How You Manage Assets in the User Interface

Manage your assets using either the Manage Assets page or the Asset Information Management.

Use the existing Manage Assets page to search for, create, and edit your assets. On this page, you enter one of several mandatory search criteria and optionally one or more additional filter criteria. A standard database search gives you results in a list, where you can view the attachments and details of the item associated with the asset. You can also mark an asset as favorite for easy tracking.

On the new Asset Information Management page, you can search for your assets using Oracle's smart search and filters. You can quickly and easily perform full-text searches for assets across dozens of attributes including descriptive flexfields, using this enhanced search function. You can view the search results in a sortable table based on matching records. For more details on setting up this new page, refer to the section entitled How to Use Smart Search to Search For and View Assets in the New Assets UI in the Maintenance chapter of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide


You can use deep links to open asset pages without navigating through the menu structure. This helps you edit asset details by clicking a deep link that's embedded on an OTBI analysis, Application Composer-enabled page, or a custom page. For more details on deep Refer to the Maintenance chapter of the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

You can create or update assets manually in the UI, or via REST API or File-Based Data Import.

Search for an Asset Using the Manage Assets Page

You can search for assets based on the privileges you have. If you've been assigned a job role your enterprise uses for maintenance manager work, you can search for customer assets. If you've been assigned a job role your enterprise uses for asset administrator work, you can search for enterprise assets. A Maintenance Manager can only view enterprise assets that operate in maintenance-enabled organizations for which they have access. Defining an organization relationship expands the search to include assets that operate in a non-maintenance organization, provide they have access to those additional organizations. An Asset Administrator sees only customer assets, by default. However, a user with both privileges sees both enterprise and customer assets.

In the Maintenance work area, from the Tasks pane, click the Manage Assets link to open the Manage Assets page. Use basic keywords to look for one or more assets. The keyword is searched across the following attributes of all the assets: Asset Number, Description, and Item.

You can also use these filters for an advanced search using various attributes of the assets:

  • Number

  • Description

  • Item

  • Serial Number

  • Show only IoT enabled assets

  • Include child assets

  • Operating Organization (applicable for maintenance assets only and is a required field)

  • Customer (applicable for customer assets only)

  • Location Type

  • Location

  • Assets Enabled for Maintenance

  • Assets That Allow Work Orders


You must define either a Number, Item, Serial Number, or Location type to use an advanced search.

By default, only assets without parent asset are considered by the keyword search. Select the Include child assets filter check box to expand the search to consider assets that have a parent asset.

You can also add these filter attributes to your filter region:

  • Group

  • Location Organization

  • Lot

  • Sales Order Number

  • Lot Number

  • Work Center

  • Work Area

  • Show only competitor assets

  • Show only assets without item

  • Bill-to Account Number (applicable for customer assets only)

  • Last Sales Order (applicable for customer assets only)

  • Contract (applicable for customer assets only)


The location attribute filter is tied to all the location-based parameters such as location organization, work center, subinventory, locator, and customer address.

Here are some other things you can do on the Manage Assets page:
  • Mark an asset as favorite in the search results.
  • Export the search results to a spreadsheet.
  • Save the frequently used search criteria as saved search
  • Create a saved search and setting it as default to enable automatic searches. When you have a default search criteria, the Search Results region displays the assets matching the search criteria whenever the Manage Assets page is opened.

Search for an Asset Using the Asset Information Management Page

You can use Smart Search to search for and view assets in the new Asset Information Management search page. This new page works a little differently than the existing Manage Assets page. When you navigate to the new Assets page, you'll see search results in a table with a count of the total number of assets returned. The results are already filtered to return your top-level assets that are active (not end dated). These filters are displayed as smart filter chips in the search field and can be removed to broaden the results in the table. You can scroll through the table rows and click on column headings to sort and browse through the search results.

When you view your search results, you can click on a row the table to open a drawer that shows the asset groups and the global and context-sensitive descriptive flexfield segments for the asset in the selected row. When you click on a different row in the results table, the drawer contents will be updated to display the descriptive flexfields of the newly selected asset. You can close the drawer by clicking on the X at the top corner of the drawer or by hitting the Escape (Esc) key.

If you don't find the assets you are looking for, then use the smart search field to further narrow down the results. Simply type a representative term of what you are looking for in the smart search field and press the enter key. Your search term visually transforms into an applied filter chip in the search field and a full-text search is immediately performed. Full-text search results also include matches that start with the search term that was entered.

Each filter chip that you add to the search field reduces your result set even further. This is equivalent to performing a search using “and”. The results table shows the intersection of the search criteria in the applied filter chips.

When you type in more than one search term before hitting the enter key, the results table includes assets that match any of the terms in your filter chip. This is equivalent to performing a search using “or”. The results table shows the union of the search terms in your filter chip.

To remove a filter chip, simply click on the “x” inside the filter chip to remove it and the results table changes accordingly.

Full text searches are performed across the following attributes:

  • Asset Number
  • Asset Description
  • Lot Number
  • Serial Number
  • Fixed Asset Number
  • Project Number
  • Task Number
  • Country of Origin Name
  • Country of Origin Description
  • Operating Organization Code
  • Operating Organization Name
  • Item Number
  • Item Description
  • Item Long Description
  • Group Number
  • Group Name
  • Part Number
  • Part Description
  • Customer Name
  • Bill Account Number
  • Sales Order Number
  • Selling Business Unit Name
  • Location Type
  • Subinventory Code
  • Customer Address
  • External Address
  • Internal Address
  • Location Organization Code
  • Location Organization Name
  • Work Center Name
  • Work Area Name
  • Descriptive Flexfields

To search and locate assets by global descriptive flexfield, click on the Additional Information filter to add it to your search. Then, type a representative term of what you are looking for in the search field and press the enter key. Your search term visually turns into an applied filter and a full-text search is immediately performed across all searchable attributes, including global flexfields.

To search and locate assets by context-sensitive descriptive flexfield, add the Additional Information filter to your search, just like you would for searching by global flexfields. Then, click on the applied Additional Information filter for in your search field to see the list of available contexts. Select the context you want to search. Then, type a representative term of what you are looking for in the search field and press the enter key. Your search term visually turns into an applied filter and a full-text search is immediately performed across all searchable attributes, including the flexfields for the selected context and the global flexfields.

In addition to typing into the smart search field, you can also choose from predefined filters. These filters chips are suggested below the search field. To add a suggested filter chip your search, click on the chip to apply it to the search field. The Top-Level and Active filter chips are applied by default when you open the Asset Information Management page. You can change the value of a predefined filter chip by clicking on the filter after you have added it to the search field.

Predefined filter chips are available for the following attributes:

  • Active
  • Competitor Asset
  • Description-Based
  • IoT-Enabled
  • Operating Organization Code
  • Top-Level
  • Active Asset Date
  • Customer Active Asset Date
  • In-Service Date
  • Installed Date
  • Origination Date
  • Purchase Date
  • Registration Date
  • Shipment Date
  • Creation Date
  • Location Type
  • Maintenance Programs Allowed
  • Work Orders Allowed

More Ways to Search Using Smart Search

Here are more ways to search using smart search:
  • Searches are case insensitive. Both capitalized and noncapitalized keyword terms matches when searching for assets.
  • When you add more than one filter to the search field, each filter added to the search field will further refine your search.
  • When you type in more than one keyword in the search field before hitting the enter key, all of the keywords will be included in a single filter. The results table show assets that match any of the keywords within the filter.
  • To search for a phrase, enclose your phrase in double quotation marks and add it to the search bar as a single filter.
  • The character hyphen and the character period are delimiters. If you need to search for a term that includes a hyphen or a period, enclose the term in double quotation marks.
  • To remove a filter, simply click on the X inside the filter to remove it. If you remove the Additional Information filter, the applied keyword filters will no longer search across descriptive flexfields.
  • When searching by descriptive flexfields, the length of your search term must be within 2 characters of the matching descriptive flexfield value. If a flexfield value is less than 7 characters in length, then the length of the search term entered in the search field must be within 1 character length of the flexfield value it is matching.
  • Searching by descriptive flexfields uses a search algorithm. Your search can return assets with flexfields that closely match your search term but don't exactly match.
  • You can use the double quotation marks to enclose a search phrase for a descriptive flexfield, just like you do for any other asset attribute. However, only assets with descriptive flexfields that exactly match the enclosed phrase are returned.

View the Asset 360

For each asset the results table, you can click the Asset 360 View link to open the Asset 360 View page. On this page, you can view an interactive overview of the asset and its related objects. Each object will display key metrics and navigation links to the Edit Asset page or related object pages, depending on the type of asset. This can be useful to see the count of open maintenance work orders for an asset and quickly navigate to the Manage Work Orders page in the context of the asset.