16Merge Forms

Merge Forms

    Merge Form

    A merge form is a PDF document that can be tied to candidate selection workflows, steps, and statuses and that can be generated/filled out at any point on demand by a user.

    Merge forms are used during the hiring process. For example, during interviews with candidates, a recruiter may use a PDF form as a template to complete a candidate's "Do not disclose" information. PDF forms are most typically used for various new hire paperwork or to print a candidate submission in a particular, customized format.

    Merge forms are first built in Adobe Acrobat. System administrators then add them in the Recruiting Administration. If desired, they can also tie them to candidate selection workflows, steps, and statuses to make them available to users. Merge forms can be printed by a user, then further completed if needed and signed by the candidate. (None of this is tracked in the system).

    If a field in the form is confidential to the user, a warning message is displayed and that field is left blank.

    Merge forms can be pre-populated with variables retained in the system within the Message Template feature. These variables can be added using the Adobe Acrobat Professional Forms feature. For example, you could take a merge form (such as the I-9 form) and insert variables that will automatically pull information from the candidate file. Instead of typing the name of a candidate, the name would automatically appear in the form.

    By default, the maximum file size of a merge form is 2 MB.

    Merge forms may be available in any language. Merged data is available in English only. Most Asian languages are not supported, based on PDF conversion issues with tokens. The merged data will pull what is in the candidates file, so it may not be in English.

      Configuring Merge Forms

      The configuration of merge forms consists of the following steps.

      1. Oracle Support must activate the Merge Form feature. Once activated, the Merge Forms feature becomes available in the Recruiting Administration menu.

      2. Loading a form.

      3. Inserting variables in the form.

      4. Associating the form to a workflow, step, status.

      The Fill Out Form feature does not suppress confidential data. That is, if a user is not authorized to view a piece of requisition or candidate data because of permissions (for example, the field is confidential, or the block such as Compensation or Screening Service is not visible), the user may still get access to this data using the Fill Out Form feature. When a user generates a form, all data included in the PDF will render in the file, regardless of the user's permissions. For this reason, customers should not embed fields in PDF forms that they do not want users to be able to access.

        Loading a Merge Form

        The PDF form must first be built in Adobe Acrobat.

        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Merge Forms
        1. Click New...

        2. Enter a title and a code.

        3. Select a PDF form using the Browse... button.

        4. Select Available in the Status list.

        5. Click Done.

        The form appears in the Merge Forms page. It is also available in the Forms tab of the Candidate Selection Workflow feature.

          Inserting Variables in a Merge Form

          Adobe Acrobat Professional is required to insert variables.

          Variables are available in the Recruiting Administration menu, in the Paragraphs feature (located in the Correspondence section).

          Note that this procedure may differ according to the Adobe Acrobat Professional version being used.

          1. In the Recruiting Administration menu, click Paragraphs located in the Correspondence section.

          2. Click on a paragraph.

          3. Click Edit next to Properties.

          4. In the Available Variables selector, locate the desired variable then copy it.

          5. Using Adobe Acrobat Professional, open a PDF form.

          6. In the Tools menu, select Advanced Editing, then Text Field Tool.

          7. Draw a box using your cursor. The Text Field Properties window appears.

          8. In the Text Field Properties window, under the General tab, paste the copied variable in the Name field.

          9. Enter any other information, such as a tooltip or if the field is required.

          10. Click Close.

          The form contains variables that will automatically pull information from the candidate file into the form.

            Associating a Merge Form to a Workflow, Step, Status

            The form must first be loaded via the Merge Forms feature.

            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Forms
            1. Click on the title of a form.

            2. Specify if the form is always available or if it is only available when associated to a selected workflow, step, or status.

            3. Depending on the above choice, select a workflow, step, or status then click Add. Recruiting Center users will be presented with the form when moving a candidate to the selected workflow/step/status context. Note that it does not restrict the use of that form to the workflow/step/status context when using the "Fill Out Form" action from the More Actions menu.

            4. Click Done.

              Merge Form - Other Configuration Tasks

                Deleting a Merge Form

                The merge form must not be used.

                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Merge Forms
                1. Select a merge form.

                2. Click the Delete icon.

                The merge form no longer appears in the list of merge forms.

                  Activating a Merge Form

                  You must create the form in the Merge Forms page before you can activate it.

                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Merge Forms
                  1. Click a form.

                  2. Select Available in the Status drop-down list.

                  3. Click Done.

                  In the Merge Forms page, Available appears in the Status column next to the merge form. The form is available when associating a form to a candidate selection workflow, step, or status.

                    Deactivating a Merge Form

                    The form must be active.

                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Merge Forms
                    1. Click a form.

                    2. Select Not Available in the Status drop-down list.

                    3. Click Done.

                    In the Merge Forms page, Not Available appears in the Status column next to the merge form. The form is no longer available for selection when associating a form to a candidate selection workflow, step, or status.

                      Adding the Work Shift Availability Grid in a Merge Form

                      Adobe Acrobat Professional is required to insert variables.

                      For a list of variables used in the work shift availability grid, see Work Shift Availability Variables.

                      This procedure may differ according to the Adobe Acrobat Professional version being used. Also note that the Adobe LiveCycle Designer software cannot be used to insert token field names. To update a form created with Adobe LiveCycle Designer, you must first print the form to create a regular PDF file, and then edit the new PDF file from within Adobe Acrobat.

                      1. In the list of variables available for the work shift availability, copy the desired variable.

                        For example, {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER1}.
                      2. Using Adobe Acrobat Professional, open a PDF form.

                      3. If you want the Work Shift Availability Grid to present availability using Yes or No text:

                        1. In the Tools menu, select Advanced Editing, then Text Field Tool.

                        2. Draw a box using your cursor. The Text Field Properties window appears.

                        3. In the Text Field Properties window, under the General tab, paste the variable in the Name field.

                        4. Enter any other information, such as a tooltip or if the field is required.

                        5. Click Close.

                      4. If you want the Work Shift Availability Grid to present availability using checkmarks (a checkmark indicating that the user is available for a shift, no checkmark indicating that the user is not available):

                        1. In the Tools menu, select Advanced Editing, then Radio Button Tool.

                        2. Draw a box using your cursor. The Radio Button Properties window appears.

                        3. In the General tab, paste the variable in the Name field.

                        4. In the Appearance tab, set the Fill Color to white, and the Border Color to No color.

                        5. In the Options tab, set the Button Style to Check and select the option "Button is checked by default".

                        6. Click Close.

                        Work Shift Availability Variables

                        These variables are not included in the Paragraphs feature of the Correspondence Manager and can only be used in the Merge Form feature.

                        Work Shift Availability Variables
                        Monday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER1}
                        Monday_MidDay: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER2}
                        Monday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER3}
                        Monday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER4}
                        Monday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY1_PER
                        Tuesday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY2_PER1}
                        Tuesday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY2_PER2}
                        Tuesday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY2_PER3}
                        Tuesday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY2_PER4}
                        Tuesday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY2_PER5}
                        Wednesday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY3_PER2}
                        Wednesday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY3_PER3}
                        Wednesday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY3_PER4}
                        Wednesday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY3_PER5}
                        Thursday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY4_PER1}
                        Thursday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY4_PER2}
                        Thursday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY4_PER3}
                        Thursday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY4_PER4}
                        Thursday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY4_PER5}
                        Friday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY5_PER1}
                        Friday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY5_PER2}
                        Friday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY5_PER3}
                        Friday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY5_PER4}
                        Friday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY5_PER5}
                        Saturday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY6_PER1}
                        Saturday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY6_PER2}
                        Saturday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY6_PER3}
                        Saturday_Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY6_PER4}
                        Saturday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY6_PER5}
                        Sunday_EarlyMorning: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY7_PER1}
                        Sunday_MidDay {SHIFT_GRID_DAY7_PER2}
                        Sunday_Afternoon: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY7_PER3}
                        Sunday Evening : {SHIFT_GRID_DAY7_PER4}
                        Sunday_Overnight: {SHIFT_GRID_DAY7_PER5}

                          Merge Form - Permissions and Settings

                          The following permissions and settings are used to configure merge forms.

                          The fields contained in a form obey to the following permissions granted to users:

                          User Type Permission Location
                          Security level for requisitions (in view mode) Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions
                          Security level for external candidates (in view mode) Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates
                          Security level for internal candidates (in view mode) Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates

                          Setting Description Default Value Location
                          Merge Form Activation Activates the Merge Forms feature in the Recruiting Administration menu. No Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings
                          Maximum Number Merge Forms in List Determines the maximum number of pages per merge form. 14 Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings
                          Maximum Merge Form Size Determines the maximum size (in bytes) of a single merge form. 512000 bytes Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings