Set Price Periodicity to a Granular Level

Set Price Periodicity to a sufficiently granular value so it meets your customer's requirements.

Assume you add a cost list in the Pricing Administration work area. It includes a $420 annual fee for maintenance that you provide as a service on the AS54888 Desktop Computer. You click Create Cost Charge, then set the values.



Pricing Charge Definition


Price Periodicity


Cost Amount


Your customer, Computer Service and Rentals, places an order for the AS54888 and requests maintenance for 1.5 years. You create a sales order in the Order Management work area, add the AS54888 Desktop Computer to the order, set the Duration to 1.5, the Period to Year, the Contract Start Date to January 1, 2020, then click Submit. However, Order Management can't use a fraction such as 1.5 to calculate the Contract End Date. In can use only a whole number. So Order Management displays an error requesting you to change duration to a whole number.

To avoid this problem, and to meet Computer Service and Rentals' request, set Price Periodicity to a more granular value.



Pricing Charge Definition


Price Periodicity


Cost Amount


Then set Duration on the order line to 18.

If you must keep Price Periodicity at Year, then leave Duration empty and set the Contract End Date to June 30, 2021 when you create the order line. However, this approach requires you to manually calculate the end date every time you add an order line because the date changes, and you must calculate it accurately to the day. Avoid this problem. Make the Price Periodicity more granular instead.