Get all parameters
Query Parameters
expand: string
When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).
fields: string
This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.
Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2
Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2 -
finder: string
Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.
Format: ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>
The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables:- PrimaryKey: Find receiving parameters according to organization identifier.
Finder Variables:- OrganizationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
- findByOrganization: Find receiving parameters according to organization identifier or code.
Finder Variables:- bindOrganizationCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the organization.
- bindOrganizationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
- PrimaryKey: Find receiving parameters according to organization identifier.
limit: integer
This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.
links: string
This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>
self,canonical -
offset: integer
Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.
onlyData: boolean
The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).
orderBy: string
This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc
q: string
This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY
Format: ?q=expression1;expression2
You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:- ASNControlAction; string; Action to take when receiving a purchase order if an advance shipment notice already exists. Values include Reject, Warning, or None.
- AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromASNFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default lots and serial numbers from an advance shipment notice (ASN) or an advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) are enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. If false, then the default lots and serial numbers from an ASN or an ASBN are not enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. The default value is false.
- AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromTransferOrderFlag; boolean; Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default lots and serial numbers from a transfer order are enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. If false, then the default lots and serial numbers from a transfer order aren't enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. The default value is false.
- AllowRoutingOverride; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to override the receipt routing. If No, then do not allow the organization to override the receipt routing. The default value is No.
- AllowRoutingOverrideCode; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to override the receipt routing.
- AllowSubstituteReceipts; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item. If No, then do not allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item. The default value is No.
- AllowSubstituteReceiptsCode; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item.
- AllowUnorderedReceipts; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to use unordered receipts. If No, then do not allow the organization to use unordered receipts. The default value is No.
- AllowUnorderedReceiptsCode; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to use unordered receipts.
- BlindReceivingCode; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to enforce blind receiving in the organization.
- DeliveryRequiredForExpenseLocations; string; Abbreviation that indicates if delivery is required for receipts created in expense locations. Valid values are Y, N, and NULL.
- DeliveryRequiredForPARLocations; string; Abbreviation that indicates if delivery is required for receipts created in par locations. Valid values are Y, N, and NULL.
- EarlyReceiptToleranceInDays; number; Number of days allowed to receive an early shipment.
- EnforceBlindReceiving; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then enforce blind receiving in the organization. If No, then do not enforce blind receiving in the organization. The default value is No.
- EnforceRMALotNumber; string; Abbreviation that determines how to enforce the lot number received for the line on the return material authorization. Values include W, R, or U.
- EnforceRMASerialNumbers; string; Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then enforce the serial number received for the line on the return material authorization. If N, then do not enforce this serial number. The default value is N.
- EnforceShipToLocationCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if an exception occurs for the ship-to location. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE.
- IncludeClosedPOReceipt; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order.
- IncludeClosedPurchaseOrdersForReceipt; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order. If No, then do not allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order. The default value is No.
- IntfDropshipsToShipping; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then shipping documents are generated for drop ship orders on advanced shipment notice (ASN) creation. If No, then shipping documents are not generated for drop ship orders. The default value is No.
- IntfReturnsToShipping; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to interface supplier returns to shipping for shipping documents.
- IntfRmasToShipping; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then shipping documents are generated for return material authorization order on order creation. If No, then shipping documents are not generated for return material authorization orders. The default value is No.
- LateReceiptToleranceInDays; number; Number of days allowed to receive a late shipment.
- ManualReceiptNumberType; string; Abbreviation that determines the type of receipt number to use when manually creating a receipt. Values include NUMERIC or ALPHANUMERIC.
- NextReceiptNumber; integer; Next number that is in the sequence for creating receipts.
- OrganizationCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the receiving organization.
- OrganizationId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the receiving organization.
- OverReceiptAction; string; Action to take when receiving a quantity that exceeds tolerances. Possible values are Reject, Warning, and None.
- OverReceiptTolerance; number; Percent value allowed to receive items that exceed the tolerance.
- PrintReceiptTraveler; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then print the receipt traveler report in the organization on receiving the item. If No, then do not print the receipt traveler report on receipt generation. The default value is No.
- PrintReceiptTravelerCode; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to print the receipt traveler report in the organization.
- PrintShippingDocumentsForReturnsToSuppliers; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then create shipments for return transfer order to generate shipping documents. If No, then do not create shipments for the supplier returns. The default value is No.
- ProcessASNLinesTogether; string; Abbreviation that determines whether or not to process all lines on an advance shipment notice together for success or failure.
- ProcessAllLinesTogether; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then process all lines on an advanced shipment notice together for success or failure. If No, then do not process all lines on an advanced shipment notice together for success or failure. The default value is No.
- QuantityRcvExceptionCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if the receipt date occurs outside of tolerances. Values include Reject, Warning or None.
- RMALotValidation; string; Determines how to enforce the lot number received for the line on the return material authorization. Values include Warning, Restricted, or Unrestricted.
- RMAReceiptRouting; string; Routing to use when receiving the documents for the return material authorization. Values include Standard receipt, Inspection required, or Direct delivery.
- RMAReceiptRoutingId; integer; Abbreviation that identifies the routing to use when receiving documents for the return material authorization.
- RMASerialNumbersValidation; string; Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then enforce that the serial number received on return material authorization (RMA) is the same as that shipped on the original sales order. If No, then do not enforce this serial number. The default value is No.
- ReceiptASNExistsCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the action to take when receiving a purchase order if an advance shipment notice already exists. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE.
- ReceiptDaysExceptionCode; string; Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if a receipt date occurs that exceeds tolerances. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE.
- ReceiptExceedDaysAction; string; Action to take if a receipt date occurs that exceeds tolerances. Values include Reject, Warning, or None.
- ReceiptNumberGeneration; string; Determines how to create receipt numbers. Values include Manual or Automatic.
- ReceiptNumberType; string; Determines the type of receipt number to use when manually creating a receipt. Possible values are Numeric and Alphanumeric.
- ReceiptRouting; string; Routing to use when receiving the item. Values include Standard receipt, Inspection required, or Direct delivery.
- ReceivingRoutingId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the routing to use when receiving the item. Values include 1 for standard receipt, 2 for inspection required, or 3 for direct delivery.
- ShipToExceptionAction; string; Action to take if an exception occurs for the ship-to location. Values include Reject, Warning, or None.
- UserDefinedReceiptNumberCode; string; Abbreviation that determines how to create receipt numbers. Values include MANUAL or AUTOMATIC.
totalResults: boolean
The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".
Header Parameters
If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
There's no request body for this operation.
Back to TopResponse
Supported Media Types
- application/json
Default Response
The following table describes the default response for this task.
If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Root Schema : receivingParameters
Show Source
count(required): integer
The number of resource instances returned in the current range.
hasMore(required): boolean
Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false.
items: array
The items in the collection. -
limit(required): integer
The actual paging size used by the server.
links(required): array
The link relations associated with the resource instance. -
offset(required): integer
The offset value used in the current page.
totalResults: integer
The estimated row count when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included.
Nested Schema : Links
The link relations associated with the resource instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : receivingParameters-item-response
Show Source
AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromASNFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default lots and serial numbers from an advance shipment notice (ASN) or an advance shipment billing notice (ASBN) are enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. If false, then the default lots and serial numbers from an ASN or an ASBN are not enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. The default value is false. -
AllowDefaultingOfLotsAndSerialNumbersFromTransferOrderFlag: boolean
Maximum Length:
Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the default lots and serial numbers from a transfer order are enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. If false, then the default lots and serial numbers from a transfer order aren't enabled when executing a receipt or a put away transaction. The default value is false. -
AllowRoutingOverride: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to override the receipt routing. If No, then do not allow the organization to override the receipt routing. The default value is No. -
AllowRoutingOverrideCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to override the receipt routing. -
AllowSubstituteReceipts: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item. If No, then do not allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item. The default value is No. -
AllowSubstituteReceiptsCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to substitute receipts for the item. -
AllowUnorderedReceipts: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to use unordered receipts. If No, then do not allow the organization to use unordered receipts. The default value is No. -
AllowUnorderedReceiptsCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to use unordered receipts. -
ASNControlAction: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Action to take when receiving a purchase order if an advance shipment notice already exists. Values include Reject, Warning, or None. -
BlindReceivingCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to enforce blind receiving in the organization. -
DeliveryRequiredForExpenseLocations: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that indicates if delivery is required for receipts created in expense locations. Valid values are Y, N, and NULL. -
DeliveryRequiredForPARLocations: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that indicates if delivery is required for receipts created in par locations. Valid values are Y, N, and NULL. -
EarlyReceiptToleranceInDays: number
Number of days allowed to receive an early shipment.
EnforceBlindReceiving: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then enforce blind receiving in the organization. If No, then do not enforce blind receiving in the organization. The default value is No. -
EnforceRMALotNumber: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines how to enforce the lot number received for the line on the return material authorization. Values include W, R, or U. -
EnforceRMASerialNumbers: string
Maximum Length:
Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then enforce the serial number received for the line on the return material authorization. If N, then do not enforce this serial number. The default value is N. -
EnforceShipToLocationCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if an exception occurs for the ship-to location. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE. -
IncludeClosedPOReceipt: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order. -
IncludeClosedPurchaseOrdersForReceipt: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order. If No, then do not allow the organization to receive an item that references a closed purchase order. The default value is No. -
IntfDropshipsToShipping: string
Maximum Length:
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then shipping documents are generated for drop ship orders on advanced shipment notice (ASN) creation. If No, then shipping documents are not generated for drop ship orders. The default value is No. -
IntfReturnsToShipping: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to interface supplier returns to shipping for shipping documents. -
IntfRmasToShipping: string
Maximum Length:
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then shipping documents are generated for return material authorization order on order creation. If No, then shipping documents are not generated for return material authorization orders. The default value is No. -
LateReceiptToleranceInDays: number
Number of days allowed to receive a late shipment.
links: array
The link relations associated with the resource instance. -
ManualReceiptNumberType: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines the type of receipt number to use when manually creating a receipt. Values include NUMERIC or ALPHANUMERIC. -
NextReceiptNumber: integer
Next number that is in the sequence for creating receipts.
OrganizationCode: string
Read Only:
Maximum Length:18
Abbreviation that identifies the receiving organization. -
OrganizationId: integer
Value that uniquely identifies the receiving organization.
OverReceiptAction: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Action to take when receiving a quantity that exceeds tolerances. Possible values are Reject, Warning, and None. -
OverReceiptTolerance: number
Percent value allowed to receive items that exceed the tolerance.
PrintReceiptTraveler: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then print the receipt traveler report in the organization on receiving the item. If No, then do not print the receipt traveler report on receipt generation. The default value is No. -
PrintReceiptTravelerCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to print the receipt traveler report in the organization. -
PrintShippingDocumentsForReturnsToSuppliers: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then create shipments for return transfer order to generate shipping documents. If No, then do not create shipments for the supplier returns. The default value is No. -
ProcessAllLinesTogether: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then process all lines on an advanced shipment notice together for success or failure. If No, then do not process all lines on an advanced shipment notice together for success or failure. The default value is No. -
ProcessASNLinesTogether: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines whether or not to process all lines on an advance shipment notice together for success or failure. -
QuantityRcvExceptionCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if the receipt date occurs outside of tolerances. Values include Reject, Warning or None. -
ReceiptASNExistsCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that identifies the action to take when receiving a purchase order if an advance shipment notice already exists. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE. -
ReceiptDaysExceptionCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that identifies the action to take if a receipt date occurs that exceeds tolerances. Values include REJECT, WARNING, or NONE. -
ReceiptExceedDaysAction: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Action to take if a receipt date occurs that exceeds tolerances. Values include Reject, Warning, or None. -
ReceiptNumberGeneration: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Determines how to create receipt numbers. Values include Manual or Automatic. -
ReceiptNumberType: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Determines the type of receipt number to use when manually creating a receipt. Possible values are Numeric and Alphanumeric. -
ReceiptRouting: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Routing to use when receiving the item. Values include Standard receipt, Inspection required, or Direct delivery. -
ReceivingRoutingId: integer
Value that uniquely identifies the routing to use when receiving the item. Values include 1 for standard receipt, 2 for inspection required, or 3 for direct delivery.
RMALotValidation: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Determines how to enforce the lot number received for the line on the return material authorization. Values include Warning, Restricted, or Unrestricted. -
RMAReceiptRouting: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Routing to use when receiving the documents for the return material authorization. Values include Standard receipt, Inspection required, or Direct delivery. -
RMAReceiptRoutingId: integer
Abbreviation that identifies the routing to use when receiving documents for the return material authorization.
RMASerialNumbersValidation: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Contains one of the following values: Yes or No. If Yes, then enforce that the serial number received on return material authorization (RMA) is the same as that shipped on the original sales order. If No, then do not enforce this serial number. The default value is No. -
ShipToExceptionAction: string
Read Only:true
Maximum Length:80
Action to take if an exception occurs for the ship-to location. Values include Reject, Warning, or None. -
UserDefinedReceiptNumberCode: string
Maximum Length:
Abbreviation that determines how to create receipt numbers. Values include MANUAL or AUTOMATIC.
Nested Schema : Links
The link relations associated with the resource instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : link
Show Source
href: string
hyperlink reference
The URI to the related resource. -
kind: string
Allowed Values:[ "collection", "item", "describe", "other" ]
The kind of the related resource. -
name: string
The name of the link to the related resource. -
properties: object
rel: string
Allowed Values:[ "self", "lov", "parent", "canonical", "child", "enclosure", "action", "custom" ]
The name of the relation to the resource instance. Example: self.
Nested Schema : properties
Show Source
changeIndicator: string
Change indicator or the ETag value of the resource instance.
This example describes how to get all receiving parameters.
Example cURL Command
Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource. This example gets receiving parameters for inventory organization M1:
curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/receivingParameters?onlyData=true&finder=findByOrganization;bindOrganizationCode=M1"
Example Response Body
The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:
{ "items" : [ { "OrganizationCode" : "M1", "OrganizationId" : 207, "ShipToExceptionAction" : "Warning", "EnforceShipToLocationCode" : "WARNING", "ASNControlAction" : "Warning", "ReceiptASNExistsCode" : "WARNING", "EarlyReceiptToleranceInDays" : 8, "LateReceiptToleranceInDays" : 8, "ReceiptExceedDaysAction" : "Warning", "ReceiptDaysExceptionCode" : "WARNING", "OverReceiptTolerance" : 8, "OverReceiptAction" : "Warning", "QuantityRcvExceptionCode" : "WARNING", "ReceiptRouting" : "Standard receipt", "ReceivingRoutingId" : 1, "AllowSubstituteReceipts" : "Yes", "AllowSubstituteReceiptsCode" : "Y", "AllowUnorderedReceipts" : "No", "AllowUnorderedReceiptsCode" : "N", "EnforceBlindReceiving" : "Yes", "BlindReceivingCode" : "Y", "PrintReceiptTraveler" : "No", "PrintReceiptTravelerCode" : "N", "IncludeClosedPurchaseOrdersForReceipt" : "Yes", "IncludeClosedPOReceipt" : "Y", "AllowRoutingOverride" : "Yes", "AllowRoutingOverrideCode" : "Y", "ProcessAllLinesTogether" : "Yes", "ProcessASNLinesTogether" : "Y", "PrintShippingDocumentsForReturnsToSuppliers" : "No", "IntfReturnsToShipping" : null, "ReceiptNumberGeneration" : "Automatic", "UserDefinedReceiptNumberCode" : "AUTOMATIC", "ReceiptNumberType" : "Numeric", "ManualReceiptNumberType" : "NUMERIC", "NextReceiptNumber" : 33750, "RMAReceiptRouting" : "Standard receipt", "RMAReceiptRoutingId" : 1, "RMALotValidation" : "Restricted", "EnforceRMALotNumber" : "R", "RMASerialNumbersValidation" : "Yes", "EnforceRMASerialNumbers" : "Y" } ], "count" : 1, "hasMore" : false, "limit" : 25, "offset" : 0, "links" : [ { "rel" : "self", "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/receivingParameters", "name" : "receivingParameters", "kind" : "collection" } ] }