3Performance Security FAQ

Performance Security FAQ

    FAQ: User Permissions and Access

    The answers focus on security and user permission solutions.

    HR Administrators

    Q: From HR Administration Tools > Goal Plan, not all of the goals in the system are being displayed, preventing me from acting on them. Are my permissions correct?

    A: Check to ensure that the Goal Plan - View/Manage permissions are at the highest level without any restrictions. If that is the case, then there is likely a user group or coverage area restriction that is being applied via one of the user types associated with the HR administrator user account.

    Q: How can I prevent one HR Administrator from accessing the review scores of another HR Administrator?

    A: You can place the HR Administrators into a user group that does not include Performance > Performance Reviews functional domain. If there is a concern they could see the score via metrics, Performance > Employee Metrics could also be left out of the user group.

    User Groups and Coverage Areas

    Q: What is the difference between user groups and coverage areas?

    A: User groups include people who have the same access to the same information and objects, controlled by constraints added to coverage areas associated with the group. A coverage area can be included with a group or applied directly to an individual user account.

    Q: With regards to coverage areas and user groups, does using OLFs create an AND or an OR constraint?

    A: Prior to 10SP3 it may have created either, but since then they are OR relationships between the OLFs and functional domains.

    Talent Pools

    Q: I can access and add members to a pool, but why can I not add Development Activities to a pool member?

    A: You must have Development Plan View/Manage permissions to be able to Assign Activities via the Actions menu when you select a member.

    Q: I just created a talent pool and want to assign a new owner, but the Owner field is grayed out. What access is required to change owners?

    A: You must have the Pools - Manage - Allow creating and deleting pools to change owners.

    Q: If I have access to a pool, will I be able to see the metrics of people I don't have access to?

    A: No. The Review Rating, Risk of Loss and Potential metric values displayed in the List view will indicate NA or Not Specified.

    Q: Can I search for people I don't have access to manage?

    A:Yes. Using the keyword search in the People Selector you can add people you cannot actually manage; however, you cannot access their personal details.

    Q: If an employee I don't have rights to manage is in a pool that I can manage, can I delete that person from the pool?

    A: Yes. You can delete and add people you do not have rights to manage, however; you cannot access their personal details.

    Matrix Management

    Q: As a matrix manager, I expected to received delegated tasks, but have not.

    A: There are View/Manage - If this user is a matrix manager permissions for each module and even if a user has been designated a matrix manager in Taleo Performance, they still need the required permissions.

    Q: Why is the matrix manager unable to access the same modules as the employees delegated to them?

    A: There are View/Manage - If this user is a matrix manager permissions for each module and even if a user has been designated a matrix manager in Taleo Performance, they still need those required permissions. Matrix managers do not automatically inherit the access rights of the manager they are replacing.

    Q: Can an employee - ie. someone without direct reports - be a mentor or a matrix manager?

    A: Yes. As both have specific user permissions, they are not constrained by the hierarchical user permissions structure.

    Q: As a manager, do I need to have If this user is a matrix manager permissions to create a matrix manager relationship and delegate my tasks to a subordinate in the Talent Browser?

    A: No. You specifically require the Team Management > Access Manage Matrix Manager permission, to have the option available in the Talent Browser.

    Q: What is the difference between a mentor and a matrix manager?

    A: A mentor is someone in your organization who can help develop fellow employees and who has access to the Mentoring Center for communicating with their mentees. Usually mentors are given view access so they can monitor the progress of their mentees and see where there are areas for improvement. Matrix managers are given managerial responsibility over another manager's employees and tasks. Typically they will need view and manage permissions to carry out this role.


    Q: How come I do not see the functional domain Performance when configuring user types?

    A: It must be activated via Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Production Security] Product Configuration, for it to be displayed.

    Q: How can Taleo Performance respect European privacy laws?

    A: The granularity of the Performance - Employee Metrics and Performance - Employee Profile permissions enables them to be limited to just the employee if necessary or more elaborate access can be configured using groups and coverage areas.

    Q: How can you limit which employees can request to add to their network?

    A: By appealing to their professionalism and common sense. There are no user permission constraints for My Network.

    Q: I have tasks assigned to me, but selecting them displays the message "You do not have the required permissions to see this task information". How can I complete tasks I do not have access to?

    A: It is possible you had the required user permissions when the task was initially assigned, but due to a change in a user group, coverage area, or user type permissions your access has changed. Contact you system administrator who can reassign the tasks or provide you with access.

    Q: Can we restrict who can view specific employee metrics, such as Position - Critical and Employee - Risk of Loss, via user type permissions?

    A: No. While user permissions can be used to control who can see the whole of employee metrics or the talent profile, those individual fields are controlled by the [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration settings.

    Q: I can edit most of the fields in the Talent Profile, but why are the Metrics fields uneditable?

    A: You must have Manage access for Performance - Employee Metrics permissions.

    Q: Can an executive be prevented from seeing data more than two levels down in their organization?

    A: An executive can be restricted to their direct reports, but if access is required beyond that level, the If this user is a higher level manager grants access to all other levels.