How You Report Operation Transactions

As a production operator, you can manually report the progress at a work order operation level by reporting operation transactions. You can report operation transactions such as complete, scrap, and reject from ready status at the in-house count point operation including operations that can be resequenced, from the Review Dispatch List page in the Work Execution work area. You can report operation transactions, such as complete, scrap, or reject from the ready status at the supplier operation from the Manage Supplier Operations page in the Work Execution work area.

For in-house operations, a quantity or serial is placed in ready status when the work order is released and the operation is the first count point operation in sequence, or the quantity is completed at the prior count point operation when the operation is an intermediate or last operation in sequence. Discrete manufacturing has only one output, which is the last stage of the work order. Process manufacturing can have multiple outputs and can be at any stage. You can view the outputs for an operation in the process manufacturing work order. You can specify multiple output items as products or by-products for an operation. One of the output items in the work order is a primary output. The other output items are products or by-products. Process manufacturing work orders don't have serial tracked operations.


Dual units of measure is supported in operation transactions. If you want to issue a material with dual units of measure, you must mention secondary quantity. If you want to complete a product with dual units of measure, you must mention the secondary quantity. In all transactions, the secondary unit of measure is derived from the item definition in Oracle Product Hub. Only the secondary quantity is entered by the user.

For supplier operations, a quantity or serial is in in-process status when the work order is released and the supplier operation is the first operation in sequence, or the quantity is completed at the prior count point operation when the supplier operation is an intermediate or last operation in sequence. The in-process dispatch status represents quantities at supplier operations that have been completed at the prior count operation, but haven't yet been received from the supplier after processing. Operation transactions can't be reported when the quantity or serial is in in-process status. After receiving and delivering to Oracle Manufacturing, the quantity at a supplier operation that's not a serial-tracked operation is automatically reported as completed. In case of a serial-tracked supplier operation, the serial is automatically placed in ready status.


Supplier operations are displayed in the Manage Supplier Operations page and can only be transacted from this page. Supplier operations aren't listed in the dispatch list.

There are two modes to manually report the operation transactions at an in-house or a supplier operation:

  • Quick Complete: You can use the quick complete mode to create the operation transactions in two clicks. This mode can be used only if the work order has all the necessary data for the transaction setup and the transaction doesn't require any additional inputs. The quick complete mode can also create multiple operation transactions to perform the complete, scrap, and reject transactions in one transaction cycle.

  • Complete with Details: You can use the complete with details mode when the transaction requires you to review and update the transaction data, such as materials consumed, resources charged, and so on. You can also use this mode when you need to provide the additional details for the transaction, such as lot and serial information for the components, supply subinventories for the components, and so on. This mode requires navigation through multiple pages but provides the flexibility to update the transaction data that's derived from the work order. In discrete manufacturing, if the transaction is an operation completion at the last operation, the product is completed to inventory. You can initiate the operation transaction for process work orders in the same way as that of discrete work orders. The process manufacturing work orders can have output items in any operation. Output items setup in work order as automatic will be automatically completed at the operation while performing complete with details. Use the complete with details mode to change the output item quantities and add and update output items or serials for process manufacturing work orders.


This section is applicable for operations without inspections. For operations with inspections, refer to the Manage Inspections: Explained topic in this guide.

You can perform the following operation transactions:

  • Complete a quantity in ready status at an operation.

  • Complete a quantity in ready status at the last operation and inventory the product (for process work orders, output items can be inventoried during completion of any operation).

  • Scrap a quantity in ready status at an operation. You must have the required scrap privilege to perform the transaction .

  • Reject a quantity in ready status at an operation for further review to decide on the disposition action.

  • Complete a rejected quantity if the rejected quantity is decided as acceptable.

  • Scrap a rejected quantity if the rejected quantity is decided as unacceptable. You must have the required scrap privilege to scrap quantities.

  • Complete to complete for overcompletions (allowed only in in-house count point operations).

  • Perform the undercompletion for the last operation using quick complete or complete with details action.

Additionally, you can also correct any errors by performing a reverse transaction. The reverse transaction reverses the quantity transacted earlier. The forward and reverse transactions are recorded as separate transactions. The reverse transactions can be performed from the complete, scrap, or reject dispatch statuses. You can perform the following reverse transactions:

  • Reverse a completed quantity to ready at an operation.

  • Reverse the product at the last operation for discrete manufacturing work orders. (for process manufacturing work orders, it can be at any operation).

  • Reverse a scrapped quantity to ready. You must have the WIP_REPORT_SCRAP_TRANSACTIONS_PRIV privilege to perform the transaction.

  • Reverse a rejected quantity to ready.


You can't manually reverse a quantity or a serial at a supplier operation from ready to in-process status. When you return quantities to either receiving or supplier, or perform a receipt or return correction, the quantity or a serial in ready status is automatically reversed to in-process.

The operation transactions for the automatically transact operations are automatically reported when an operation transaction for the next count point operation is reported. Similarly, for the reverse transactions, the quantity is automatically reversed at the automatically transact operation if the quantity is manually reversed at the previous count point operation.


The operation transactions aren't supported for optional operations.

When the Restrict lot numbers during return plant parameter is enabled, you can select and return only those lot numbers that have been issued from the lot numbers list at the work order operation. However, you can return any lot numbers though the same lot hasn't been issued in the following conditions

  • if Restrict lot numbers during return plant parameter is NOT enabled

  • if you have the Allow unrestricted return to lot numbers privilege when Restrict lot numbers during return plant parameter is enabled

Validate Operation Completion

If operation attribute Completions with Under Issues is set to Allow with warning and all the required materials with push supply type aren't issued, then operators will get a warning message giving them the option of whether or not they want to report the operation transaction.

If the operation attribute Completions with Under Issues is set to Don't allow, then operators won't be able report operation completions unless all the required material with push supply type are issued.

If operation attribute Completions with Open Exceptions is set to Allow with warning and if there are open exceptions, then operators will get a warning message giving them the option of whether or not they want to report the operation transaction.

If the operation attribute Completions with Open Exceptions is set to Don't allow, then operators can't report operation completions unless all the exceptions are closed.


When operation attributes Completions with Under Issues and Completions with Open Exceptions are set to Allow with warning, operation transactions reported through REST will be processed with the Allow setting.


The completing or scrapping of the quantity that's over the work order quantity at the first in-house count point operation in the work order operations is called overcompletion. This is supported if the work order overcompletion tolerance is setup either at work order level or at the Default Overcompletion Tolerance Percentage plant parameter. At the work order level, the overcompletion can be set up as the percentage of the work order quantity or as the absolute quantity. However, the plant parameter is used to set up a default value for overcompletion in percentage. The overcompletion set up at the work order level always overrides the overcompletion set up in the plant parameter.


Overcompletions can't be reported at supplier operations.


The work is undercompleted based on the undercompletion tolerance value.

The completing or scrapping of the quantity that's less than the work order quantity at the last operation of the work order is called undercompletion. This is supported if the work order undercompletion tolerance is set up either at work order level or at the Default Undercompletion Tolerance Percentage plant parameter. At the work order level, the undercompletion can be set up as the percentage of the work order quantity or as the absolute quantity. However, the plant parameter is used to set up a default value for undercompletion in percentage. The undercompletion set up at the work order level always overrides the undercompletion set up in the plant parameter.

Undercompletion is also applicable for a supplier operation.

Generate UDI

You can generate and store a Unique Device Identifier (UDI), which is a series of alphanumeric characters that's assigned to uniquely identify a medical device. A UDI improves the identification, traceability, and safety of medical devices. You can generate a UDI consists of the following information:

  • Device Identifier - fixed and mandatory element of the UDI. It uniquely identifies the specific version or model of a medical device and the manufacturer (information managed in Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management).
  • ProductionIdentifier - conditional and variable component of the UDI, which may include information like the lot or batch number, the serial number, the expiration date, and the manufacturing date of the device (managed in Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing).

A UDI generation is initiated during product completion of discrete manufacturing work orders or during orderless completions.

  1. Identify if UDI generation is required in the item definition
  2. Derive the device identifier from the GTIN in the item definition
  3. Identify applicable production identifiers and generate attribute values
  4. Generate and populate the UDI in lot or serial number table
  5. Display the generated UDI in product labels, electronic production record, and in transaction history pages

For more information about setups, refer to the PIM User Guide.

The UDI generation logic is defined based on attributes at the item level or during transaction:

  • GTIN value
  • Lot
  • Serial number
  • Expiration date
  • Manufacturing date

The UDI is generated as part of the discrete work order product completion or orderless completion and you can see the generated UDI in the following workflows:

  • Production transaction history
  • Product labels generated during operation transactions
  • Electronic production record

The generation and storage of a full UDI string enables in:

  • Efficient tracking and tracing of medical devices throughout their lifecycle
  • Adherence to regulatory requirements and standards for safety and quality
  • Minimizing risks associated with device errors, recalls, and patient safety

Reporting Operation Transactions in a Contract Manufacturing Plant

In a contract manufacturing plant, when you report the completion of the last operation, the application receives the contract manufacturing service item against the contract manufacturing plant into inventory. The application then completes the last operation which backflushes the contract manufacturing service item and posts the assembly into inventory.


Contract manufacturing is currently supported for only discrete manufacturing.

For successful completion of the last operation in a contract manufacturing plant, you must do the following:

  • Set up the default item transaction for inventory.

  • Set up the default supply subinventory and locator in the contract manufacturing plant. You must ensure that the subinventory and locator in the contract manufacturing plant is same as that in the default Item transaction.

  • Set the receipt routing for the purchase order as Direct.

You should not report an operation transaction for a contract manufacturing work order if it's not linked to a purchase order. Reporting an operation transaction for a contract manufacturing work order that's not linked to a purchase order will result in negative inventory of the contract manufacturing service item. You can't reverse such an operation transaction.

In a contract manufacturing plant, you can't perform the following:

  • Scrap a quantity at an operation

  • Reject a quantity at an operation

  • Reverse to Ready at the final operation

Quick Complete

The quick complete mode is available only if there's no lot or serial control enabled operation pull component in the work order operation.


For process manufacturing work orders, there should not be any lot or serial-controlled output items for automatic reporting at the operation. There can be manual outputs that are lot and serial controlled and you can still quick complete at the operation.

Irrespective of the availability of the Quick Complete button, a transaction is eligible for quick complete only if / when:

  • There's no lot or serial numbers to be entered for the product or automatic output items. The quick complete isn't supported if the transaction has to report the product or output items that are serialized at receipt, because you're required to enter the lot or serial number.

  • There are no lot control or serial control enabled pull components to be backflushed. The backflush components can be assembly pull or operation pull. The scrap transactions that have lot-controlled or serial-controlled assembly pull components aren't eligible for quick complete.

  • If in a set of multiple transactions, if one of the transactions isn't eligible for quick complete, all the transactions will fail.

  • The default supply subinventories for all the pull components must be specified in the work order or in the Default Supply Subinventory plant parameter if there are pull components to be backflushed.

  • The default subinventory for product completion must be specified in the work order or in the Default Completion Subinventory plant parameter if the transaction is a product completion. The plant parameters Default Completion Subinventory and Default Completion Locator are mandatory plant parameters.

  • If you are completing a quantity less than that of the work order quantity and within the undercompletion tolerance, the work order will be set to completed status when you select the undercomplete check box. However, if you don’t select the check box, and complete a quantity less than the work order quantity, the work order will continue to be in released status.
  • The quick complete action isn't allowed for those operations that has at least one resource with a job profile or equipment profile whose charge type is Automatic.

For manufacturing plants which are enabled to track inventory by the country of origin, when completions are performed using quick complete actions, the products are completed without the country of origin. Also, the materials are backflushed without country of origin.

Note: The quick complete action isn't available for operations that are processed by automation equipment.

Complete with Details

Using the complete with details mode, you can create only one type of operation transaction at a time, that's, you can either complete or scrap or reject in one transaction. You can't perform more than one transaction type in a transaction. The quantity entered should not exceed the quantity available for transaction. The quantity available for transaction is the quantity that's available in the current dispatch status. However, if the operation is the first count point operation and if any overcompletion quantity is set up in the work order, then the total transaction quantity can exceed the quantity in the current dispatch status to the extent allowed by overcompletion tolerance. Overcompletion is allowed only at the first count point operation in the work order operation from Ready status.

For transactions initiated from Reject dispatch status, you will have three attributes Complete, Scrap or Reverse to Ready to complete, scrap or reverse the quantity to ready status. The user can complete or scrap or reverse a quantity to ready. The total quantity entered should not exceed the quantity in the current dispatch status.

Note: If the operation has a required inspection setup, then multiple types of operation transactions can be created. Refer to the appropriate section on Manufacturing Inspections for details.

For transactions initiated from Complete or Scrap dispatch status, you will have only one attribute Reverse to Ready to enter the quantity that's to be reversed to ready status. The total quantity entered should not exceed the quantity in the current dispatch status.

Note: For operations that are executed by an instance of automation equipment, the complete with details action is enabled only if the Report Operation Transactions Performed by Automation Equipment privilege is assigned to the job role, to either reverse the in-process quantity to ready, or complete the quantity. This is used in exception situations where the quantity can't be automatically progressed to the next operation in sequence.

The flow for reporting an operation transaction consists of the following four train stops:

Product Train Stop

In the Product train stop, you can review the transaction. The following table lists the attributes in the Product train stop:



Transaction Date

The following two validations must be honored:

  • Transaction date must be same or later than the work order released date.

  • Transaction date can't be a future date.


The list of attachments from the work order. You can add work order operation attachments. The attachments of the following types are displayed:

  • Work order operation

  • Work order header

  • Work order operation material

  • Work order operation resource

  • Sales order header

  • Sales order line


The last two attachment types are applicable only for work orders which are reserved as a source of supply for sales orders.

Available to Transact

The quantity that can be transacted with the dispatch status.

Transaction Type

The transaction type for the current transaction.


The current transaction quantity. You can update this field up to the quantity specified in Available to Transact field. This field is read-only when you navigate back to the page from an upstream page.


The work is undercompleted based on the undercompletion tolerance value.

The work order will be set to completed status when you select the undercomplete check box. However, if you don’t select the check box, and complete a quantity less than the work order quantity, the work order will continue to be in released status.

Print Label

If selected, the labels will be printed as per the predefined template.

Transaction Note

The note for the transaction.

Operation Transaction Summary

The region has the following three attributes that show the current status of transacted quantity in the work order operation:

  • Complete

  • Reject

  • Scrap

Additional Information Region

The additional information region is enabled for serial-tracked and nonserial-tracked operations.

Additional Serial Information Region

The additional serial information region is enabled for serial-tracked operations.


If the descriptive flexfields attributes are set up, you can add additional information for operation transactions. If serial attributes flexfields are set up, you can add additional serial information in serial-tracked operations.

For serial-tracked operations, the serial numbers previously generated and associated in the work orders are displayed in the expanded region of the dispatch list row. The transaction is initiated by selecting the check box in the dispatch status region for a serial number and then clicking the Complete with Details action. Only one serial can be transacted at a time for this action.

Backflush Materials Train Stop

The Backflush Materials train stop is displayed if the Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush plant parameter is set as Both or Material. The following table lists the attributes in the Materials train stop:




Icon to show the status whether the required attributes have been entered for the row.

Operation Sequence

Operation sequence in the work order from which the material was derived. This can be the current operation or a previous automatically transact operation.


Item number of the component. Component is for discrete work order user interface.


For a supplier operation, the component represents Original Equipment Manufacturer-supplied component associated to the supplier operation with the supply type as "Operation Pull" or "Assembly Pull".


Item number of the component. Material is for process work order user interface.


Basis type as defined in the work order operation materials for the component.


Unit of measure as defined in the work order materials or in organization item definition.


Required quantity as defined in the work order for nonserial-tracked items. For serial-tracked items defined in the work order, the required quantity is 1 for each row and there can be as many rows as the quantity of item required for the transaction.

To Transact

Set to required quantity for nonserial-tracked items with minimum as 1.

Secondary Quantity

Set to secondary quantity for nonserial-tracked items.

Secondary UOM

Secondary unit of measure as defined in the work order materials or in organization item definition.

Component Lot Number

Lot number for the item. Component Lot Number and Component Serial Number in the discrete manufacturing user interface.

Lot Number

Lot Number in the process manufacturing user interface.

Serial Number

Serial number for the item in the process manufacturing user interface.

Country of Origin

For manufacturing plants which are enabled to track inventory by the country of origin, operators can optionally specify the country of origin from the list of countries. When the country of origin is specified, the on hand balances for the country are updated. If the country of origin isn't specified, the on hand inventory tracked without the country of origin will be updated. When the required balances aren't available, negative balances are created if the organization allows negative balances.

You can perform discrete and process manufacturing transactions without providing the country of origin for specific items or items assigned to a specific category even when the organization mandates otherwise. You can define an attribute tracking exception for the country of origin at the item or item-category level using the Configure Inventory Attribute Exceptions setup task for Inventory Management.

Additional Information Region

The additional information region is enabled for serial-tracked and nonserial-tracked operations.

Lots can be defaulted or manually entered by the user, based on the setting of the plant parameter, Lot Selection During Backflush.

  • If the parameter is set to Manual, the lots aren't defaulted and the user manually enters the lots.

  • If the parameter is set to Lot FIFO, the lots are defaulted on the basis of first in first out, using the receipt date.

  • If the parameter is set to Lot FEFO, the lots are defaulted on the basis of first expiration first out, using the expiration date.

For serial-controlled materials, serial numbers can be manually specified for material backflush.

You can capture user-defined data using descriptive flexfields (DFFs) while issuing or returning work order operation materials and completing or returning the primary product and other work order operation outputs using a user interface page, the Work Order Material Transactions REST resource, or the Work Order Material Transaction Import file-based data import (FBDI) template.

Autotransact Resources Train Stop

The Autotransact Resources train stop is displayed only if the Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush plant parameter is set up as Both or Resources. The following table lists the attributes in the Resources train stop:




Icon to show the status whether the required attributes have been entered for the row.

Operation Sequence

Operation sequence in the work order from which the material was derived. This can be the current operation or a previous automatically transact operation.


This is the resource sequence as in the work order operation resources.


Name of the resource.

Resource Instance

Name of the resource instance.

Resource Type

Resource type as defined in the work order resources or in resource definition.


Resource activity as defined in the work order resources or in resource definition.


Basis type as defined in the work order operation for the resource.


Unit of measure as defined in the work order resources or in organization item definition.


Required quantity as defined in the work order resources.

To Charge

Set to Required quantity to make changes.

The job profile is validated when reporting labor. You can confirm the operator's qualifications when reporting an operation or resource transaction using the labor resource instance. During operation completion or resource charging, you can't proceed with an unqualified operator and need to reassign to a qualified operator.

The equipment profile is validated when reporting an equipment resource. When reporting equipment resources in the Autotransact Resources train stop of complete with details, the system will enforce an entry of a qualified equipment resource instance. The operation transaction date is used to validate whether the resource instance possesses a valid qualification on this date. You can't proceed with an unqualified equipment resource instance or without specifying a resource instance and need to assign a qualified equipment resource instance to complete the transaction.


Although resources can't be associated to supplier operations on a work order, you can report specific resource usages at a supplier operation from the Autotransact Resources train stop.

Inventory Train Stop

In discrete manufacturing work orders, inventory train stop is displayed only if the operation is a product completion or reverse at the last operation. For process manufacturing work orders inventory train stop is displayed for all operations. This page displays all output items setup as automatic in the work order output items.

The following table lists the attributes in inventory train stop:




Icon to show the status whether the required attributes have been entered for the row.


Output item for process manufacturing work orders.


Description of the output item.

Output Type

Output item type: can be product or by-product. This is for only process manufacturing work orders.

Operation Sequence Number

Operation sequence number can be the current operation sequence or the sequence number of a prior auto-transact operation.


Unit of measure for the output item quantity

Secondary UOM

Secondary unit of measure for the output item quantity.


Expected quantity for output based on transaction quantity, work order output quantity and the work order quantity. it's zero for ad hoc output items.

To Transact

The default transaction quantity. You can also update it to generate multiple rows for the transaction quantity. The total quantity in the rows must match the transaction quantity.

Secondary Quantity

The secondary transaction quantity.

Lot Number

Preassigned lot numbers of the product display in the drop-down list. The work order number is defaulted as the lot number when the plant parameter "Default Lot Number for Work Order Product Completion" is enabled. This plant parameter defaults work order number as lot number even if there are no lot numbers preassigned.

If the work order has multiple preassigned lots, the defaulting will be done during product completions only if the work order number is one of the lot numbers preassigned. If there is only one lot number preassigned in the work order for a product, it will be defaulted. In case, you delete the work order number from the preassigned lot numbers manually in the work order, then the lot number won't be defaulted.

For process work orders, the defaulting of work order number as lot number is applicable for lot controlled primary output item only.

You can't generate lot numbers during product completion or return if there are preassigned lot numbers for the product.

Parent Lot Number

Parent Lot Number is used to group lot numbers. If the item attribute Child Lot Enabled is selected, you can optionally specify the parent lot number. You can either manually enter the parent lot number or you can click Generate Parent Lot to automatically generate the parent lot number. If an existing lot is used, the parent lot number can't be edited. If the existing lot doesn't have a parent lot number, the parent lot number can't be captured during completion transactions. For more information about parent lot numbers, refer to the Item Inventory Specification Attributes section in the Using Product Master Data Management guide.

Lot Expiration Date

The date on which the lot will expire.

Note: You can update the lot expiration date for the lots at the time of product completion. However, you can update the lot expiration date only if the lot expiration control attribute in item definition is set as User-defined expiration date. If the Lot Origination Date is updated, the Lot Expiration Date and the Hold Until Dates will be recalculated. Update of Lot dates is supported for work order and orderless transactions.

Lot Origination Date

The date on which the lot is manufactured. The Lot Origination date defaults to the Transaction date, which you can edit.


You can update the lot origination date for the lots that are either preassigned to the work order or for any lots at the time of product completion. Updating the lot origination date at the time of product completion automatically updates the Lot Expiration Date and Hold Until Dates as set up in the item definition.

Hold Until Date

The date until which the lot will be on hold. The Hold until date defaults to Lot Origination date + Hold days as in item definition, which you can edit during product completions.

Serial Number

Serial number of the product.


Completion subinventory as defined in the work order or in plant parameter Default Completion Subinventory.


Completion subinventory as defined in the work order or in plant parameter Default Completion Locator.

Country of Origin

For manufacturing plants which are enabled to track inventory by the country of origin, operators can optionally specify the country of origin from the list of countries. When the specific country of origin is specified, the on hand balances for the country of origin are updated. If the country of origin isn't specified, the on hand inventory tracked without the country of origin will be updated.

You can perform discrete and process manufacturing transactions without providing the country of origin for specific items or items assigned to a specific category even when the organization mandates otherwise. You can define an attribute tracking exception for the country of origin at the item or item-category level using the Configure Inventory Attribute Exceptions setup task for Inventory Management.

Packing Unit A unique identifier assigned to a container or package of products that are completed in manufacturing and maintenance. For use in integrations with a warehouse management system.

Additional Information Region

The additional information region is enabled for serial-tracked and nonserial-tracked operations.

  • For process manufacturing work orders, you can add and delete output items in the work order operation. You can use the icons for adding and deleting output items at the table level. There are two buttons Generate Lot and Generate Serial in the table level. They are displayed only if the item is lot or serial-controlled at receipt. For process manufacturing, the Generate Lot and Generate Serial buttons are always displayed.

  • If the product is set up as Full lot control enabled in the Product Information Management work area, you can select the required number of rows and click Generate Lot in Inventory train stop to automatically generate sequential lot numbers for your product. Generate Lot and Generate Serial buttons are always displayed for process manufacturing work orders.

  • If the product is set up as serial control enabled, and it has the serial generation attribute set up as Dynamic entry at inventory receipt in the Product Information Management work area, you can select the required number of rows and click Generate Serial in Inventory train stop to automatically generate sequential serial numbers for your product.


You can also enter lot and serial numbers manually.

If the product is lot control enabled or serial control enabled, the additional information captures lot and serial attributes.


If you have enabled Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records, you can submit the operation transaction for approval. An E-Signature page opens where you can view the status of the approval process of the operation transaction.

Work Order Operation is an inline signature approval flow. So, the user or operator who initiated the flow must not leave the transaction until it's approved by the approver. If the user leaves the transaction midway, the transaction gets into an unknown state and will have to be redone. Additionally, the user must refresh the signature page to ensure that the page doesn't time out after the inactivity time out that's set in their environment. After the approver approves or rejects the transaction, the user can see the approval status on the signature page and complete the transaction.

You can perform the undercompletion for the last operation using quick complete or complete with details action. You can't perform any operation transaction except reverse to ready in last operation for an undercompleted work order.

After the work order is undercompleted and status changes to completed, the work order header has a checkbox to indicate if the work order is Undercompleted. You can check the status of a work order if it is undercompleted from the details section of the work order header.

Using undercompletion tolerance to complete work orders helps you to decide to automatically have the work order to completed status whenever the production quantities fall short of expected quantity.


You can update the lot control dates such as Lot origination date, Expiration date, and Hold Until date at the time of product completion using user interface, REST services and file-based data import (FBDI).