Predefined Supply Planning Exceptions

The basis for all predefined supply planning exceptions is Order. The following table lists the predefined supply planning exception reports, their descriptions, and if the exception is available for constrained and unconstrained supply plans.

Supply Planning Exception Name





Exception Set

Demand Quantity Not Satisfied

No supply is available. The planning process finds demand pegged to supplies and the supply quantities are less than the demand quantity. The planning process issues this exception for demands at all levels of the supply chain bill of materials.

This exception typically occurs due to inconsistent setups. For example, a configured item can't be sourced because too many option-specific exclusions prevent any source from being used.

When Pegged Quantity < Order Quantity for all supply orders pegged to a demand order

For order types of Sales order, Forecast, and Manual demand.




Demand at Risk Due to Insufficient Lead Time

A demand is pegged to a supply that's scheduled with insufficient lead times. The sales order or forecast is planned on time even though the lead time required to meet it on time is insufficient. The exception then traverses up the supply chain and determines all of the supplies that would be short on lead time if the demand were to be met on time. The planning process reports one exception for every supply that doesn't have sufficient lead time.

All three of these conditions must be met before the planning process generates the exception:

  • Contributes to Demand Lateness = YES

  • Reschedule Days for existing supply is less than 0 (Reschedule in Recommendations).

  • Firm Status is set to Not Firm

(For order types of Sales order, Forecast, and Manual demand.)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Demand at Risk Due to Resource Shortage

A demand is pegged to a resource with a resource overload exception. The sales order or forecast is still planned on time even in the absence of resource availability. This exception details the end demands that are at risk because they're pegged against suppliers with insufficient capacity.

When Resource Availability < Resource Requirements

(For order types of Sales order, Forecast, and Manual demand)




Constrained Supply Planning Default


Constrained Supply Planning Default

Demand at Risk Due to Supplier Capacity Shortage

A demand is pegged to a supply where the supplier capacity is constrained. The sales order or forecast is still planned on time even in the absence of supplier capacity. This exception details the end demands that are at risk because they're pegged against suppliers with insufficient capacity.

When Supplier Capacity Availability < Supplier Capacity Required

(For order types of Sales order and Forecast)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Items Below Safety Stock

The projected available balance for a planning bucket is below the specified safety stock level for the planning bucket.

If the exception extends over several days, the planning process reports one exception with the start and end dates to reflect the duration. If the magnitude of the exception worsens, the planning process creates a new exception.

When Projected Available Balance < Safety Stock in a bucket for an item, organization




Items with Excess Inventory

The projected available balance is higher than the safety stock level.

When Projected Available Balance > Safety Stock in a bucket for an item, organization




Items with Expired Lots

The planning process detects a potential expired lot. A potential expired lot:

  • Has a lot expiration date during the planning horizon.

  • isn't pegged to a demand that results in its use before its lot expiration date.

This exception occurs against items under full lot control. The calculation for lot expiration date is Lot Receipt Date + Shelf Life Days.

In addition to reporting this exception, the planning process plans for you to flush the inventory on its lot expiration date. This process prevents you from using the lot after its lot expiration date to satisfy demands.

When order attribute Order Type = Expired lot




Items with a Shortage

The item has negative on hand at the end of the day. If the exception extends over several days, the planning process reports one exception with the start and end dates to reflect the duration. If the magnitude of the exception worsens, the planning process creates a new exception.

When Projected Available Balance < 0 in a bucket for an item, organization




Items with a Shortage in a Project Task

The item has negative on hand at the end of the day for an item in a project task. If the exception extends over several days, the planning process reports one exception with the start and end dates to reflect the duration. If the magnitude of the exception worsens, the planning process creates a new exception.

When Projected Available Balance < 0 in a bucket for an item, project task, organization




Late Replenishment for Forecast

The planning process detects that the supplies for a forecast are due later than the forecast's due date. This exception typically occurs because planning time fences are enabled.

When order attribute Days Late > 0

(For order type of Forecast)




Late Replenishment for Sales Order

The planning process detects that the supplies for a sales order line are due later than the sales order line's scheduled date. This exception typically occurs because planning time fences are enabled or when a reserved supply is firmed late.

When order attribute Days Late > 0

(For order type of Sales Order)




Late Supply Pegged for Forecast

The planning process detects supplies that peg against independent forecast demand that's satisfied late. Through this exception, you can quickly detect which supplies are pegged against a late forecast.

When component supply attribute Days Late > 0


For Manual Demand, the Late Supply Pegged to Forecast is also generated when the Days Late > 0

(For order types of Forecast and Manual Demand)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Late Supply Pegged for Forecast

The planning process detects supplies that peg against independent forecast demand that's satisfied late. Through this exception, you can quickly detect which supplies are pegged against a late forecast.

When component supply attribute Days Late > 0


For Manual Demand, the Late Supply Pegged to Forecast is also generated when the Days Late > 0

(For order types of Forecast and Manual Demand)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Late Supply Pegged for Forecast

The planning process detects supplies that peg against independent forecast demand that's satisfied late. Through this exception, you can quickly detect which supplies are pegged against a late forecast.

When component supply attribute Days Late > 0


For Manual Demand, the Late Supply Pegged to Forecast is also generated when the Days Late > 0

(For order types of Forecast and Manual Demand)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Late Supply Pegged to Sales Order

The planning process detects supplies that peg sales order demand that's satisfied late. Through this exception, you can quickly detect which supplies are pegged against a late sales order.

When component supply attribute Days Late > 0

(For order type of Sales Order)




Late Supply Pegged to Sales Order

The planning process detects supplies that peg sales order demand that's satisfied late. Through this exception, you can quickly detect which supplies are pegged against a late sales order.

When component supply attribute Days Late > 0

(For order type of Sales order)



Constrained Supply Planning Default

Order Sourced from Alternate Facility

The order is sourced from an alternate facility due to the material, resource, or lead time constraints.

When order attribute Alternate Facility Used = True




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Order Sourced from Alternate Supplier

The order is sourced from an alternate supplier (Rank 2 supplier and higher) due to the supplier capacity constraints.

When order attribute Alternate Supplier Used = True



Constrained Supply Planning Default

Orders To Be Canceled

The planning process detects a supply order that's not firm for which you don't need to satisfy demand or safety stock requirements. The planning process:

  • Suggests that you cancel the supply order.

  • Continues to plan lower item structure levels as if you accepted the suggestion.

When order attribute Disposition Status Type = Canceled

(Not Displayed)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Orders To Be Rescheduled In

The planning process detects a supply order that's not firm with an original due date that's later than the suggested due date. The planning process:

  • Suggests that you reschedule the supply order to an earlier date.

  • Continues to plan lower item structure levels as if you accepted the suggestion.

When order attributes Rescheduled Days < 0, and

Old Due Date > 0




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Orders To Be Rescheduled Out

The planning process detects a supply order that's not firm with an original due date that's earlier than the suggested due date. The planning process:

  • Suggests that you reschedule the supply order to a later date.

  • Continues to plan lower item structure levels as if you accepted the suggestion.

When order attribute Rescheduled Days > 0




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Orders with Insufficient Lead Time

The planning process detects that a supply order must be completed in less time than its minimum processing time to meet demand. If the planning process plans the order according to its lead time, it would start before the planning horizon start date.

To report compression days, the planning process calculates the order start date by using the item lead times and backward scheduling. The planning process considers all calendars associated with the supply chain model.

All three of these conditions must be met before the planning process generates the exception:

  • Compression Days is greater than zero

  • Reschedule Days for existing supply is less than 0 (Reschedule in Recommendations)

  • Firm Status is set to Not Firm

(For supply order types)




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Past Due Orders

The planning process detects purchase orders, transfers, or work orders that have order due dates before the plan horizon start date.

When order attributes:

Days Past Due > 0

Old Due Date isn't NULL (Old Due Date for planned order is NULL)

Action = Is not Canceled

(For supply order types)




Past Due Sales Orders

The planning process detects the scheduled date of the sales order is earlier than the plan horizon start date.

When order attribute Days Past Due > 0

(For order type of Sales order)




Planned Order Uses Alternate Work Definition

The planned order has used an alternate work definition due to the material, resource, or lead time constraints.




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Planned Order Uses Alternate Resource

The planned order has used an alternate resource due to the capacity constraints.

When order attribute Alternate Resource Used = True




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Planned Order Uses Substitute Component

The order has used a substitute component. The scenarios where this exception is generated are:

  • The primary component lead time is long, which causes demand lateness (Lead Time Constraint).

  • The supplier capacity of the primary component isn't sufficient, which causes lateness (Supplier Capacity Constant).

  • The resource capacity for making the primary component isn't sufficient, which causes lateness (Resource Constraint).

  • The Create Supply plan option is set to No for the primary component and there's enough on hand or capacity available on the substitute component.

When order attribute Substitute Component Used = True




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Resource Overloaded

Exception occurs when, in a planning time bucket, the resource required capacity is more than the resource available capacity. In unconstrained plans, resources can be overloaded to meet demand requirements on time.

If the exception extends over several days, the exception displays the start and end dates to reflect the duration of the exception. If the magnitude of the exception worsens, the planning process reports a new exception.

When Resource Utilization Percentage > 100 in a bucket for a resource, organization




Constrained Supply Planning Default

Supplier Capacity Overloaded

Exception occurs when, in a planning time bucket, the supplier required capacity is more than the supplier available capacity.

If the exception extends over several days, the exception displays the start and end dates to reflect the duration of the exception. If the magnitude of the exception worsens, the planning process reports a new exception.

When Supplier Capacity Utilization Percentage > 100 in a bucket for an item, supplier site




Constrained Supply Planning Default