Change Order Notifications

Notifications are sent to assignees throughout the lifecycle of the change order.

For a detailed list of new item request notifications, notification types, and recipients, refer to View Product Management Notifications available on the Oracle Help Center.

Here's when the notifications are sent:
  • When a change order is submitted, notifications are sent out to assignees, approvers, and the requester.
  • When you start a step, notifications are sent to each of the assignees of the step.
  • When the change order is approved or rejected, a notification is sent to the creator, and approver.
Notifications are of the following types:
  • Task notifications are sent out to the assignees of each task.
  • FYI notifications are sent to the creator, assignee, requester, and approver of change order lines and headers when it moves to Scheduled or Completed Status.
Important Considerations about Notifications:
  • FYI notification is sent if you're removed as an approver or reviewer for the change that is in the current interim approval or approval workflow status.
  • FYI notifications are sent to all the removed participants of the approval groups.
  • FYI notification shows who has rejected the change order approval request and the rejection comments for the same.
  • Comments are visible in the rejection notification for change orders, change requests, problem reports, and corrective actions.

    You can see the comments provided when you are removed as a workflow participant.

  • If the approval notifications are delayed ensure that approvers have the following role: EGO_GENERATE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_REPORT_PRIV_OBI
  • The assignee in the notification refers to the users who are part of the approval groups. If your role is designated as the workflow status participant, the Assignee field of the FYI notifications displays your role, instead of your user name.
  • Sometimes, unanticipated issues prevent the workflow from getting completed as expected, and terminating a workflow maybe inevitable. You can stop an approval routing workflow, even if it isn't completed using Terminate Workflow. Related notifications, if any, are removed from the assignees' work lists.
  • In BPM worklist configuration, it’s recommended that you make commenting mandatory when rejecting a change order so that the rejection comments are captured.
  • Workflow participants (approvers, optional approvers, and reviewers) don't receive FYI notifications for change workflow events that aren't relevant to them.

    Only participants added to the current and previous workflow statuses receive notifications when:

    • The change is rejected or completed.
    • Autopromotion fails.
  • Participants added to future workflow statuses or skipped workflow statuses don't receive FYI notifications for these events.
  • If the change moves through a status and is demoted, participants of the status through which the change moved will receive a relevant FYI notification.
  • The number of affected objects displayed in an email notification depends on a threshold.

    If the number of objects exceeds this threshold, a link to the change order page is provided so that you can navigate to the object and view the full list.

    For change order approval task notifications, the threshold is 25.

    For FYI notifications, the threshold is 100.

  • A predefined request comment notification is associated with the Open status. The change order can't move to the next status until this notification has a response. The notification is then sent automatically to the assignee and the requester.

    This automatic notification can be bypassed by removing the assignees. If the notification is bypassed and the BPEL process is set to automatically promote, then the change order automatically moves to the next status. Otherwise, you need to manually move the change order to the next status.

  • Change order notifications aren't sent for the following actions:
    • Skip Current Assignment
    • Suspend
    • Create Subtask
    • Request Information
    • Route Task
    • Add Comments