Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities

On the Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, the enterprise and supplier user can upload, search for and view, or delete supplier on-hand quantities for inventory items for the participating supplier sites.


The supplier on-hand quantities are displayed in the published unit of measure as well as the item's primary unit of measure.

Upload Supplier On-Hand Quantities

On the Upload Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, you can upload supplier on-hand quantities for your items. You can monitor the status of the upload process and view any errors that may have occurred.

To upload supplier on-hand quantities:

  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, click Actions > Upload.

  3. On the Upload Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, click Actions > Download Template to download a blank template.

  4. Open the .csv file in a spreadsheet editor. Add the values and save and close the .csv file.

  5. On the Upload Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, click Actions > Upload.

  6. In the File Upload dialog box, click Choose File to search for the .csv file that you updated.

  7. Click Submit.

    You can view the status of the uploaded file and review the error messages, if any, on the Upload Supplier On-Hand Quantities page. The uploaded file will be available for 30 days.

Delete Supplier On-Hand Quantities

To delete the supplier on-hand quantities:

  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities page, search for the supplier on-hand quantity by using the supplier, supplier site, supplier item, or the item.

  3. Select a row in the search results and click Actions > Delete.