

    SmartOrg Administration

      Report User Type Permissions

      The following user type permissions can be granted to report viewers and developers.

      If you have questions about if a user can perform an action, view the prerequisites in the task in the Oracle Taleo Reporting with Oracle Business Intelligence User Guide.


      The following permissions can be assigned to user types.

      User Type Permission
      Domain Name Description Path
      Oracle Business Intelligence View Reports and Dashboards

      The report viewer permission allows the user to view, refresh, and export content. No authoring rights exist

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > View Reports and Dashboards
      Oracle Business Intelligence Author Content (Limited)

      The limited author has all of the view ing permissions in addition to light report authoring capabilities . This permission is tailored for the casual users that require a simple custom report from time to time.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Author Content (Limited)
      Oracle Business Intelligence Author Content (BI Developer)

      The BI developer has full fledged report, dashboard and agent authoring capabilities

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Author Content (BI Developer)
      Oracle Business Intelligence Perform Administration Tasks

      The BI administrator has all of the rights of the BI author plus the rights to perform administrative actions in the OBI Gateway.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Perform Administration Tasks
      Oracle Business Intelligence Access Subject Area - Recruiting

      Users with authoring privileges must have the Access Subject Area - Recruiting permission to build reports containing recruiting data.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Access Subject Area - Recruiting
      Oracle Business Intelligence Access Subject Area - Recruiting (Legacy)

      Users with authoring privileges must have the Access Subject Area - Recruiting (Legacy) permission to build reports containing recruiting data.

      This subject area is exclusively available to customers that have SAP BusinessObjects reporting.

      This permission is always visible, but it is not applicable if the legacy subject area is not enabled.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Access Subject Area - Recruiting (Legacy)
      Oracle Business Intelligence Access Subject Area - Performance Management

      Users with authoring privileges must have the Access Subject Area - Performance Management permission to build reports containing performance management data.

      This subject area is exclusively available to customers that have SAP BusinessObjects reporting.

      This permission is always visible, but it is not applicable if the legacy subject area is not enabled.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Access Subject Area - Performance Management
      Oracle Business Intelligence Access Subject Area - Administration

      Users with authoring privileges must have the Access Subject Area - Administration Management permission to build reports containing administration data.

      When developing reports and analyses against the Administration subject area, it is important to understand that every top level folder is independent, meaning that reports cannot be directly created across various folders. For example, it is not possible to mix elements from “OLF” and “System Users” in the same query.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Oracle Business Intelligence] Edit > Access Subject Area - Administration
      Report Data Access all reportable data for Recruiting

      Allows the user access to all data from the “Recruiting” and "Recruiting (Legacy)" subject area. Applicable to report viewers and developers. Users without this permission are subject to row level security for Recruiting data. Users with this permission bypass all data security in the reporting system.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Report Data] Edit > Access all reportable data for Recruiting
      Report Data Access all reportable data for Performance

      Allows the user access to all data from the “Performance Management” subject area. Applicable to report viewers and developers. Users without this permission are subject to row level security for Performance Management data. Users with this permission bypass all data security in the reporting system.

      Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > user type > Reporting and Analytics > [Report Data] Edit > Access all reportable data for Performance

        Report Viewer

        The report viewer user type permission allows the user to view, refresh, and export content. No authoring rights exist.

        The report viewer has the following rights in Oracle Business Intelligence:

        View, refresh and export analyses

        View, refresh and export dashboards

        View and download briefing books

        View and search the catalog

        View KPIs and Scorecards

          Limited Author

          The limited author has basic report writing capabilities, and all user rights granted to the report viewer.

          Report authors have to be given rights to at least one subject area to successfully develop reports.

          In addition to the rights inherited from the report viewer, the limited author has the following rights in Oracle Business Intelligence:

          Author Analyses (Limited)

          Create Prompts

          Edit column formulas

          Create Briefing Books

          Manage folders in the catalog

          Archive and unarchive catalog content

            BI Developer

            The BI Author has robust report writing capabilities, and all user rights granted to the limited author.

            Report authors have to be given rights to at lease one subject area to successfully develop reports.

            In addition to the rights inherited from the report viewer, the limited author has the following rights in Oracle Business Intelligence:

            Create Analyses (Advanced)

            Create Dashboards and Dashboard Prompts

            Create Agents (Schedule Reports )

            Create KPIs and Scorecards

            Upload files into the catalog

            Create named conditions

            Manage Named Filters


              Reporting and Analytics settings can be modified to control the flow of information to Taleo Oracle Reporting with Business Intelligence Users.


              The following settings can be modified by the TEE administrator.

              Setting Description Path
              Activate Row Level Security for Advanced Reporting Indicates if row level security is activated for the zone. If this setting is activated, row level security will be enforced for advanced reporting for all products in the zone (1=Activate, 0= Deactivate). Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Settings
              Show Documentation Folder Displays the documentation folder in the reporting tool Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Settings
              Show Standard Reports Folder Displays the standard reports folder in the reporting tool Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Settings

                Language Settings

                The language the user will see for multi lingual data fields is governed by the settings "Use Content Language Preference in Reporting" and "Organization Content Languages".
                • If "Use Content Language Preference in Reporting" is enabled then the default language will be the first language designated in the "Content Language" area in the user account preferences.

                • If "Use Content Language Preference in Reporting" is disabled then the default language will be the first language designated in the "Organization Content Languages".


                The following settings can be modified by the TEE administrator.

                Setting Description Path
                Organization Content Languages Organization's content languages in Reporting and Analytics. Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Settings
                Use Content Language Preference in Reporting Use the first language defined in the user's preferences as the content language in Reporting. Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Settings

                  Row Level Security

                  Row level security is administered through a combination of user type permissions and settings.

                  The setting Activate Row Level Security for Advanced Reporting controls holistically whether reporting users are subject to row level security. If this setting is activated, row level security will be enforced. If this setting is inactive all reporting users will have access to all reportable data available in the system.

                  Row level security can be overwritten at the user type level by giving the user type the Access all reportable data for Recruiting user type permission.

                  Recruiting Row Level Security

                  Reporting users who are subject to row level security for the recruiting content are able to see recruiting data based on the in the user type setting View requisitions in the Recruiting > Requisitions functional domain.

                  Note: Users that cannot access the recruiting module and are limited by row level security will not be able to report on requisition information regardless of this user type permission.
                  Performance Management Row Level Security

                  Row level security is applied in OBI in the same manner it was applied in BusinessObjects. A good rule of thumb for the performance management subject area is that if you have access to data in the performance management module you should be able to access it in reporting.

                    Oracle BI Administration

                      Copy/Move Artifacts

                      Copy/Move Artifacts allows an OBI tenant administrator to copy or move artifacts (folders, analyses, etc) from one tenant (zone) to another, and to delete artifacts.

                      This feature is designed for ease of use when moving artifacts between production and staging zones.

                      Actions are performed from the left panel to the right panel, so a folder or artifact selected in the left panel will be moved to the destination folder selected in the right panel. When a folder is moved all items in the folder, including other folders, are moved. The company shared folder cannot be moved, copied, or deleted, but it can be selected as a destination folder.

                      Objects can only be deleted from the left panel.

                      When moving artifacts between zones, be cognizant that some artifacts take the parent role and are made up of, or include child artifacts. For example, some analyses may include named filters; alerts can include dashboard pages, analyses or named conditions; dashboard can include analyses, dashboard filters, action menus, etc. The administrator must be mindful to move all child objects with parent objects and some parent object connections to children may need to be reestablished if the integrity of the folder structure for child objects does not remain intact. For example, if a dashboard's child objects are located in my company shared > analyses > dashboard analyses folder, they must be moved to the folder in the same folder path. Parent objects can be moved anywhere.

                      Artifacts with the same name cannot be included in the same location. For example if zone 1 and zone 2 already have a my company shared > recruiting folder the system will not allow you to overwrite zone 2's recruiting folder with zone 1's recruiting folder. This action can be completed if zone 2's recruiting folder is deleted, or if you copy into a different subdirectory such as my company shared > recruiting2.

                      If you attempt to copy a folder or file that would be a duplicate an error message will inform you that the action was not completed.

                        Copying or Moving an Artifact from One Tenant to Another

                        You must have the BI Tenant Administrator user type permission to perform this action.

                        You must be logged into a production zone to manage artifacts across zones.

                        Home > Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Oracle BI Administration > Copy/Move Artifacts
                        1. Select the tenant with the content to be copied or moved in the left tenant drop down. The tenant you are signed in under is automatically selected.

                        2. Select the destination tenant in the right tenant drop down.

                        3. Select the artifact to be copied or moved from the left channel, and the destination folder in the right channel.

                          The company_shared folder cannot be copied or moved, but it can be selected as a destination folder.

                          The artifact cannot be a duplicate of an artifact currently available in the destination folder.

                        4. Select an action.

                          • Click Copy to make a copy of the artifact in the destination folder.

                          • Click Move to move the artifact the the destination folder and remove it from the original tenant.

                        5. Click reset last selection to remove the focus from the selected artifacts, if necessary.

                          Deleting an Artifact

                          You must have the BI Tenant Administrator user type permission to perform this action.

                          Home > Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Oracle BI Administration > Copy/Move Artifacts
                          1. Select the tenant with the content to be deleted in the left tenant drop down. The tenant you are signed in under is automatically selected.

                          2. Select the artifact to be deleted in the left channel.

                            Company_shared cannot be deleted.

                          3. Click Delete Selected.

                          4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

                          The deleted artifact is no longer available in the catalog.

                            Folder Security

                            The tenant administrator limit folder access by assigning specific reporting groups access to folders. Reporting groups are defined as user groups that have the Reporting and Analytics coverage area.

                            Folder security can be assigned to user groups to limit the availability of reports to specific audiences.

                            If folder security is not set all OBI report users will have access to a folder.

                              Applying Folder Security

                              You must have the BI Tenant Administrator user type permission to perform this action.

                              Home > Configuration > [Reporting and Analytics] Oracle BI Administration > [Folder Security] Edit
                              1. Click the folder from the OBI Folders pane.

                              2. Select the appropriate user groups from the SmartOrg Reporting User Groups pane.

                                Note: If a parent folder has security set users without access will not be able to traverse the folder to view objects in sub folders.
                              3. Click Save.