

    User-defined Form

    Forms in Onboarding (Transitions) allow new hires or other participants to provide specific information to the system by entering values into fields in an online form and then submitting it. A user-defined form is one or more pages of information containing standard and/or custom fields that can be used in specific tasks during the Onboarding (Transitions) process.

    Onboarding (Transitions) uses a form builder to assist in the formatting and personalization of a user-defined form. You can add text, graphics, links and make fields required among many other formatting options. User-defined forms can be created from scratch, duplicated, and edited.

    When creating a form, you provide a name, a code, and a page name to facilitate future references. Then, rows, columns, and sections can be added to the form using the different tools of the Toolbox. Fields and text are then inserted in the form. A list of available fields appears in the Field Chooser. To insert fields, you select the field, then drag and drop it into the desired area. Each field included in the form can have different properties which can be edited by selecting the field and scrolling to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom of the form. Some fields have limited properties available, according to best practices. For example, assignees cannot edit Esignature[number]Date because it is captured automatically by the system when an E-Signature is successfully provided.

    Once a user-defined form is created, it can be previewed to see how the information will be displayed to users. It is also possible to configure user-defined forms in all the languages enabled in an organization. Forms can be translated as required, but if no translation is provided, the form is displayed in the base language.

    While people are completing forms opened in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center or on the Onboarding (Transitions) tab in career sections, there is no Save as Draft feature. For this reason, when you are designing a form, consider creating multiple, shorter forms rather than a long form. Multiple, short forms enable assignees to complete and submit information more easily. In addition, if you make some fields mandatory on a form, this will ensure that assignees provide more information before they submit the form.

    Multi-row Fields

    When a form will be used for gathering or displaying information that requires several different rows, multi-row fields can be used. For example, this is useful for a candidate to provide several different prior addresses, several emergency contacts, or several destinations for a percentage of their paycheck to be direct-deposited. The form builder contains these multi-row fields:

    • Addresses / AddressBookHistory

    • StructuredResume / EducationList

    • StructuredResume / ReferenceList

    • StructuredResume / WorkExperienceList

    • StructuredResume / Certification

    • PersonalInfo / DirectDeposit

    When these fields are placed onto a form, a table is created in the form to allow the inclusion of child fields into the table as columns. Add and Delete buttons need to be added to allow users to enter new rows of information or delete rows of information.

    Note: A column in a multi-row field must contain at most one field.
    Note: Multi-row fields are only supported in user-defined forms. They are not available for inclusion in PDFs, message templates, and content pages.
      Creating a User-defined Form

      The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

      Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

      1. Click Create.

      2. Provide a code, a name, and a page name.

      3. To add a section, position your cursor in an existing section, then click the Insert a Section icon in the Toolbox. A section entitled Default section title is inserted in the form, just below where your cursor was positioned.

      4. To modify a section title, click your mouse on Default section title and make required changes in the Selected Element Properties section.

      5. To add a table, position your cursor in the desired section of the form, then click the Insert a Table icon. A table containing two columns and five rows is inserted in the form.

      6. To add rows and columns, use the tools in the Toolbox.

      7. To add text, position your cursor in a cell then click the Insert Text in the Selected cell icon to place a text area onto the form. Then, in the Selected Element Properties section, in the Value field, use the rich text editor to add formatting, graphics, links, etc.

      8. To add fields, select a field in the Field Chooser list, then drag and drop it in the desired section.

      9. To edit the properties of a field, select the field then scroll to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom of the form.

      10. To add a page, click Add Page.

      11. Click Save.

      The form appears in the User-defined Forms list and its status is Draft.

        Previewing a User-defined Form
        The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

        Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

        1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

        2. Click Preview.

          Translating a User-defined Form
          The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

          Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

          1. Click the user-defined form.

          2. Click Configure next to Language.

          3. Select In Use for the desired language and click Save.

          4. In the Language selector, select the language you just enabled.

          5. Translate the form.

          6. Click Save.

            Enabling a User-defined Form
            The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

            Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

            1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

            2. Click Activate.

            The status of the user-defined form is changed to Active. The user-defined form can be used in an Onboarding (Transitions) process.

              Field Selected Element Properties

              The Selected Element Properties section is used to configure fields added to a user-defined form.

              Element Description
              Access Access indicates if the field is read-only or editable. When read-only is selected, a user is unable to modify the field. The default value is Editable.
              Binding field The Binding field refers to the data source to which the element is bound. The value displayed in the Binding field represents the data value (available in the first list of the Field Chooser) to which the element is associated. For example, the Annual Bonus field is bound to Offer/AnnualBonus. The value in the Binding field is not editable.
              CSS Style Cascading Style Sheets or CSS provide formatting and style instructions which apply to the label of the field. It is important to enter valid instructions. For example, to put text in red, bold and with a yellow border, you must enter the following instructions: color: red; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid yellow
              Field Label The Field Label is the name used to identify a field, according to the CSS formatting above. Tools allow the formatting of the text for example, bold, italic, underline, bullets, alignment. You can click the Enlarged View icon to access the rich text editor, which provides more formatting tools.
              Field Size Field size indicates the number of elements displayed in a list. Field Size is used for multiple-selection fields. For example, if the field size is 2, the list will display 2 values. The default value is 1.
              Field Type There are different field types to choose from: Text Input, Text Area, Rich Text Format, Read-only Text. When working with a date, the field can be text or:
              • Date Drop-down list.

              • Date input-utilizes a calendar picker with keyboard short-cut keys available.
                • Control-Forward and Ctrl-Back changes the calendar by month

                • Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down changes the calendar by year, in the current month

                • Escape key does the Cancel action

                • Enter key does the Done action

              Header The is the header or top of a table-type field. An unlimited number of rows can be added. In order for the user to add information, you must insert a button Add at top of the box. Once the user clicks the button a line is displayed and data can be written. To allow the user to delete data, a Delete button must be inserted at the end of the line.
              Help Callout Similar to instructions, but this is displayed as a help bubble on the form and can provide information about a field to the user. The help callout is used to provide tips on the field. Tools allow the formatting of the text for example, bold, italic, underline, bullets, alignment. You can click the Enlarged View icon to access the Rich Text Editor which provides more formatting tools.
              Input Mask

              Format of the input value. The following syntax must be used:

              9=any number

              a=any letter

              n=any letter or number

              |=logical or

              \9=the 9 character

              \a=the a character

              \n=the n character

              \|=the | character

              Any other symbol=the symbol (including a space)

              Possible formats for SSN and Zip/Postal codes:

              SSN: 999-99-9999

              ZIP Code United States: 99999|99999-9999

              Postal Code Canada: a9a9a9|a9a 9a9|a9a-9a9

              Note: Make sure not to add a space before and after the | operator. For example, do not enter 99999 | 99999-9999

              Instructions The instructions are messages or warnings regarding how a field performs or specifics on what the user should enter in the field. For example, for the Work Phone Number field, you could put the following instruction: Do not forget your extension number. Instructions appear below the field. Tools allow the formatting of the text for example, bold, italic, underline, bullets, alignment. You can click the Enlarged View icon to access the Rich Text Editor which provides more formatting tools. Note that the instructions are not displayed when the field type is "read-only text".
              Mandatory By selecting the Yes or No option you can specify if the field is mandatory meaning the field must be completed by the assigned participant when the process is running for each new hire, otherwise the form cannot be submitted successfully. A mandatory field is indicated by a red square in the upper left of the field title.
              Status The status indicates if the field is enabled or disabled. The use of this field depends on the value selected in the Access field.
              • Editable access + Activated status=field can be modified

              • Read-only access + Activated status=field not editable

              • Read-only access + Deactivated status=field not editable

              • Editable access + Deactivated status=field not editable

              Tooltip Tooltips are small pop-up windows containing a descriptive text of the field label. Tooltips display when the user hovers over a title.

                User-defined Forms - Other Configuration Tasks

                  Duplicating a User-defined Form

                  The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                  Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                  1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

                  2. Click Duplicate.

                  The new user-defined form appears in the User-defined Forms list with the extension (copy). The user-defined form is in Draft status and cannot yet be used in tasks or processes.

                    Disabling a User-defined Form

                    The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                    The status of the user-defined form must be Active.

                    The user-defined form must not be in use.

                    Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                    1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

                    2. In the User-defined Forms page, click Deactivate.

                    The status of the user-defined form is changed to Inactive. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator cannot incorporate the form into additional tasks for defining future Onboarding (Transitions) processes. Processes for candidates/new hires who have already completed this form can continue to view this completed form. Processes for candidates/new hires who will be assigned this form in their current process will still be able to view and complete this form.

                      Deleting a User-defined Form

                      The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                      The status of the user-defined form must be Draft.

                      Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                      1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

                      2. Click Delete.

                      3. Confirm the deletion.

                      The user-defined form no longer appears in the User-defined Forms list. The user-defined form can no longer be included in a new Onboarding (Transitions) process.

                        Adding a Page in a User-defined Form

                        The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                        Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                        1. In a user-defined form, click Add Page.

                        2. Add rows, columns and sections using the Toolbox features.

                        3. In the Field Chooser list, select fields, then drag and drop them in the desired section.

                        4. Edit the properties of a field by selecting the field and scrolling to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom of the form.

                        5. Click Save.

                        A new page is added to the user-defined form. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator can navigate among the pages using the page indicator. The assignee in the career section portal will see multiple pages and navigate between them using the Next/Previous buttons.

                          Reordering Pages in a User-defined Form

                          The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                          The user-defined form must contain more than one page.

                          Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                          1. In a user-defined form, click Reorder Pages.

                          2. Use the up and down arrows to position the pages.

                          3. Click Save.

                            Deleting a Page in a User-defined Form

                            Within any form, an existing page can be deleted. This includes forms that are active and have been assigned to participants in Onboarding (Transitions) processes. This is something that should be done after careful consideration because the result is that any completed history for new hire processes which had completed that form will now display only the updated version of the form that is, without the deleted page included any longer. For this reason, deleting a page in a form is less risky when done on forms which are still in Draft status.

                            The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                            Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                            1. In a user-defined form, click Delete Page.

                            2. Click Yes.

                            The page is deleted from the user-defined form.

                              Adding a Field to a User-defined Form

                              The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                              Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                              1. Click a user-defined form.

                              2. Select a field from the Field Chooser list.

                              3. Drag and drop the field in the desired section.

                                Adding more than one field to a column is not supported.
                              4. Edit the properties of a field by selecting the field and scrolling to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom of the form.

                              5. Click Save.

                                Deleting a Field in a User-defined Form

                                Within any form, an existing field can be deleted. This includes forms that are active and have been assigned to participants in Onboarding (Transitions) processes. This is something that should be done after careful consideration because the result is that any completed history for new hire processes which had completed that form will now display only the updated version of the form that is, without the deleted field included any longer. For this reason, deleting a field in a form is less risky when done on forms which are still in Draft status.

                                The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                1. Click a user-defined form.

                                2. Select the field in the form.

                                3. Click the Delete icon in the Toolbox.

                                4. Click Save.

                                  Adding Multi-Row Fields in a User-defined Form

                                  The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                  Multi-row fields are:

                                  • Addresses / AddressBookHistory

                                  • StructuredResume / EducationList

                                  • StructuredResume / ReferenceList

                                  • StructuredResume / WorkExperienceList

                                  • Structured Resume / Certification

                                  • PersonalInfo / DirectDeposit

                                  Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                  1. Click a user-defined form.

                                  2. In the Field Chooser, select a subcategory field from a main category and drag and drop it in the form. This will add the table onto the form.

                                    For example, under Addresses, select AddressBookHistory and drag and drop it into the form.
                                  3. In the Field Chooser, select a child field from the list and drag and drop it into a column. This will get the child field into a column of the table.

                                    For example, under Addresses/AddressBookHistory, select StreetAddressLine1 and drag and drop it into a column of the table.
                                  4. In the Field Chooser, select add and drag and drop it to the gray title area of the table.

                                    For example, under Addresses/AddressBookHistory, select add.
                                  5. In the Field Chooser, select delete and drag and drop it to the gray title area of the table.

                                    Adding an Image to a User-defined Form

                                    The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                    Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                    1. Click a user-defined form.

                                    2. Add a text field to the form by positioning your cursor in a cell and clicking the Insert Text icon to place a text area onto the form.

                                    3. Select the field you just added and scroll to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom.

                                    4. Place the cursor in the Value text field and click the Enlarged View icon.

                                    5. In the Enlarged View page, click the Insert or edit image icon.

                                    6. Enter the URL of the image location.

                                      Enter image property information, if desired.

                                    7. Click OK.

                                    8. Click Save.

                                      Printing a Non-Filled User-defined Form

                                      The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                      Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                      1. Locate the user-defined form in the User-defined Forms list.

                                      2. Click Preview.

                                      3. Click Print Preview.

                                      4. Click Print.

                                      5. Select a printer and click Print.

                                      An empty form is printed, it does not contain any values in the field and is not assigned to any specific person.

                                        Modifying User-defined Forms - Best Practices

                                        Changes made to a user-defined form used in a process will take effect immediately.

                                        Immediate changes apply to future tasks and for tasks where the changed form is currently In Progress. The changes to the form will also apply for past tasks. Anytime the form is accessed after a change is made, even in a completed task or a completed process, the form will now appear with the changes incorporated.

                                        Good practices for changing a form are:
                                        • Make any changes if the form is not yet in use.

                                        • If the change is cosmetic, making changes is likely acceptable whether or not it is in use.

                                        • If the desired change is important and the form is in use, follow these steps:

                                        1. Create a duplicate of the form, make changes in the new form, and enable the new form.

                                        2. Disable the old form if it should not be pulled into new tasks and processes.

                                        3. For the existing Onboarding (Transitions) tasks and processes which are using the old form, create duplicates, make sure they are using the newly-created form, and enable the new tasks and processes.

                                        4. Result: Candidates/new hires can be started on the newly-updated process. The old process can be disabled, either before or after the new process was enabled. Existing candidates/new hires who already completed the old form with the old process will continue to see that old form in their history. This is desirable because it does not change history. Existing candidates/new hires who have already started moving through the old process will continue to do so, and the assignee will be presented with the old form when the time comes. If this is undesirable, in other words if they must get the new form instead, then the Onboarding (Transitions) Center or Recruiting Center user must cancel their running process and start them from the beginning of the newly-enabled process.

                                          Links in User-defined Forms

                                          Links can be added to user-defined forms.

                                          Those three methods are available:

                                          • A hard-coded link can be added to a text field to direct candidates/new hires to resources, training, videos, Web sites, or anything that the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator can plan in advance to help the assignee.

                                          • A dynamic link can be added to a user-defined field. For example, if an organization requires that candidates/new hires be directed to different web destinations, then it may be appropriate to design a process that gathers the right URL from one assignee and then displays it back to the new hire assignee. To achieve that, the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator would define a UDF and then use it in a form that will be assigned for example to each recruiter or other participant. When adding the UDF to a form, the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator would display the field as a URL in a read-only format. Later, at runtime for each process, the assignee will type in the right value. Then, each new hire assignee will see this as a link in their form and each new hire could potentially see a different link than each other new hire.

                                          • A dynamic link can be added in a standard field. This is done when an organization wants to use the ELearningURL field to link an Onboarding (Transitions) process to a learning program in Taleo Learn. Other standard fields are not typically configured to include a dynamic link.

                                            Adding a Hard-Coded Link in a Text Field

                                            The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                            Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                            1. Click a user-defined form.

                                            2. Add a text field to the form by positioning your cursor in a cell and clicking the Insert Text icon to place a text area onto the form.

                                            3. Select the text field you just added and scroll down to the Selected Element Properties section at the bottom.

                                            4. Place your cursor in the Value field and click the icon Enlarged View icon.

                                            5. Enter text or an image. To insert the image:

                                              1. Click Insert or edit image.

                                              2. Enter URL of image location.

                                                Enter image property information, if desired.

                                            6. Select the text or image for the link.

                                            7. Click Insert or Edit Link.

                                            8. In the Link Info tab, select URL, then the http:// protocol, and enter the destination URL.

                                            9. In the Target tab, select the Open in New Window option if the destination page is to open in a new browser window.

                                              This is recommended because the form assignee will lose the form in their browser window.
                                            10. Click OK.

                                            11. Click OK.

                                            12. Click Save.

                                              Adding a Dynamic Link in a User-defined Field

                                              The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                              Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                              1. Create a user-defined field.

                                              2. Click a user-defined form.

                                              3. In the Field Chooser, select the user-defined field you created. The field will be available under the Onboarding (Transitions)Process or Personal Info category.

                                              4. In the Selected Element Properties section, under Field Type, select URL.

                                              5. In the Selected Element Properties section, under Access Type, select Read-only.

                                                Access must be set to read-only to ensure the user cannot change the value of the URL.

                                              6. Click Save.

                                                Adding a Dynamic Link in a Standard Field

                                                The Manage user-defined forms to display and collect data permission is required.

                                                Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > User-defined Forms

                                                1. Click a user-defined form.

                                                2. In the Field Chooser, select the TransitionsURLs category.

                                                3. Click the ELearningURL field then drag and drop it into the form.

                                                4. In the Selected Element Properties section, under Field Type, select URL.

                                                5. In the Selected Element Properties section, under Access Type, select Read-only.

                                                  Access must be set to read-only to ensure the user cannot change the value of the URL.

                                                6. Click Save.

                                                  OVI Partner Fields in User-defined Forms

                                                  Oracle Taleo partner fields can be added into user-defined forms to show a candidate's/new hire's results for every external service request, past or current, for that partner.

                                                  Services, provided by certified third parties, that engage users outside of the Oracle Taleo system, can be integrated into Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) processes. If an Oracle Taleo service is enabled, an Onboarding (Transitions) administrator can create tasks to interact with it. Completion values returned after the external service provides its results can be displayed in forms.

                                                  An Oracle Taleo request is one entire conversation for one candidate/new hire between the Taleo system and a partner, from beginning to end, including as many back-and-forth exchanges as are required to complete the transaction and obtain a final result for the candidate/new hire. On the other hand, an Oracle Taleo result is a single field, either standard or user-defined by the partner, storing a single value like a status, an ID number, a total, or any information that the partner manages.

                                                  So for instance, one new hire process can be configured to kick off three different requests for three different partners, and each request may take a varied amount of time and require different participants to reach successful completion and deliver its results to Onboarding (Transitions) for the person. Then, if the same new hire is rehired later on, perhaps a differently-configured process will be appropriate, a shorter rehire process which is configured to only kick off one new request to one of those prior partners and new results will be imported back to Onboarding (Transitions).

                                                  In the form builder Field Chooser, there are two different types of results fields:

                                                  • ServiceLastRequestResult: This category shows each user-defined field that has been created by each Oracle Taleo partner that is enabled on the zone. When placed onto a form, the assignee will see the single most recent value in that field from that partner, if any exists. These fields each yield a single value. Therefore they are useful for many things in a new hire's process for example to display the current information on a form, a PDF, a message template, a content page.

                                                  • ServiceAllRequestResults: This category shows each enabled partner as a subcategory, and the user-defined fields of each partner can be configured to appear as children columns in a multi-row table on a form. When placed onto a form, the assignee will see all the data from ALL the prior requests for this candidate/new hire for this partner, showing the most recent one at the top. These fields can each yield several values, if more than one request has ever been made to this partner for this candidate/new hire within Onboarding (Transitions). Therefore they are useful to track historical information or to view improvements or changes in results over time. These multi-row fields can only be displayed in forms (not in PDFs, message templates, content pages, conditions).

                                                  Note that these fields are read-only and can only be modified by the partner while each request is happening.

                                                    History Tracking in User-defined Forms

                                                    The History feature for user-defined forms presents most changes made to a form.

                                                    The History feature shows modifications to the form definition itself. Updates or additions within text fields are not explicitly described. The History feature does not show history of assignees who are completing this form within processes.

                                                    When clicking the View History link of a user-defined form, the History list presents the following information:

                                                    Element Description
                                                    Date and Time Date and time when an event occurred.
                                                    Event Event or action performed on an element.
                                                    Details Information regarding the event.
                                                    By The actor, person or system, who performed the event.

                                                      Candidate/Employee Details Form in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center

                                                      A form can be created to display extended details on the Onboarding (Transitions) Center.

                                                      In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, when clicking the name of a candidate/employee in the Processes section, the Process page is displayed and provides standard information about the candidate/employee and his/her process. To present a larger set of information, the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator can configure a Details Form providing read-only access to any fields that the organization considers to be important. When enabled, this Details Form is available in the Onboarding (Transitions) Center when clicking the Details link located in the General Information section of a candidate/employee Process Page.

                                                      Only one Details Form can be used and will apply to all candidates/employees in all processes and all Organizations, Locations, and Job Fields. All information in the form is shown read-only. Regardless of the form name, the name of the link will always be Details.

                                                      In the Onboarding (Transitions) Center, the Details form is displayed when clicking the Details link located in the General Information section of the Process Page.

                                                        Configuring the Details Form

                                                        The configuration of the Details form consists of the following steps.

                                                        1. Creating the user-defined form that will be used for the Details form.

                                                        2. Configuring the Details Link for Processes setting (Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Settings). In the Value field, enter the code of the user-defined form you just created. This setting enables the Details link on the Process page.

                                                          I-9 Form

                                                            U.S. Form I-9

                                                            These forms look just like the official U.S. government form I-9 and are provided with Onboarding (Transitions) to capture U.S. employment information.

                                                            The following I-9 forms are available in the User-defined Forms section. You can modify the forms as necessary.

                                                            • U.S. Form I-9 Employee - this replicates the details found in Section 1 of Form I-9, which contains employee information and verification related fields to be filled out by the new hire.

                                                            • U.S. Form I-9 Employer - this replicates the details found in Section 2 of Form I-9, which contains information on the documents provided by the new hire and includes confirmation by the employer that the information in the form is accurate.

                                                            Use of the U.S. Form I-9 is governed by U.S. laws about employment, for details visit http://www.uscis.gov/i-9.

                                                            Customers can contact their client executive who can enlist the services of Oracle Taleo Support and Oracle Taleo partners to handle the full I-9 process if desired.

                                                            User-defined forms, even those provided with Onboarding (Transitions), cannot be exported and saved long term; PDFs can be used for this purpose instead. Onboarding (Transitions) administrators can examine the variables (if present) in I-9 PDFs and other PDFs provided they have Adobe Acrobat Pro.
                                                            Note: Onboarding (Transitions) administrators can examine the variables (if present) in I-9 PDFs and other PDFs provided they have Adobe Acrobat Pro.