Collect Data Using the Targeted Collection Type

To perform a complete refresh of the data repository used by the Supply Chain Planning products, run a targeted collection.

You can run the targeted collection immediately or you can schedule the process to run later. Demand planning data can only be collected by using the Targeted collection type.


Before collecting demand planning data, you must successfully run the Load Filter Names for Planning Data Collection scheduled process.

Perform the following steps to collect reference data, demand planning data, and supply planning data using the Targeted collection type.

  1. Access the Collect Planning Data page from a Supply Planning work area or the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    • If you are in one of the Supply chain Planning work areas:

      1. Click the Tasks panel tab.

      2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Collect Planning Data link.

    • If you are in the Setup and Maintenance work area, then select the following:

      • Offering: Supply Chain Planning

      • Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

      • Task: Collect Planning Data

  2. On the Collect Planning Data page, complete the following steps.

    • On the Parameters tab:

      1. Select your source system.

      2. For the collection type, select Targeted.

        Demand planning data can only be collected by using the Targeted collection type.

      3. Click Select Collection Filters to select the collection filters.

    • On the Reference Data subtab, move the required reference entities to the Selected Entities area.

    • On the Demand Planning Data subtab, set options to collect the historical demand data in the planning data repository. The planning process uses the historical demand data for statistical forecasting.

      • Collection Time Frame Options: You can specify a fixed or rolling date range for which to collect data.

        The Fixed Date Range option enables you to collect history data within a fixed date range that you specify.

        The Rolling Date Range option enables you to collect the history data for the number of days that you specify. For example, if you forecast weekly, specify 7 in the Number of Days to Collect field to collect the demand history data once per week. The data collections collect the demand history data for the latest week.

        Select Roll off time periods automatically to truncate the history data by the number of days that you specify in the Number of days to keep field each time you run collections for the demand history data. For example, if you prefer to forecast each week based on the history data of 52 weeks, select the Roll off time periods automatically check box and specify Number of days to keep as 364 days. This setting ensures that as you collect data every week, you keep the most recent history of 52 weeks and automatically purge history data older than 52 weeks.

      • History Measures and Attributes: Select your shipments history and bookings history measures.

      • Collection for ETO Items: Select Collect history from associated base models to collect bookings and shipments history for Engineer to Order (ETO) items from the associated base models. When you don't select this option, the history is collected from the standard ETO items.

      • History Data Options: To collect only specific order types, select from the Order Types to Include list of values. By default, all order types are included.

        Select Organization - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption inventory transactions at the organization level. You can collect only the transfer orders inventory transactions or all consumption inventory transactions.

        Select Subinventory - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption inventory transactions at the subinventory level. You can collect only the transfer orders inventory transactions or all consumption inventory transactions for the organizations that you enabled for subinventory planning.

        Select the Collect amount data for history check box to collect amount data.

      • Additional Options: Select additional options for collections.

        Collect Price Lists: Collect the price lists specified in the collections filter for price lists, or collect all price lists if no filter is specified.

        Collect Configure to Order Data: If you selected history measures and attributes, then select the relevant check boxes to collect shipment history options and booking history options.

        Sales Organization Hierarchy: Select Enable sales organization hierarchy collection to collect one or more sales hierarchies.

    • On the Supply Planning Data subtab:

      1. Move the required supply entities to the Selected Entities area.

      2. If you collect resource availability, then select a date range type: Fixed or Relative to collection run date.

        If you selected Fixed, then provide a start date and an end date for collecting resource availability.

        If you selected Relative to collection run date, then enter a number of days in the Collection Window in Days field. The number that you enter determines a collection window in days to collect resource availability based on a rolling time window. That rolling time window adjusts itself, based on the date that you run collections. For example, if you specify 90, then resource availability is collected for the next 90 days each time from the date of the collection run.


        You can save your date range type selection for resource availability collection as a collection template to use later.

      3. You can collect the existing data for the resource availability.

      4. You can also regenerate the resource availability data and then collect the data. If you select the Regenerate data, and then collect option, the collections process runs the Update Resource Availability Job scheduled process first and then collects the resource availability data.

  3. (Optional) Click the Schedule tab and set collections to run as soon as possible or schedule to run at a different time.

  4. Click Submit to start the collections process.

  5. Monitor the collection status using the Scheduled Processes page.

  6. Review the collected data in the Plan Inputs work area.