

    Best Practice Templates

    Best practice templates are included with TCC to give customers the foundations on which to build standard integration points.

    Net Change

    Net Change is used whenever possible for imports to Taleo zone. It reduces the possibility of errors by detecting the proper operation to apply according to its reference database. Use of Net Change also reduces the number of transactions making it easier to respect the zone volume limits.

    Custom Fields

    Custom field place holders are included in the templates. Make sure to synchronize the custom fields to update the data dictionary with user defined fields found in the Taleo product. You will then be able to replace the place holders with the required custom fields in the various integration points.

      Candidate Standard Net Change

      The candidate standard net change synchronizes the candidate data with the Taleo product.

      • Identifier

        Use the same value as the Username or Email. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

      • UserName

        This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the Candidate entity.

      • Password

        When no password is provided, a default password is generated.

      • Language

        This field is mandatory.

      • Location

        Geographic location where the candidate resides.

        Valid Location Code.

        Must exist in Taleo Location Table.

      • LocationInterest

        Locations where the candidate has expressed an interest to get a job.

        Required to populate EEO / EE fields. Must contain code from Location table to represent US or Canada if EEO/EE fields are populated.

        A candidate can have multiple locations of interest. Multiple locations of interest can be imported by adding as many locations of interest columns as necessary in TCC to cover the maximum a candidate can have according to your data.

      • CA/USA EE Question

        Remove country fields that do not apply.

        Valid Question Number.

        Must exist in Taleo Question Table.

      • CA/USA EE Answer

        Remove country fields that do not apply.

        Valid Answer Number.

        Must exist in Taleo Answer Table.

      • ContestNumber-1

        Search Target set to PreselectionApplication.

      • ContestNumber-1

        This field is mandatory. The same information as ContestNumber-1 field above must be sent a second time with Net Change.

        Search Target set to Requisition.

      • ProfileStudyDisplaySequence-1

        This field is mandatory when importing collections of studies.

      • ProfileStudyInstitution-1

        Valid CieInstitution Number.

        Must exist in Taleo CieInstitution Table.

      • ProfileStudySubjectMajor-1

        Valid CieProgram Description.

        Must exist in Taleo CieProgram Table.

      • ProfileStudyDegree-1

        Valid StudyLevel Number.

        Must exist in Taleo StudyLevel Table.

      • ProfileExperienceDisplaySequence-1

        This field is mandatory when importing collections of experiences.

      • CustomFieldName

        Custom fields can be mandatory or optional depending on their settings.

        Candidate Standard Export

        The Candidate Standard Export uses the Candidate entity as the root entity to extract internal candidate information from the Taleo product.


        All of the data is extracted as basic field projections.


        • Last Run Date

          InclusiveLastModifiedDate is used as reference for last run date.

        • InternalApplication

          The field value is compared to the value true for equality.

          Department Standard Net Change

          The department standard net change synchronizes the department data with the Taleo product.

          • Identifier

            Use the same value as the Department number. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

          • DepartmentNumber

            This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the Department entity.

          • DepartmentName-EN

            This field is mandatory. Add one column for each language in which the Department Name will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

          • CostCenter

            For customer reference; not used by Taleo. Add one column for each language in which the CostCenter will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

          • HiringManager

            Valid Username for the Hiring Manager.

            Must exist in Taleo User Table.

          • CieLocation

            Valid Location Code.

            Must exist in Taleo Location Table.

          • Organization

            Valid Organization Code.

            Must exist in Taleo Organization Table.

          • ParentNumber

            Valid Department number.

            Must exist in Taleo Department Table.

          • PayFactor

            For customer reference; not used by Taleo

          • Recruiter

            Valid Username for the Recruiter.

            Must exist in Taleo User Table.

          • State,Number

            This field is mandatory.

          • DepartmentInformation,CustomFieldName

            Custom fields can be mandatory or optional depending on their settings.

            JobField Standard Net Change

            The JobField standard net change synchronizes the JobField data with the Taleo product.

            • Identifier

              Use the same value as the JobFieldCode. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

            • JobFieldCode

              This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the JobField entity.

            • ParentCode

              Valid JobFieldCode.

              Must exist in Taleo JobField Table.

            • Name-en

              This field is mandatory. Add one column for each language in which the JobField Name will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

            • NetworkJobField

              This field is mandatory and must be a valid NetworkJobField Number.

            • Status

              This field is mandatory. 1-Active, 2-Draft (default), 3-Inactive, 4-Stored

            • Sequence

              This field is mandatory. It sets the order of appearance of records in the application.

              JobTemplate Standard Net Change

              The JobTemplate standard net change synchronizes the JobTemplate data with the Taleo product.

              • Identifier

                Use the same value as the JobCode. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

              • Creator

                This field is mandatory and must be a valid User (Creator) Loginname.

              • JobCode

                This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the JobTemplate entity.

              • Title-EN

                This field is mandatory. Add one column for each language in which the JobTemplate Title will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

              • Organization

                Valid Organization Code.

                Must exist in Taleo Organization Table.

              • PrimaryLocation

                Valid Location Code.

                Mandatory if EEO Job Category is populated.

                Must identify USA or Canada for EEO.

              • JobField

                Valid JobField code.

              • EEOJobCategory

                Used for either EEO Job Category OR client custom EEO Job Groups

                1=Officials & Managers; 2=Professionals; 3=Technicians; 4=Sales Workers; 5=Office/Clerical; 6=Craft Workers; 7=Operatives; 8=Laborers; 9=Service Workers.

                Other EEO Job Categories values can be configured and available if the EEO Job Group Number is enabled.

              • EmployeeStatus

                1=Regular; 3=Contractual; 4=Temporary; 5=Limited Term.

              • JobLevel

                1-Entry Level, 2-Individual Contributor, 3-Team leader, 4-Manager, 5-Director, 6-Executive, 7-Manager with direct Reports, 8-Manager without Direct reports 9-Senior Executive.

              • JobSchedule

                1-Full-time, 2-Part-time, 3-Work-sharing, 4-Per Diem, 5-Contingent.

              • JobShift

                1-Day Job, 2-Evening Job, 3-Night Job, 4-On Call, 5-Variable, 6-Flex Time, 7-Weekend, 8-Rotating.

              • JobType

                1-Standard, 2-Internship, 3-Cooperative, 4-Summer Job, 5-Graduate Job, 6-Temporary Work, 7-Experienced.

              • OvertimeStatus

                1-Exempt, 2-Non-exempt.

              • PayFrequencyBasis

                1-Yearly, 2-Weekly, 3-Hourly, 4-Biweekly, 5-Semimonthly, 6-Monthly, 7-Total, 8-Daily.

              • StudyLevel

                1-None, 2-High School Diploma/GED, 3-Technical Diploma, 4-Associate's Degree/College Diploma, 5-Non-Degree Program, 6-Bachelor's Degree, 7-Master's Degree, 8-Doctorate Degree, 9-Higher Degree, 10-Other.

              • WillTravel

                1-No, 2-Yes, 25% of the Time, 3-Yes, 50% of the Time, 4-Yes, 75% of the Time, 5-Yes, 100% of the Time, 6-Yes, 5% of the Time, 7-Yes, 10% of the Time, 8-Yes, 15% of the Time, 9-Yes, 20% of the Time

              • DescriptionInternal-EN/DescriptionExternal-EN

                1333 for multi-byte or 4000 for single byte. Add one column for each language in which the Descriptions will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

              • QualInternal-EN/QualExternal-EN

                1333 for multi-byte or 4000 for single byte. Add one column for each language in which the Qualifications will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

              • UserGroup

                Valid UserGroup CustomerCode.

              • RequisitionType

                Possible values are 1=Professional (default); 2=Hourly; 3=Campus; 4= Contingent; 5=Executives

              • Status

                Possible values are 1=Active (default); 2=Draft; 3=Inactive

              • CustomFieldName

                Custom fields can be mandatory or optional depending on their settings.

                Location Standard Net Change

                The Location standard net change synchronizes the Location data with the Taleo product.

                • Identifier

                  Use the same value as the LocationCode. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                • LocationCode

                  This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the Location entity.

                • ParentCode

                  Valid Location Code.

                  Must exist in Taleo Location Table.

                • Name-en

                  This field is mandatory. Add one column for each language in which the Location Name will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

                • NetworkLocation

                  This field is mandatory and must be a valid NetworkLocation Number.

                • Status

                  This field is mandatory. 1-Active, 2-Draft (default), 3-Inactive, 4-Stored

                • Sequence

                  This field is mandatory. It sets the order of appearance of records in the application.

                  LUDS Standard Net Change

                  The LUDS standard net change synchronizes the UDS Element data with the Taleo product.

                  • Identifier

                    Use the same value as LUDSCode. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                  • LUDSCode

                    This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the UDSElement entity.

                  • UDSCode

                    This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the UDSElement entity.

                  • CustomerCode

                    This field is mandatory. It targets UserDefinedSelection entity.

                  • Active

                    This field is mandatory.

                  • Sequence

                    This field is mandatory for new records. Normally defaulted to the same value in all records, it is used to set order of appearance of records in the LUDS.

                  • Description-EN

                    This field is mandatory for new records. Add one column for each language in which the Description will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

                  • Organization

                    Valid Organization Code.

                    Must exist in Taleo Organization Table.

                  • Location

                    Valid Location Code.

                    Must exist in Taleo Location Table.

                  • JobField

                    Valid JobField Code.

                    Must exist in Taleo JobField Table.

                  • Complete

                    Optional field, it is strongly recommended to set the value to "true" otherwise the LUDS will appear as incomplete in the interface.

                    Organization Standard Net Change

                    The Organization standard net change synchronizes the Organization data with the Taleo product.

                    • Identifier

                      Use the same value as the OrganizationCode. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                    • OrganizationCode

                      This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the Organization entity.

                    • ParentCode

                      Valid OrganizationCode.

                      Must exist in Taleo Organization Table.

                    • Name-en

                      This field is mandatory. Add one column for each language in which the Organization Name will be imported. One column must be provided for each and every language supported by the application.

                    • Industry

                      This field is mandatory and must be a valid Industry Number.

                    • Status

                      This field is mandatory. 1-Active, 2-Draft (default), 3-Inactive, 4-Stored

                    • Sequence

                      This field is mandatory. It sets the order of appearance of records in the application.

                      Position Standard Net Change

                      The Position standard net change synchronizes the Position data with the Taleo product.

                      • Identifier

                        Use the same value as the PositionID. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                      • DepartmentNumber

                        This field is mandatory and must be a valid DepartmentNumber.

                      • HiringManager

                        This field is mandatory and must be a valid User Loginname.

                      • JobCode

                        This field is mandatory and must be a valid JobCode.

                      • PositionID

                        This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the Position entity.

                        Requisition Standard Merge

                        The requisition standard merge creates the requisition record if it does not exist or updates the record if it does exist.

                        • Identifier

                          Use the same value as ContestNumber. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                        • ContestNumber

                          Requisition Number.

                          This field is optional, if no ContestNumber is provided, one will be automatically assigned based on AWT settings.

                        • HiringManager

                          Requisition hiring manager.

                          This field is optional if JobStatus=1 (Draft).

                          This field is mandatory if JobStatus=3 (Approved).

                        • Owner

                          Requisition recruiter.

                          This field is mandatory.

                        • Language

                          This field is optional.

                        • JobState

                          This field is optional, 1=Draft (default), 3=Approved.

                        • CitizenshipStatus

                          1=Not Applicable, 2=Must Be a Citizen, 3=H1B Visa Accepted, 4=Other Visa Accepted.

                        • EmployeeStatus

                          1=Regular, 3=Contractual, 4=Temporary, 5=Limited Term.

                        • JobLevel

                          1-Entry Level, 2-Individual Contributor, 3-Team leader, 4-Manager, 5-Director, 6-Executive, 7-Manager with direct Reports, 8-Manager without Direct reports 9-Senior Executive.

                        • JobSchedule

                          1-Full-time, 2-Part-time, 3-Work-sharing, 4-Per Diem, 5-Contingent.

                        • JobShift

                          1-Day Job, 2-Evening Job, 3-Night Job, 4-On Call, 5-Variable, 6-Flex Time, 7-Weekend, 8-Rotating.

                        • JobType

                          1-Standard, 2-Internship, 3-Cooperative, 4-Summer Job, 5-Graduate Job, 6-Temporary Work, 7-Experienced.

                        • Justification

                          1=New Position, 2=Replacement, 3=Modification, 4=Extemsion.

                        • OvertimeStatus

                          1=Exempt, 2=Non-Exempt.

                        • PayFrequencyBasis

                          1=yearly, 2=weekly, 3=hourly, 4=biweekly, 5=semimonthly, 6=monthly, 7=Total, 8=Daily.

                        • StudyLevel

                          1-None, 2-High School Diploma/GED, 3-Technical Diploma, 4-Associate's Degree/College Diploma, 5-Non-Degree Program, 6-Bachelor's Degree, 7-Master's Degree, 8-Doctorate Degree, 9-Higher Degree, 10-Other.

                        • StudyProgram

                          Valid CieProgram Description.

                          Must exist in Taleo CieProgram Table.

                        • WillTravel

                          1-No, 2-Yes, 25% of the Time, 3-Yes, 50% of the Time, 4-Yes, 75% of the Time, 5-Yes, 100% of the Time, 6-Yes, 5% of the Time, 7-Yes, 10% of the Time, 8-Yes, 15% of the Time, 9-Yes, 20% of the Time.

                        • EEOJobCategory

                          Used for either EEO Job Category OR client custom EEO Job Groups1=Officials & Managers; 2=Professionals; 3=Technicians; 4=Sales Workers; 5=Office/Clerical; 6=Craft Workers; 7=Operatives; 8=Laborers; 9=Service Workers- Other EEO Job Categories values can be configured and available if the EEO Job Group No is enabled.

                        • JobField

                          This field is mandatory.

                          Valid JobField code.

                        • Organization

                          Valid Organization Code.

                          Must exist in Taleo Organization Table.

                        • PrimaryLocation

                          This field is mandatory.

                          Valid Location Code.

                          Must exist in Taleo Location Table.

                        • UserGroup

                          This field is optional.

                          Valid ArtGroup,CustomerCode.

                        • Title-EN

                          Title of the requisition, this field is mandatory.

                          Add one field for each language in which the requisition Title is imported.

                        • ReferenceTitle-EN

                          Manager WebTop Job Title, this field is mandatory.

                          Add one field for each language in which the requisition Reference Title is imported.

                        • DescriptionInternal-EN/DescriptionExternal-EN

                          1333 multi-byte characters or 4000 single byte characters, maintain line feeds, carriage returns, and formatting embedded within field data.

                          Add one field for each language in which the internal or external description is imported.

                        • QualInternal-EN/QualExternal-EN

                          1333 multi-byte characters or 4000 single byte characters, maintain line feeds, carriage returns, and formatting embedded within field data.

                          Add one field for each language in which the internal or external qualification is imported.

                        • RequisitionType

                          This field is mandatory if many requisition types are activated in Taleo AWT. 1=Professional (default), 2=Hourly, 3=Campus, 4= Contingent, 5=Executives.

                        • JobCode

                          This field is a link to JobTemplate, it can not be updated by integration.

                        • CustomFieldName

                          Custom fields can be mandatory or optional depending on their settings.

                          User Standard Net Change

                          The user standard net change synchronizes the user data with the Taleo product.

                          • Identifier

                            Use the same value as the Loginname. This value will come back in the results file and facilitate reconciliation of the results.

                          • Loginname

                            This field is mandatory and must be unique. It is used as the primary key targeting the User entity.

                          • Password

                            This field is mandatory.

                            Set Advanced options: updatable=false.

                          • RolesCollection

                            When the collection is reset, all roles must be sent for each user. Also note that some business rules apply so that not all combinations of roles are possible.

                          • Role-1

                            This field is mandatory.

                          • Role-2

                            A user can have multiple roles.

                            Multiple roles can be imported by adding as many role columns as necessary to cover the maximum a user can have according to your data.

                          • FirstName

                            This field is mandatory.

                          • LastName

                            This field is mandatory.

                          • ContentLanguages

                            Languages in which the user will create requisitions and templates, en by default.

                            Multiple languages are separated by a comma, for example: en,fr,es.

                            These are the Career Section Languages.

                          • CorrespondenceLanguage

                            Language used for correspondence with the user.

                            These are the WebTop Languages.

                          • ForceChangePassword

                            This field is mandatory.

                            Set Advanced options: updatable=false.

                          • Title-en

                            Add one field for each language in which the user Title is imported.

                          • GroupCollection

                            When the collection is reset, all groups must be sent for each user.

                          • Group-1

                            This field is mandatory.

                          • Group-2

                            A user can belong to multiple groups.

                            Multiple groups can be imported by adding as many group columns as necessary to cover the maximum a user can have according to your data.

                          • CustomFieldName

                            Custom fields can be mandatory or optional depending on their settings.