Developer Connect Portal

Use the Developer Connect portal to discover business object services, to look up service endpoints, and to view service data object metadata and customizations.

This portal runs on your cloud instance, and contains information about the specific set of services deployed to your cloud instance. It reflects the current service interface, and includes patches and service data object customizations, if any.

To use the Developer Connect portal, your job role must have the FND_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB, FND_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_JOB, or ZCA_CUSTOMER_RELATIONSHIP_MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB privilege. Alternately, you can grant the ATK_WEB_SERVICE_INFO_ACCESS_PRIV entitlement to your custom role, and then grant the custom role to users who require access. For more information, see the security guide for the appropriate cloud service at Oracle Help Center.

To open the Developer Connect portal, from the Navigator menu, select Tools - Developer Connect. To synchronize the service information in the Developer Connect portal, click Synchronize and all the web services deployed to your cloud instance are listed. Information includes summary of the service, operations defined in the service interface, hierarchy of the service data objects, and privileges required to perform the service operations.

Note: From Release 13 onwards, the context root values in the URL paths are changed. Ensure that you have synchronized the Developer Connect portal since Release 13 so that the service information is displayed correctly.


This table lists the information provided in the Summary panel of the Developer Connect portal.

Field Description
Name Display name of the service.
Business Object Business object that the service defines. For example, Opportunity, Partner, and Sales Revenue.
Life Cycle Status of the service. Valid values are Active or Deprecated. See Web Service Life Cycle. If the life cycle status is deprecated, the service that supersedes this deprecated service is displayed.
QName Fully qualified name of the service.
End Point URL Endpoint URL for the service deployed on your Oracle cloud instance.
WSDL File Concrete WSDL for the service deployed on your Oracle cloud instance.
Security Policy Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) policy used for the service on the server side.
Description Brief overview of the service.


This table lists the information provided in the Operations panel of the Developer Connect portal.

Field Description
Name Name of the operation. Although business object services support both synchronous and asynchronous message patterns for each operation, only the synchronous operation is displayed in this panel. To view the name, data types, and description of the request and response payload elements, click the operation name.
Life Cycle Status of this operation. Valid values are Active or Deprecated.
Description Brief overview of the operation.

Service Data Object

This table lists the information provided in the Service Data Object panel of the Developer Connect portal.

Field Description
Service Data Objects Display name of the service data object. The object hierarchy is displayed in a tree structure.
QName Fully qualified name of the service data object.
State Valid values are:
  • Standard: Object defined by Oracle Applications

  • New: Custom object defined by the user

Description Brief overview of the services data object.
Attributes List of attributes that define the service data object. Information includes name, data type, state, required, and description.


The Security panel of the Developer Connect portal displays the list service operations, the privileges required to perform each operation, and display name and description of the privilege.

Sample Payloads

The Sample Payloads panel of the Developer Connect portal displays the payloads seeded by Oracle Applications or users. You cannot modify or delete payloads seeded by Oracle Applications. Information in the panel includes the operation name, link to download XML format of the sample payload, and a brief description of the sample payload.

Related Topics
  • Discovering Web Services
  • Using Service Catalog Service
  • Deriving Business Object Service Endpoint and WSDL