How the Planning Time Fence Date Is Calculated

Planning time fence date is an item attribute that's calculated by planning prior to generating any planned orders. The suggested due date of a planned order is always greater than or equal to the planning time fence date.

Other dates, such as the suggested ship date, can be earlier than the planning time fence date.

You can view the planning time fence date (which is calculated by planning) and the planning time fence days (an input into calculating the planning time fence date) from the Items user interface.

To explain how the planning time fence date is calculated, let's use the following setup data:

  • Use the Organization Manufacturing Calendar, where Monday through Friday are working days.








    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Day 6

    Day 7

    Day 8

    Day 9

    Day 10

    Day 11

    Day 12

    Day 13

    Day 14

    Day 15

    Day 16

    Day 17

    Day 18

    Day 19

    Day 20

    Day 21

  • Plan start date = Day 3

  • Planning time fence days = 10 days

In this example, the planning time fence date is Day 17, because the planning time fence days (10 working days) are added to the start date (Day 3).

Note that unconstrained planning will push out the suggested due date of a planned buy order to ensure the dock date, after accounting for postprocessing lead time, is a valid working day on the receiving calendar. For example, if the need-by date is Day 17 and the postprocessing lead time is 12 days, then the suggested due date would be Day 18, to ensure that the suggested dock date (due date minus postprocessing lead time) is on a valid working day (in this example, Day 2) in the plan.