Use the Quick Complete Action to Execute a Standard Discrete Manufacturing Work Order
As a production operator, you can search for an order on a dispatch list and complete the work order and its operations using the Quick Complete action.
Here's how you can use the Quick Complete action and complete a standard discrete manufacturing work order and its operations. Using the Quick Complete action, you can complete a work order in just two clicks.
Navigate to the Work Execution work area.
On the Overview page, click the Tasks pane.
Select the Review Dispatch List link.
The dispatch list displays released work orders with operation quantities in various statuses.
On the Review Dispatch List page, enter the search criteria for the fields and click Search.
Work Area assigned to you and its related Work Center.
Select the Ready status.
Work Order for which you want to perform the transaction.
Select and expand the work order operation for which you want to complete the work order and its operations.
The quantity to be completed, defaults to the ready quantity.
Click Quick Complete.
You can complete a work order using Quick Complete in two clicks.
The simple Quick Complete action initiates background processes that backflush materials, charge resources, and perform work order costing.
You have now completed the first work order operation and the quantity after completion moves to the next operation.
To complete multiple work order operations one by one, select and expand the next count point operation in the work order.
Click Quick Complete.
You have now completed the next work order operation.
Now, the work order no longer appears in the dispatch list in the Ready status because the work order operations for this work order are now completed.
In the search region, select the Complete status and click Search.
The work order for which you completed the work order operations now appears in the dispatch list.
Select the work order operation that you completed.
Click the selected work order link to review its work order details.
On the Edit Work Order page, you can see the work order status is Completed on the General Information tab.
Click the Operations tab.
You can see that the work order operations and its quantities are now set to the Completed status.
Now, you have searched, and completed a standard discrete manufacturing work order and its operations using the Quick Complete action.