Demand Cutoff Constraint Parameters

In constrained plans, you can use demand cutoff parameters to specify that certain demands be fulfilled only by supplies that match the demand due date or that fall within the lateness time window specified.

You can use these parameters to avoid planning for demands that can’t be fulfilled within the specified lateness time window.

To use this functionality, your enterprise must have opted in to the Fill Demand with Supplies Only Within a User-Specified Window feature.

You must also select at least one option from the Applies-to Order Types drop-down list to enable this feature. The Applies-to Order Types drop-down list is located in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box, under the Demand Cutoff Parameters section. The options are:
  • Forecast
  • Manual demand
  • Sales Order

You can select one, multiple, or all. If you don’t select any options, then this functionality won’t be enabled and demand cutoff parameters won’t be applied.

To navigate to the Demand Cutoff Parameters section:
  1. On the Edit Plan page, click the Tasks panel drawer.
  2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Manage Plans.
  3. In the Search area, search for your plan.
  4. Select the plan from the displayed search result. Click Actions and then click Edit Plan Options.
  5. On the Edit Plan Options page, click the Supply tab.
  6. On the General tab, click Select Advanced Options.

    The Supply: Advanced Options dialog box opens, which includes the Demand Cutoff Parameters section.

You can set demand cutoff parameters at both the plan and item-organization levels.

Demand Cutoff at the Plan Level

To set demand cutoff at the plan level, enter a whole, positive number in the Number of Days for Demand Cutoff field in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box. This field specifies the number of days after the demand date that the demand can be fulfilled by supplies for a plan, and applies to sales order, forecast, or manual demand.

You also can specify the attribute in the Plan Options UI.

Demand Cutoff at the Item-Organization Level

To set demand cutoff at the item-organization level, enter a whole, positive number in the Number of Days for Demand Cutoff column on the Items page. This column specifies the number of days after the demand date that the demand can be satisfied, and it applies to sales order, forecast, or manual demand.

You can enter or edit this attribute only in the Item Simulation Sets UI. It can’t be edited in the Plan mode.

Demand Cutoff Parameters Priorities

Because demand cutoff can be specified at several levels, it’s important to understand how planning prioritizes and selects the value to use.

Forecast and Manual Demand Cutoff Parameters are prioritized as follows:
  1. Item-Organization Parameters
  2. Plan Options Parameters
Sales Order Demand Cutoff Parameters are prioritized as follows:
  1. Sales Order Line (Latest Acceptable Date)
  2. Item-Organization Parameters
  3. Plan Options Parameters

This means that if, for example, a sales order has a value set in the Latest Acceptable Date field, then planning uses that date and doesn’t look at any settings at the item-organization or plan levels to determine demand cutoff. However, if a sales order doesn’t have a value set in the Latest Acceptable Date field, then planning next looks to see if there’s a demand cutoff value set at the item-organization level, in the Number of Days for Demand Cutoff field on the Items page. If there’s a value specified at the item-organization level, then the system uses that. However, if that field is also blank, then planning continues on and looks at the plan-level options, as specified in the Number of Days for Demand Cutoff field in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box.


To use plan-options parameters, you must select the appropriate option for that demand type (Forecast, Manual demand, or Sales Order) in the Applies-to Order Types drop-down list in the Supply: Advanced Options dialog box.

Unmet Demand

The unsatisfied demands resulting from the demand cutoff dates are displayed in the Unmet Demand Quantity column of the Supplies and Demands table. You can use the Unmet Demand Quantity attribute to query the unmet demands.

For more information, refer to the Configure Order-Based Exceptions for Constrained Supply Plans topic in this guide.