7Building and Using Dashboards

Building and Using Dashboards


    Dashboards provide personalized views of corporate and external information.

    A dashboard consists of one or more pages. Pages can display anything that you can access or open with a Web browser, including the following:

    • The results of analyses

      The results of an analysis is the output returned from the Oracle BI Server that matches the analysis criteria. It can be shown in various views, such as a table, graph, and gauge. Users can examine and analyze results, print as PDF or HTML, save as PDF, or export them to a spreadsheet.

    • Alerts from agents

    • Action links and action link menus

    • Images

    • Text

    • Views of folders in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

    • Links to Web sites

    • Links to documents

    • Embedded content (such as Web pages or documents)

    When you open a dashboard, the content of the dashboard is displayed in one or more dashboard pages. Dashboard pages are identified by tabs across the top of the dashboard. A toolbar at the top right contains buttons that let you:

      Dashboard Builder

      The Dashboard builder lets you add dashboard pages to a dashboard and edit the pages in a dashboard. You can add objects to and control the layout of dashboard pages.

      Pages contain the columns and sections that hold the content of a dashboard. Every dashboard has at least one page, which can be empty. Dashboard pages are identified by tabs across the top of the dashboard. Multiple pages are used to organize content. For example, you might have one page to store results from analyses that you refer to every day, another that contains links to the Web sites of your suppliers, and one that links to your corporate intranet.

      The objects that you can add to a dashboard page include:

      • Dashboard objects — Items that are used only in a dashboard. Examples of dashboard objects are sections to hold content, action links, and embedded content that is displayed in a frame in a dashboard. See Table E–2, "List of Dashboard Objects".

      • Catalog objects — Objects that you or someone else has saved to the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog (for example, analyses, prompts, and so on) and for which you have the appropriate permissions.

        In a dashboard, the results of an analysis can be shown in various views, such as a table, graph, and gauge. (The results of an analysis are the output that is returned from the Oracle BI Server that matches the analysis criteria.) Users can examine and analyze results, save or print them, or export them to a spreadsheet.

        What Controls the Look of a Dashboard

        The look of a dashboard, such as background colors and the size of text, is controlled by:

        • Skins — Skins control the way the Oracle BI EE interface is displayed, such as background colors, corporate logos, and the style sheets to use. Skins can be automatically assigned to users when they log on. Administrators can customize the default skin and create new skins.

        • Styles — Styles control how dashboards and results are formatted for display, such as the color of text and links, the font and size of text, the borders in tables, the colors and attributes of graphs, and so on. Styles are organized into folders that contain Cascading Style Sheets (files with a .css extension), images, and graph templates. Administrators can customize some style sheets and create new style sheets. Users can override some elements in style sheets, such as table borders and text size, when formatting results in the Results tab.

        • Cosmetic formatting — Cosmetic formatting affects the visual appearance of results and dashboards. You can apply it to results, columns, and sections.

          For more information, see "Formatting Dashboard Pages".

          Creating a Dashboard

          You must have one of the following user type permissions:
          • BI Author Developer

          • BI Tenant Administrator

          Home > Oracle Business Intelligence
          1. In the global header, click New, then select Dashboard.

            The "New Dashboard dialog" is displayed.
          2. In the dialog, enter a name and description for the dashboard.

          3. Note:

            RFM Add information about dashboard folders and behavior

            If you save the dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /My Company Shared/first level subfolder, then the dashboard is listed in the Dashboard menu in the global header. If you save it in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /My Company Shared/Sales/Eastern), then it is not listed.

            If you choose a folder in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /My Company Shared/first level subfolder in which no dashboards have been saved, then a new "Dashboards" folder is automatically created in that folder in which to save the new dashboard. For example, if you choose a folder named /Shared Folders/Sales in which no dashboards have been saved, a new Dashboards folder is automatically created and the Location entry changes to /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboards. (A new "Dashboards" folder is not automatically created if you choose a folder at any other level.)

            Select the location for the dashboard.

          4. Specify whether you want to add content to the new dashboard now or later.

          5. Click OK.

          If you specified to add content:
          • Now, then the new dashboard, which contains one blank page, is displayed in the "Dashboard builder" for editing.

          • Later, then an empty dashboard is created (but not displayed) to which you can add content later.

            Editing a Dashboard

            You must have one of the following user type permissions:
            • BI Author Developer

            • BI Tenant Administrator

            Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
            1. Navigate to the dashboard to edit and click the Edit link.

              The dashboard is displayed in the "Dashboard builder".
            2. Perform one or more of the following tasks, as needed:

              For more information about these options, see "Dashboard builder"

            3. Perform one of the following steps at any time:

              • To preview the dashboard page, click the Preview toolbar button.

              • To save your changes, click the Save toolbar button.

              • To exit the Dashboard builder and return to the Dashboard, click Run

              Adding New Pages to a Dashboard

              You must have one of the following user type permissions:
              • BI Author Developer

              • BI Tenant Administrator

              Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
              1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

              2. Click the Add Dashboard Page toolbar button in the Dashboard builder.

                The "Add Dashboard Page dialog" is displayed.
              3. In the dialog, enter a name and description for the page, and click OK.

                The page is displayed as a new tab in the "Dashboard builder".
              4. Click the Save toolbar button.

              After you add a new page, you can add content to it. See "Adding Content to a Dashboard"

                Dashboard Content

                You can add the following content to dashboards:

                • Dashboard objects, including objects that let you lay out the content, such as columns and sections, as well as objects such as text, folders, action links, and so on. Table E–2 lists and describes the dashboard objects that you can include on a dashboard page.

                • Objects that you or someone else has saved to the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog and for which you have the appropriate permissions, such as analyses, prompts, and so on.

                Note: Dashboard modification is reserved for users with the appropriate permissions and privileges.
                  Adding Content to a Dashboard
                  You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                  • BI Author Developer

                  • BI Tenant Administrator

                  Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                  1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                  2. Add the objects to include on the page. To add an object, select it from the "Dashboard Objects pane" or the "Catalog pane", and then drag and drop the object to the "Page Layout area".

                    For information on dragging and dropping objects, see Dragging and Dropping Objects to the Page Layout Area in the Dashboard Builder

                    Tip: To locate an object in the Catalog pane, you can browse either by the catalog folder in which the object is stored or by the dashboard on which the object is displayed.

                    When you drag and drop a scorecard object to the Page Layout area, the "Dimension Pinnings dialog" might be displayed, where you pin (or set) values for KPI dimensions that are associated with the scorecard object. For more information about pinning, see "Dimensions and Pinned Dimension Values"

                  3. Set the properties of each object, as appropriate. To do so, hover the mouse pointer over the object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click the Properties button.

                    What is displayed depends on the type of object. For some objects, a properties dialog is displayed. For other objects, a menu of options is displayed. For more information, see "Properties Buttons for Objects"

                  4. Click the Save toolbar button.

                    Dragging and Dropping Objects to the Page Layout Area in the Dashboard Builder

                    When you drag and drop objects to the "Page Layout area" of the "Dashboard builder", keep in mind the following:

                    • As you drag an object in the Page Layout area, a blue bar is displayed to indicated the drop location relative to another object. When you hover over a valid target in which to drop the object, the border of the target container changes to orange.

                    • When you drop an object that does not have a name to the Page Layout area, it is assigned a default name, such as Section 1, Link 1, and so on. You can rename some objects to assign meaningful, descriptive names.

                    • When you hover the mouse pointer over an object that has been dropped to the Page Layout area, it is highlighted with an orange border and its toolbar is displayed.

                    • Columns are used to align content, while sections within columns hold the actual content. If you drag and drop an object to an empty Page Layout area, or drag and drop an object to a column without first adding a section to hold it, then the proper containers for it are created automatically. For example, if you drag and drop a section to an empty Page Layout area, a column is created automatically. If you drag and drop an analysis, then both the column and section are created automatically.

                    • When you drag and drop an analysis to the Page Layout area, the compound view is shown by default. If you want to show another view, then click the Properties button for the analysis, select Show View, and select the view that you want.

                    • When you drag a second object to a section, you can drop it either horizontally or vertically within the section, which sets the layout for the section. Additional objects that you drag and drop have that layout. To change the layout after it has been set, you can use the Horizontal Layout and Vertical Layout buttons on the section toolbar.

                    • If you drag a section from one column into another column, then any content in that section is also included.

                      Changing the Properties of a Dashboard and its Pages

                      You can change the properties of a dashboard and its pages. Specifically, you can:

                      • Change the style and description of the dashboard

                      • Add hidden named prompts to the dashboard and to its pages

                      • Specify which links (Analyze, Edit, Refresh, Print, Export, Add to Briefing Book, and Copy) are to be included with analyses at the dashboard level. Note that you can set these links at the dashboard page level and the analysis level, which override the links that you set at the dashboard level. For more information, see "Report Links dialog"

                      • Rename, hide, reorder, set permissions for, and delete pages.

                      • Specify which accounts can save shared customizations and which accounts can assign default customizations for pages, and set account permissions.

                      • Specify whether the Add to Briefing Book option is to be included in the Page Options menu for pages.

                        Changing the Properties of a Dashboard and its Pages

                        You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                        • BI Author Developer

                        • BI Tenant Administrator

                        Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                        1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                        2. Click the Tools toolbar button and select Dashboard Properties.

                          The "Dashboard Properties dialog" is displayed.
                        3. Make the property changes that you want and click OK.

                        4. Click the Save toolbar button.

                          Changing the Properties of an Object Added to a Dashboard Page

                          You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                          • BI Author Developer

                          • BI Tenant Administrator

                          Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                          1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard"..

                          2. Navigate to the page that contains the object.

                          3. Hover the mouse pointer over the object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click the Properties button.

                            What is displayed depends on the type of object. For some objects, a properties dialog is displayed. For other objects, a menu of options is displayed. For more information on the properties that you can change, see "Properties Buttons for Objects"

                          4. Make the property changes that you want.

                          5. Click the Save toolbar button.

                            Deleting Objects on Dashboard Pages

                            If you add an object that you later decide that you do not want, then you can delete it. Keep the following points in mind when deleting objects:

                            • When you delete an object that contains other objects, such as a column or section, you also delete all objects in that container.

                            • When you delete a column, other columns on the page might resize automatically to maintain column alignment.

                            • For objects that are saved in the catalog, the object is deleted from the dashboard page only. It is not deleted from the catalog. (Users with the appropriate permissions can edit the contents of the catalog. For information, see Chapter 13, "Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.")

                              Deleting an Object on a Dashboard Page

                              You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                              • BI Author Developer

                              • BI Tenant Administrator

                              Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                              1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                              2. Navigate to the page that contains the object to delete.

                              3. Hover the mouse pointer over the object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click the Delete button.

                                Deleting the Current Dashboard Page

                                You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                • BI Author Developer

                                • BI Tenant Administrator

                                Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                                2. Navigate to the page to delete.

                                3. Click the Delete Current Page toolbar button.

                                4. Confirm the deletion.

                                  Deleting One or More Dashboard Pages

                                  You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                  • BI Author Developer

                                  • BI Tenant Administrator

                                  Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                  1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                                  2. Click the Tools toolbar button and select Dashboard Properties.

                                    The "Dashboard Properties dialog" is displayed.
                                  3. For each page to delete:

                                    1. In the Dashboard Pages area, select the page.

                                    2. Click Delete in the Dashboard Pages toolbar.

                                    3. Confirm the deletion.

                                  4. Click OK.

                                    Saving Dashboards by Other Names and In Other Locations

                                    You can save a dashboard:

                                    • By another name

                                      The new name for the dashboard must not exist in the destination folder, otherwise, the save operation fails.

                                    • Anywhere in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog

                                      If you save the dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/first level subfolder, then the dashboard is listed in the Dashboard menu in the global header. If you save it in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Eastern), then it is not listed. The dashboard is also not listed if you save it in a subfolder under the Dashboards subfolder, such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboards/Eastern.

                                      If you choose a folder in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/first level subfolder in which no dashboards have been saved, then a new "Dashboards" folder is automatically created in that folder in which to save the new dashboard. For example, if you choose a folder named /Shared Folders/Sales in which no dashboards have been saved, a new Dashboards folder is automatically created and the Location entry changes to /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboards. (A new "Dashboards" folder is not automatically created if you choose a folder at any other level.)

                                      Saving a Dashboard by Another Name or in Another Location

                                      You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                      • BI Author Developer

                                      • BI Tenant Administrator

                                      Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                      1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard"

                                      2. Click the Save Dashboard As toolbar button to display a dialog, where you specify the save criteria.

                                        Opening and Using a Dashboard

                                        You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                        • BI Consumer

                                        • BI Author Limited

                                        • BI Author Developer

                                        • BI Tenant Administrator

                                        Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                        1. Navigate to the dashboard to open and click the Open link.

                                          The dashboard is opened to the first "Dashboard page". If no content has been added, then an empty dashboard page notification message is displayed.
                                        2. (optional) Perform any of the following tasks:

                                          What are Saved Customizations for Dashboard Pages

                                          Saved customizations allow users to save and view later dashboard pages in their current state with their most frequently used or favorite choices for items such as filters, prompts, column sorts, drills in analyses, and section expansion and collapse. By saving customizations, users need not make these choices manually each time that they access the dashboard page.

                                          Users with the appropriate permissions and dashboard access rights can perform the following activities:

                                          • Save various combinations of choices as saved customizations, for their personal use.

                                          • Specify a saved customization as the default customization for a dashboard page, for their personal use.

                                          • Switch between their saved customizations.

                                          For information on using saved customizations, see "Applying Saved Customizations" and "Clearing Your Current Customization".

                                          For information on saving customizations and editing saved customizations, see "Saving Customizations" and "Editing a Saved Customization"

                                            Saving a Customization

                                            You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                            • BI Consumer

                                            • BI Author Limited

                                            • BI Author Developer

                                            • BI Tenant Administrator

                                            Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                            1. Open the dashboard in which you want to save a customization. For information, see "Opening and Using a Dashboard".

                                            2. Navigate to the page on which you want to save a customization.

                                            3. Make your customizations.

                                            4. Click the Page Options toolbar button on the dashboard page and select Save Current Customization.

                                              The "Save Current Customization dialog" is displayed.
                                            5. Enter a descriptive name for the customization.

                                            6. Specify for whom the customization is to be saved:

                                              Currently the only option available is Me.
                                            7. Optionally, to assign this customization as your default customization, select Make this my default for this page.

                                            8. Click OK.

                                              Applying a Saved Customization

                                              You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                              • BI Consumer

                                              • BI Author Limited

                                              • BI Author Developer

                                              • BI Tenant Administrator

                                              Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                              1. Open the dashboard in which you want to apply a saved customization. For information, see "Opening and Using a Dashboard".

                                              2. Navigate to the page that contains the customization to apply.

                                              3. Click the Page Options toolbar button and select Apply Saved Customization.

                                                Your personal saved customizations, if any, are shown at the beginning of the list. Your current default customization is shown in bold type.

                                              4. Click a saved customization in the list to apply it to the dashboard page.

                                                Editing Saved Customizations

                                                You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                • BI Consumer

                                                • BI Author Limited

                                                • BI Author Developer

                                                • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                                1. Open the dashboard in which you want to edit a customization. For information, see "Opening and Using a Dashboard".

                                                2. Navigate to the page that contains the customization to edit.

                                                3. Click the Page Options toolbar button on the dashboard page and select Edit Saved Customizations.

                                                4. Rename customizations, change which customization to use as your default, change permissions for those customizations that have been shared with others, and delete customizations, as appropriate.

                                                5. Click OK.

                                                  Publishing Dashboard Pages

                                                  You can publish a dashboard page to a shared dashboard location so that you can share the page with others.

                                                  When you publish a dashboard page:

                                                  • Personal content (such as analyses, prompts, and so on) is copied to a destination location that you specify and references updated as appropriate.

                                                  • References to shared content are retained.

                                                  • If you have made changes to the page but have not saved them, then the unsaved changes are published along with the saved changes.

                                                  • Ensure that other users who might display the published dashboard page have the appropriate privileges for the objects on the page. For example, if the page contains a BI Publisher report, then users must have the appropriate privilege to see that report.

                                                    Publishing a Dashboard Page

                                                    You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                    • BI Author Developer

                                                    • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                    1. Edit the dashboard that contains the page to publish. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                                                    2. Navigate to the page to publish.

                                                    3. Click Tools and then select Publish Page to Dashboard.

                                                    4. In the Dashboard field, specify the name of the destination dashboard.

                                                    5. If the Publish Dashboard Page warning is displayed to indicate that content (such as the page, analyses, prompts, and so on) exists in the destination location, then click:

                                                      • OK to continue with the publishing operation and replace the existing content.

                                                      • Cancel to discontinue the publishing operation and not replace the existing content.

                                                    6. Click OK.

                                                    The dashboard page is copied to the destination location.

                                                      Briefing Book

                                                      This is a short description.

                                                      A briefing book is a collection of static or updatable snapshots of dashboard pages and individual analyses.

                                                      You can:

                                                      Briefing Book PDF Version Table of Contents

                                                      The PDF version of a briefing book contains a table of contents that is automatically generated. It contains an entry for each dashboard page, analysis, and report in the briefing book. Each of these entries includes a time stamp and the page number within the PDF file. The time stamp value depends on how the content was saved to the briefing book. If the content was saved as updatable, then the time stamp is current. If the content was saved as a snapshot, then the time stamp is the time of the snapshot.

                                                      Indented beneath each entry for a dashboard page are any briefing book links included on that page, up to a maximum of nine links. These entries do not include timestamps. For example:

                                                      Table of Contents
                                                      My Dashboard Page 7/11/2008 9:15:20 AM . . . . . .1
                                                          Years to Dollars Dashboard . . . . . . . . . .2

                                                      The administrator can modify the template for the table of contents so that the table of contents that is generated in your briefing books might have a different look.

                                                      Note: The table of contents is always generated in English. Other languages are not supported. Therefore, you might want to translate the tables of contents that are generated in briefing books.

                                                        Adding Content to a New or Existing Briefing Book

                                                        You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                        • BI Author Limited

                                                        • BI Author Developer

                                                        • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                        Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                                        1. Open the dashboard or analysis that contains the content to add to a briefing book.

                                                        2. Navigate to the page to add or that contains the analysis to add.

                                                        3. Perform one of the following actions:

                                                          • To add the contents of the dashboard page to a briefing book, click the Page Options toolbar button on the dashboard page and select Add To Briefing Book

                                                            Note: The Add to Briefing Book option is not available on an empty dashboard page or if the Show Add to Briefing Book box in the "Dashboard Properties dialog" has not been selected for the page.
                                                          • To add the results of an individual analysis to a briefing book, locate the analysis on the dashboard and click the Add to Briefing Book link.

                                                            Note: This link is displayed only if the Add to Briefing Book option was selected in the Report Links dialog when the analysis was added to the dashboard. For information about setting the Add to Briefing Book option, see "Report Links dialog".
                                                        4. Click Browse to display the "Save As dialog".

                                                        5. In the Save As dialog, to save the contents to:

                                                          • A new briefing book, specify the location in which to save the briefing book in the Save In field, enter a name for the briefing book in the Name field, optionally enter a description in the Description field, and click OK.

                                                          • An existing briefing book, select the briefing book and click OK.

                                                        6. In the Save Briefing Book Content dialog, complete the remaining fields as appropriate.

                                                        7. Click OK.

                                                        The content is added to the briefing book.

                                                          Editing a Briefing Book

                                                          You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                          • BI Author Limited

                                                          • BI Author Developer

                                                          • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                          Home > Oracle Business Intelligence
                                                          1. To edit a briefing book:

                                                            • In the catalog, in the global header, click Catalog to display the "Catalog page"

                                                            • On a dashboard page, open the dashboard page that contains the briefing book.

                                                          2. Navigate to the briefing book to edit and click Edit.

                                                            The "Edit Briefing Book dialog" is displayed.
                                                          3. To change content:

                                                            1. Select the content.

                                                            2. Click Edit to display the "Page Properties dialog".

                                                            3. Change the content type, the number of navigation links to follow for updatable content, or the content description as needed.

                                                            4. Click OK.

                                                          4. To reorder content, select the content and then drag and drop it to the desired location.

                                                          5. To delete content, select the content and click Delete.

                                                          6. Click OK.

                                                            Downloading a Briefing Book

                                                            You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                            • BI Consumer

                                                            • BI Author Limited

                                                            • BI Author Developer

                                                            • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                            Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                                            1. Navigate to the briefing book to download.

                                                            2. Perform one of the following actions:

                                                              • To download the briefing book in PDF format, click PDF and then open or save the file.

                                                                Note: The Adobe Reader application is required to view or print a briefing book PDF file.
                                                              • To download the briefing book in MHTML format, click Web Archive (.mht) and then open or save the file.

                                                                Downloaded briefing books are saved with an .mht file extension and can be opened in a browser. You can then email or share the briefing book.

                                                              Adding a List of Briefing Books to a Dashboard Page

                                                              You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                              • BI Author Developer

                                                              • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                              1. Edit the dashboard. For information, see "Editing a Dashboard".

                                                              2. Navigate to the page to which you want to add a list of briefing books.

                                                              3. From the "Dashboard Objects pane", drag and drop a folder object into a section.

                                                              4. Hover the mouse pointer over the folder object in the Page Layout area to display the object's toolbar and click the Properties button.

                                                                The "Folder Properties dialog" is displayed.
                                                              5. In the Folder field, enter the folder that contains the briefing books to list.

                                                              6. In the Expand box, specify whether to show an expanded view of the folder.

                                                              7. In the Show RSS Link box, specify whether to add an RSS feed option to the folder.

                                                              8. Click OK and then click Save to save the dashboard.

                                                              The folder is added to the dashboard.

                                                                Delivering Briefing Books via Agent

                                                                You must have one of the following user type permissions:
                                                                • BI Author Developer

                                                                • BI Tenant Administrator

                                                                Home > Oracle Business Intelligence > Catalog
                                                                1. Create or edit the agent to be used to deliver the briefing book. For information, see "Creating Agents".

                                                                2. In the "Agent editor: Delivery Content tab", click Browse to select the briefing book.

                                                                When the agent runs, the briefing book is delivered.