use the Organizations and Schedules subtab on the Edit Plan Options page to configure subinventory netting, demand and supply netting, and the forecast spreading calendar, depending on the organization for a supply plan.

You can also specify the demands that you want to consider in the supply plan.

Configure the supply plan options for organizations and demand schedules on the Plan Options page, Supply tab, Organizations and Schedules subtab.


The organizations are based on the organization level members that you specify on the Scope tab of the Plan Options page. During data collection, the planning process collects the organization based on your configuration in the source system.

Subinventory Netting: The subinventories are based on the organization. You can enable or disable the subinventory netting for purchase orders, on-hand quantity, and work order assembly supply types. You can select or deselect subinventories listed under Enable Netting to include or exclude the subinventories from an unconstrained or a constrained supply plan. If you enable the subinventory netting for a new subinventory in the source, the plan automatically includes the new subinventories that are collected after the initial plan run.

For example, if the material is on hold for quality and is reworked upon, the work order shouldn’t be used in supply planning. To exclude the work order from being considered in supply planning, deselect the Enable Netting checkbox for the subinventory associated with the work order. The work order isn’t considered in supply planning.

Note: The work order demand and work order resource requirement associated with a nonnettable work order are considered for supply planning by default.

Demand and Supply Netting: Run plans with only demands or supply types depending on your requirement. You can include or exclude sales orders, reservations, on hand, purchases, transfers, and work orders for each organization in your plan. A new plan enables all the demand and supply netting options by default.

Forecast Spreading Calendar: Select a user-defined forecast spreading calendar for each organization.

  • The supply planning process uses the calendar to spread aggregate forecast demand across daily buckets.
  • If you don't specify any calendar at the organization level, then the supply planning process spreads the aggregate forecast evenly across daily buckets.
  • The planning process uses this calendar only when you select the User-defined calendar value for the Forecast Spreading Calendar attribute in the Forecast Allocation and Consumption section. The Forecast Allocation and Consumption section is available on the Plan Options page, Supply tab, General subtab.

Demand Schedules

Select the demands to include in the supply plan. If the plan type is demand and supply, the demand schedule is automatically included in the supply plan. The supported types of demand schedules are:

  • Demand (demand plan)
  • External (external forecast)
  • Production (production plan used in manufacturing plan)
  • Production Schedule
  • Sales and Operations

Demand Measures: Click Select to open the Demand Measures dialog box where you can define these measures:

  • End Item Demand
  • Option Demand
  • Planning Percentage

The Select button for Demand Measures is enabled when the demand schedule type is Demand or Sales and Operations. The Select button isn't available for an external demand schedule type.

Scenario 1

Consider a scenario where the values in the Demand Measures are:
  • End Item Demand: A valid value
  • Option Demand: null
  • Planning percentage: null
When the supply plan is run, the dependent demand is pulled from the measure Final Option Demand Forecast in these conditions:
  • Explode model forecasts option isn’t selected.
  • Include dependent demand option of the demand schedule is enabled.

The planning process pulls in the demand for the measures specified in the End Item Demand for the demand schedule. It also pulls in the demand from the Measure ID 1833 - Final Option Demand Forecast. This happens because the explosion isn’t happening in Supply Planning. Therefore, the planning process brings in the options forecast from Demand Management.

If you don’t want to pull dependent demand from the measure Final Option Demand Forecast, you must do either of the these:

  • Select the Explode model forecasts option in Edit Plan Options in the Forecast Allocation and Consumption tab.
  • Deselect the Include dependent demand option of the demand plan in Demand Management that's attached to the current plan in Supply Planning.

Scenario 2

Consider a scenario where you can’t deselect the Include dependent demand option in Demand Management because you need to do CTO planning in Demand Management and don’t want to bring the model dependent demand to Supply Planning. In this case, for an independent demand, create a custom empty measure. In the Option Demand field in the Demand Measures dialog box select the custom empty measure.

After you’ve created the custom empty measure, the values in the Demand Measures dialog box are:
  • Edit Item Demand: A valid value
  • Option Demand: Custom empty measure you created
  • Planning percentage: null

With these values of Demand Measures, you can create an independent demand in Supply Planning.

Forecast Accuracy Measures: Click Select to access the Forecast Accuracy Measures dialog box where you can select the following measures:

  • Forecast Error Type for Nonintermittent Demand
  • Measure for MAD or MAPE
  • Measure for Intermittent Demand
  • Measure for Average Interarrival Time

The Select button for Forecast Accuracy Measures is enabled when both of the following attributes are set on the Edit Plan Options page, Safety Stock tab:

  • Safety Stock Planning Method is set to Statistical safety stock for end items, none for all others.
  • Forecast Error Type is set to Demand schedule specific.

Measure Levels: Select dimension levels at which to load the measure. If the demand schedule type is external or production, then the measure level option isn't available.

Ship-to Consumption Level: Select a forecast consumption level for the local demand plan.