Work Order Operation Outputs

In a work order where the work method is process manufacturing, there can be many output items. The output items of such a work order are displayed in the output items user interface. The item on the header of the work order is the primary output item.

This item is also displayed in the output items user interface with the output type Product. Each output item in the Output Items user interface is identified by the Output Type field as a product or by-product.

The following table displays the attribute name and the attribute description of the work order operation outputs:



Operation Sequence Number

Represents the operation sequence number where the output item is expected to be yielded.

Output Sequence Number

A unique sequence number which identifies the output item within an operation.


The item which identifies the output item expected or actually yielded from one of the work order operations.


For process work orders, input items can't be referenced as an output item.

Output Description

The description of the output item.

Output Type

The output type identifies if the output item is a co-product or a by-product. One of the Output items with output type as product is the primary output item and the rest are considered as co-products.


The quantity expected to be yielded from the work order operation. This can be zero or a positive number.


The unit of measure of the output item which is used to express the expected and actual completion quantities.

Secondary Quantity

The secondary quantity of the operation output required in an operation.

The field is displayed only when the item is set up as a dual unit of measure item. You can enter either the primary/transactional quantity or secondary quantity, and the application will automatically calculate the other based on the predefined UOM conversion.

Secondary UOM

The secondary unit of measure of the operation output quantity. It's defaulted to the item's secondary unit of measure and can't be updated.

Completion Type

The completion type identifies how the output item will be reported in work execution. It can be either Manual or Automatic.

Completion Subinventory

The completion subinventory where the output item is expected to be yielded.

Completion Locator

The completion locator where the output item is expected to be yielded.

Primary Output

An indicator identifying the primary output item of a work order. This indicator is automatically checked by the application for the output item specified in the work order header.

Cost Allocation Basis

The basis for cost allocation for output items in a process manufacturing work order. It can be either percentage or fixed value.

Cost Allocation Percentage

The percentage value that's associated if the cost allocation basis of the output item is percentage.

Actual Completion Quantity

The actual completion quantity of the output item. This is read only and is updated by work execution transactions in the unit of measure that's associated to the output item.


Attachments associated to the output items.

Descriptive Flexfields

Additional information captured in the form of descriptive flexfields for output items.

Work order scaling for operation outputs is supported only for process work orders. Dual units of measure isn't supported for work order operation items and outputs. The user can add a dual unit of measure item as an operation item or as an output item, but the secondary unit of measure and quantity aren't displayed in the work order user interface. You can’t assign outputs to resequenceable operations in a process manufacturing work order.