How Pricing Calculates the Catalog Line

The user uses the catalog line to search for an item.

The user uses the catalog line to search for an item.


  • The price breakdown on the catalog line displays charges that Pricing calculates for the item according to strategy, segment, rules, and so on.

    Price Component

    Unit Price


    Base List Price from Corporate Price List



    Price list adjustment

    Minus 200


    List Price



    Item quantity adjustment

    Minus 100


    Your Price



  • Different charges display depending on how you set up pricing. For example, if you don't add a discount or markup, then the breakdown doesn't include the price list adjustment.

  • This example includes a discount from the price list. It also includes a quantity adjustment when quantity is greater than 1.

  • Some charges are price points and some are adjustments. For example, Base List Price Applied from Corporate Segment Price List indicates that Pricing uses the Corporate Segment Price List to calculate the price point for the base list price.

  • If the quantity is greater than 1, then the Unit Price column displays the price for one unit, and the Amount column displays the extended amount for the charge.