Inspect Serial-Tracked In-House Operations

Use the Work Execution work area to complete inspection for all your work order operations which have required inspection assigned to them in quality management.

Inspections can be initiated only when the dispatch status is Ready or Reject. It can't be initiated from Scrap or Complete status.

You can enter inspection results during Quick Complete and Complete with Details. The primary purpose of these transactions is to report the progress of work as operation transaction. The inspection results decide the disposition as Complete, Scrap, or Reject.


Serial-tracked operations are supported only for discrete work orders.

Setups To Be Completed Before Inspection

This is a decision table that explains certain conditions that must be met before you continue this task:


What Should Be Done?

Inspection Characteristics

These must be set up in order to use them in inspection plan specifications or to add them directly to an inspection.

Inspection Plan

An inspection plan is defined and associated with an item or an item category in the work order.


The plan must be WIP Inspection plan.

Inspection Criteria

The inspection criteria act as a trigger to initiate inspection either during operation completion from Ready or for Rework operations in Reject state.

Inspection Plan Status

The status of the plan you're associating with the item or item category must be set to Approved.

Inspection plan optional

The inspection plan is set up as a required attribute if you don't select this check box.

Quick Complete Action

Select the Review Dispatch List task and follow these steps to inspect the output of an operation which has mandatory inspection predefined in quality management:
  1. Select a serial-tracked operation from the dispatch list which is Ready and expand the Details section.

    For serial-tracked operations in Ready state, an Inspect and Complete check box is displayed against each serial number of the operation you're trying to complete the required inspection for. Select one or more of the check boxes and click Quick Complete to inspect the serials.

  2. On the Quick Complete: Inspection page, you can view the applicable inspection plan for entering inspection results.

    The page has certain context values populated corresponding to the inspection plan that's being used to inspect this particular operation. Those values are as follows:

    • The attribute Serials in the inspection plan is populated with the total number of serials selected for inspection. You have to enter the inspection result separately for each serial.


      You can scan the serial for inspection. Scanning the serial makes it the first serial in the list.

    • Accept or Reject is displayed for each serial based on the results entered and is triggered by the logic in the inspection plan.

    • The accepted, rejected, and pending quantities are populated at the inspection plan header level.

    • Once the inspection result for every serial is processed and the disposition for each serial is displayed as Accept or Reject, you can click the Save and Close button.

    When you click the Save and Close button, you view a dialog box titled Quick Complete: Work Order Operation Sequence if:

    • There's at least one rejected serial.

    • You have scrap privilege.

  3. In the Quick Complete: Work Order Operation Sequence dialog box you can select the Scrap check box for the serials in Reject state to discard the inspected serial for the operation.

  4. Click Complete to receive a confirmation message for a successful transaction or click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

    If the transaction is canceled after inspection or if it fails, then all the transactions will be reset and the inspection results collected wouldn't be saved.

Complete With Details Action

The Complete With Details action allows you to choose only one serial at a time in case of serial-tracked operations. Select the Review Dispatch List task and follow these steps to inspect an operation which has mandatory inspection predefined in quality management:
  1. Select the required operation from the dispatch list which is Ready and expand the Details section.

    For serial-tracked operations in Ready state, an Inspect and Complete check box is displayed against each serial number of the operation you're trying to complete required inspection for. Select one serial and click Complete With Details to initiate inspection.

  2. On the Complete With Details: Inspection Plan page, you're able to enter inspection results for the selected serial.

    Accepted or Rejected is displayed based on the results entered and is triggered by the logic in inspection plan. Once you enter inspection results for the serial, and the disposition as Accepted or Rejected is done, the Next button is enabled.

  3. Click Next. The Product page opens. You can view a summary of the current operation transactions you have inspected. Depending on the inspection results, the page is populated with the certain details:

    The following table shows attributes and corresponding values populated on the Complete With Details: Product page:

    Transaction Type

    Values Populated


    If the serial has passed inspection, the completed serial is displayed.


    If the serial didn't pass inspection a different page is displayed where the Transaction Type is selected as Reject by default. You can choose the Scrap option only if you have scrap privilege.

    Depending on whether you choose to move the rejected serial to scrap or retain it as rejected, you must provide a Scrap reason or a Reject reason respectively.


    If you navigate back to Product page from a subsequent page, none of the attributes except Transaction Note can be edited.

  4. Click Next. The Backflush Materials page opens. You can view a list of all components which have items required for the transaction.

  5. Click Next. The Resources page opens. You can view a list of all resources which have items required for the transaction.

  6. Click Next. The Inventory page opens if the current operation is the last operation. You can view the serial for completion.

  7. Click Save and Close to receive a confirmation message that your transaction has been successfully completed.