
Create a Requisition

You create requisitions to detail the specific requirements of a job for which somebody must be hired.

  1. On the Requisitions list, click Create Requisition.

  2. Select the Use a Template option or the Start from the beginning option.

  3. Select the hire type for the requisition.

  4. Select a template if yo uselected that option.

  5. Select attributes such as organization, location, job field.

  6. When you’re done, the requisition form is displayed and you complete all the information required in the form.

  7. Click Save.

When you save the requisition, a message appears if you forgot to enter information in certain fields. When you're done completing the requisition, the requisition goes through an approval process before being posted on internal or external career sections.

Submit a Requisition for Approval

When you're creating a requisition and are done entering all the details, you can submit the requisition for approval using the Submit for Approval action.

If the dynamic approval routing (DAR) process is used, a predefined list of approvers is displayed. If you have the permissions, you can modify the list of approvers by adding and removing approvers. You can also define the order of approval by assigning a sequence number to each approver.

Once you submit the requisition for approval, the approvers receive an approval request notification in the order set in the approval path. You can see the progress of the approval such as the decision made and the date and time of the approval in the job requisition Approvals tab.

Approve a Requisition

When you’re selected to approve a requisition:

  1. Go to the requisition.

  2. In the More Actions menu, select the Decide on Approval action.

  3. In the Task details panel, indicate whether you approve or reject the requisition.

  4. Click Done.

Post a Requisition to a Career Section

When a requisition has been approved, you can post it to internal and external career sections.

  1. Go to the requisition Sourcing tab.

  2. Expand the Career Sections section.

  3. Click the Add career sections button to access the career sections selector. A list of default career sections and their posting schedule is displayed.

  4. You can select a default career section or select other career sections.

  5. Once you have selected a career section, you can:

    • Use the default posting schedule or modify it.

    • Mark the posting as urgent.

    • Set the Apply Online option before posting the requisition.

    • Add and remove career sections.

    • Unpost the requisition from a career section.

    • View the list of career section along with their posting status.

Post a Requisition to a Job Board

When a requisition has been approved, you can post it to job boards. Job board posting is available for requisitions posted on external career sections.

  1. Go to the requisition Sourcing tab.

  2. Expand the Job Boards section.

  3. Click the Select job boards for posting button.

  4. Select the supplier, account, and language.

  5. Click Next. You are then taken to the supplier’s site where you can select job boards and provide more details about the posting.

Use Staffing Agents to Refer Candidates

You can use the services of staffing agents who will refer candidates to a job.

  1. Go to the requisition Sourcing tab.

  2. Expand the Staffing Agents section.

  3. Click the Add Agents button to access the staffing agents selector. The list of agents available is dependent on the organization, location, and job field selected for the requisition.

  4. Select an agent and click Add / Update Agents.

  5. Set the start and end date of the posting.

  6. Click Save and Apply.

An email is sent to staffing agents inviting them to refer candidates for the job. The staffing agent signs in to the agency portal, locates the requisition, and refers a candidate. Candidates being referred receive an email informing them that they were referred by an agent for a job. Candidates are invited to review the profile information submitted by the agent. When you search candidates in the database, you can easily identify candidates referred by an agent with the Candidate referred by an agent icon.

Invite Candidates to Apply to a Requisition

You can invite candidates to apply to a requisition when they match criteria defined for the requisition.

When a requisition is posted on a career section, go to the requisition’s Sourcing tab and expand the Invite Matching Candidates section. From there, you can view default matching criteria, default matching filters, and sources used to match candidates to the requisition.

Default matching criteria are set by your administrator. Use the edit icon next to Matching Criteria to modify these default criteria to find more relevant candidates for a particular requisition.

Default matching filters are also set by your administrator. Use the edit icon next to Resulting Invite List to modify these default filters.

You can also modify the list of sources used by candidates to apply for a job.

Once you have found the right candidates, click the Send Invite button to send an email to these candidates to invite them to apply for the job. Candidates receiving the invitation to apply can submit their applications using the career section portal.

Matching criteria are:

  • Place of residence / Location

  • Preferred Jobs / Job

  • Preferred Locations / Locations

  • Preferred Organizations / Organization

  • Competencies

  • Questions

  • Job Level

  • Job Type

  • Schedule

  • Shift

  • Employment Status

  • Education Level

  • Travel

  • Minimum Annual Salary

Matching criteria can be set as Required, Desired, or Ignore / Not Applicable:

  • Required: The criterion is mandatory. The candidate has to meet this specific criterion to appear in the list of matching candidates.

  • Desired: The criterion is not mandatory, it’s considered an asset. Candidates who don’t have an asset will be matched as long as they meet all the required criteria. Candidates who don’t match a Desired criterion are not rejected. Candidates who meet all the Required criteria and who also meet some of the Desired criteria will appear at the top of the list of candidate displayed to the user.

  • Ignore / Not Applicable

Matching filters are:

  • Do not include active candidates if they reached the following selection process step

    • New

    • Reviewed

    • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Interview

    • Testing

    • Offer

    • Hired

    • Rejected

    • Declined

    • Inactive

    • Pipeline

  • Include candidates that reside

    • All countries

    • The requisition country

    • The requisition state/province

    • The requisition region

  • Include candidates if last update is older than

  • Include candidates if

    • Internal

    • External

  • Sourcing

    • Invite

    • Do not invite

Note: To use this feature, you need these user permissions:
  • Match candidates to requisitions

  • Email Job Matching Candidates Default

Perform Actions on Requisitions

You can perform several actions on requisitions from the Requisitions list or using the More Actions menu in a requisition.

  • Duplicate: You duplicate requisitions to create requisitions similar to an existing one. When you view a requisition, use the Duplicate this requisition action to create a similar requisition. A requisition can be duplicated regardless of its status. When duplicating a requisition, all of the information is duplicated.

  • Add Comments: Use the Add Comments action in the requisition or requisition list to add a comment to the requisition.

  • Cancel: Use the Cancel action when you no longer need the requisition. The Cancel action is available when the requisition has one of the following statuses: Approved, Scheduled, Posted, Unposted, Expired, Draft. The Cancel action is not available when at least one candidate has been hired for the requisition, or an offer was extended.

  • Delete: Use the Delete action to remove the requisition from the list. The requisition status must be Draft.

  • Put on Hold: Use the Put on Hold action to suspend all the activities associated with a requisition. The Put on Hold action is available when the requisition has one of the following statuses: Sourcing - Unposted, Sourcing - Expired, Draft, Approved, Rejected, To be Approved.

  • Reactivate: Use the Reactivate action to reactivate a requisition that was put on hold. The requisition status must be On Hold.

  • Reopen: Use the Reopen action to reopen a requisition previously filled or canceled. You have the option to cancel the current hiring or to add new openings.

  • Save as Open: Use the Save as Open action to save a requisition and bypass any approvals that may be required. The requisition status must be Draft.

  • Fill Requisition: Use the Fill Requisition action to indicate that the required number of candidates was hired for the requisition. The Fill Requisition action is available when the requisition has the following statuses: Open - Approved, Open - Posted, Open - Expired, Open - Unposted, Open - Scheduled.

View Tracking Details on a Requisition

You can view tracking details of events that occurred on a requisition.

  1. Open a requisition.

  2. Click the History tab. Events are listed in chronological order.

  3. If you use the Previous and Next arrows to navigate to the next requisition on the list, you are taken directly to the History tab of that requisition.

Add Collaborators to a Requisition

A collaborator is a person chosen by the owner of a requisition who helps out or takes responsibility for certain parts of the requisition process.

When you create a requisition, you can add collaborators who would be responsible for selected steps within the requisition or recruitment process. In the Requisition Info tab, click the Add Collaborators link. When you add collaborators, you can use the Frequent Collaborators option or other filters to find the people you want to add as collaborators. You can add a maximum of 30 collaborators.

Set the ACE Alert to Identify Ideal Candidates

The ACE alert allows you to set a threshold to identify the ideal candidates for a job. ACE candidates are identified based on their responses to the competencies and questions in the requisition file.

You set the ACE alert in the requisition Prescreen Alerts tab. The following options are available:

Option Description
Result: A submission meeting all the prescreening required criteria and obtaining a result of at least n % Candidates who meet all the required criteria and the result value will be considered ACE candidates.
Asset: A submission meeting all the prescreening required criteria and obtaining n of 3 assets Candidates who meet all the required criteria and the minimum number of assets will be considered ACE candidates.
Both Result and Assets must be met This option is used to identify ACE candidates using the result and asset conditions.
Either Result or Assets must be met This option is used to identify ACE candidates using the result or asset condition.

When you set the ACE alert, you can send an email to specific recipients to inform them that ACE candidates were found. The email contains a PDF of the candidate files. All recipients receive the same candidate files, regardless of their permissions to view candidate information.

Once the ACE alert is set on a requisition, the ACE star icon appears on the Requisitions list, next to a requisition and also on the requisition summary card.

Candidates who apply to the requisition and meet the criteria are marked as ACE candidate on their respective submission. The ACE star icon is displayed.

Set the Request More Information Alert to Get Info from Candidates

The Request More Information (RMI) alert allows you to contact candidates who meet prescreening required criteria for a job and to request more information from them. Candidates receive an email inviting them to return to their submission and provide missing information.

You set the RMI alert in the requisition Prescreen Alerts tab. The following options are available:

Option Description
Result: A submission meeting all the prescreening required criteria and obtaining a result of at least n % Candidates who meet all the required criteria and the result value will be considered ACE candidates.
Asset: A submission meeting all the prescreening required criteria and obtaining n of x assets Candidates who meet all the required criteria and the minimum number of assets will be considered ACE candidates.
Both Result and Assets must be met This option is used to identify ACE candidates using the result and asset conditions.
Either Result or Assets must be met This option is used to identify ACE candidates using the result or asset condition.

Requisition List

Use the requisition list to quickly and effectively view and find requisitions.

From the requisition list, you can:

  • View the list of open requisitions based on requisition ownership.

  • View all requisitions including those in inactive statuses such as Draft, Deleted, and Canceled.

  • Navigate through the paginated requisition list.

  • Filter requisitions using various criteria. Once you have selected criteria, click Apply Filters to refresh the list accordingly, or click Clear All to clear the selected filters. Applied filters are shown in the top of the list. Click the x icon next to each filter to remove the filter.

  • Sort requisitions using the available columns.

  • Hover your mouse over the requisition title to get requisition info such as the hiring manager, recruiter, primary location, hired candidates, activated languages.

  • Click the title of a requisition to view detailed requisition content.

  • Click the candidate count of a requisition to access the list of active candidate submissions for that requisition.

  • Perform actions available in the More Actions menu.

  • Create requisitions.

Requisition Details

When you view a requisition, the details of the requisition are presented in the following tabs:

  • Requisition Info: Contains all the info for the job organized into different sections that you can expand and collapse depending on their pertinence.

  • Prescreen Alerts: You can set an ACE alert and a Request More Information (RMI) alert.

  • Attachments: Contains files attached to the requisition. You can view, preview, delete, upload, and download attachments.

  • Approvals: Displays the progress of the approval such as the approvers, the decision made, and the date and time of the approval.

  • Sourcing: You can post requisitions on external and internal career sections, and on job boards. You can also use staffing agents to refer candidates for a requisition. This is also where you can invite candidates to apply to a requisition when they match criteria defined for the requisition.

  • Interviews: You can add evaluation questionnaires, send evaluation feedback requests to evaluators to ask them to evaluate candidates, view feedback provided by evaluators.

You can navigate back to the requisition list using the Back to Requisition List button. You’re returned to the requisition list and the most recent requisition you were viewing is highlighted.

You can also flip through the requisition details for each of the requisitions displayed on your list by clicking the previous and next buttons.

Requisition Summary Card

When you view a requisition, a summary of the requisition is displayed on the summary card. The summary highlights important details of the requisition such as links to pre-filtered submissions (active and new), requisition status, structure, hiring team, job information. Use the arrow to expand or collapse the summary card.

When you’re editing a requisition, the summary card displays a table of contents of the requisition sections. You can click section titles to quickly navigate to specific content.

Understanding the Prescreening Section in the Requisition

The Prescreening section in the requisition file may contain disqualification questions, prescreening questions, and competencies used to find the top candidates for a position. The combination of these three elements is referred to as ACE Prescreening because they help identify ACE or top candidates for a position.

  • A disqualification question is a single-answer question that contains the minimum requirements for a candidate to be eligible for a job. For example "Are you entitled to work in the United States?" When candidates apply for a job, it’s mandatory to respond to the disqualification questions. Answers to the disqualification questions decide if candidates move forward in the selection process or are automatically disqualified.

  • You use a prescreening question to question candidates to learn more about their career goal, job preferences, knowledge, and more. For example you can ask "How good are your Java skills?". If the prescreening question is configured as mandatory, the candidate can't skip it while applying for the job.

  • You use competencies to gather proficiency level and years of experience of a candidate. Competencies are supplied with the system, they are available in the Competencies Library and can be added in the Prescreening section of a requisition file.

You can perform several actions to prescreening questions and competencies in requisitions:

  • You can add prescreening questions and competencies. Click the Add button. In the selector window, use filters to find the desired question or competency. Then add the question or competency to the requisition.

  • You can reorder prescreening questions and competencies. Select an order number from the list. Click the Reorder button.

  • You can remove prescreening questions and competencies. Select the question or competency. Click the Remove button

  • You can configure prescreening result criteria. When you add prescreening questions and competencies to a requisition, you can specify if the question or competency is required for the position or if it’s an asset. You can also add weight to questions and competencies to give them more consideration when prescreening candidates.

Use Attachments in a Requisition

You can view, preview, delete, upload, and download attachments in requisitions.

Attachments are available in the requisition Attachments tab. The following file formats are supported. System administrators define which formats are available to users.

  • Any File Format

  • Excel (.xls and .xlsx)

  • Hypertext Markup Language (.htm and .html)

  • OpenOffice Writer (.odt)

  • Portal Document Format (.pdf)

  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)

  • Text (.txt)

  • Word (.doc and .docx)

  • Word Perfect (.wpd)

  • Zip Format

Once a file is uploaded, you can preview, delete, and download the file.

Manage Pipeline Requisitions

Pipeline requisitions are used to gather candidates who have the skills, background, and experience your organization is looking for. These candidates can later be added to a regular requisition for which they can eventually get hired.

You can create and manage pipeline requisitions. The creation process of a pipeline requisition is similar to a regular requisition. On the requisitions list, click Create Requisition. Select the type of pipeline requisition you want to create:

  • Pipeline - General

  • Pipeline - Executive

Complete the fields as for a regular requisition.

Note: To manage pipeline requisitions, you need these user permissions:
  • Allow access to pipeline - general requisitions

  • Allow access to pipeline - executive requisitions