5Onboarding (Transitions) and Career Sections

Onboarding (Transitions) and Career Sections

    Onboarding (Transitions) Tasks in Career Sections

    If Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) is enabled in your organization and a Recruiting Center user starts a process for someone, the candidate or employee can view on the career section Tasks tab the tasks he or she has to perform. The tab is displayed in every career section to which the person has access.

    The Tasks tab is divided into two sections. The left panel displays the list of tasks assigned to a person. When clicking a task in the left panel, the information associated with the selected task is displayed in the right panel. The "information" might be forms to be completed, links to PDF documents, electronic offers, email correspondence, rich content tasks that can include images and links and provide information about almost anything (a welcome message, documents about policies within the organization, the specific job and work the new hire will perform, volunteer opportunities, the campus where the person will be working, etc.).

    Display of the Tasks tab in the career section

    All career sections that a person can access display the Tasks tab while a process is in progress. This includes internal and external career sections, and Onboarding(Transitions)-only career sections. The Tasks tab cannot be "turned off". The standard email inviting the candidates to perform their assigned tasks is configured such that it directs them to an external career section before they are hired, and directs candidates to an internal career section once they are hired and become employees.

    To log into a career section, candidates usually have to provide the user name and password they created while applying for a job for the first at any of the organization's career sections. Separate, different credentials are not required to access the Tasks tab and view the assigned Onboarding (Transitions) tasks. If Single Sign-On (SSO) was enabled for the organization (through a consulting engagement), the login page is not displayed and candidates can access the career section as usual.

    As soon as the first task in a process gets assigned to the candidate/new hire, the Tasks tab appears on the person's career sections. Processes that are running but have not yet assigned any tasks to the candidate/new hire are not accessible on the career sections. As soon as the last task in a process gets completed and the process reaches 100% Complete, then all of these tasks cease to be accessible on the career sections. If there are no other Onboarding (Transitions) processes running at this time, the Tasks tab disappears. Note that several Onboarding (Transitions) processes can be running for the same person, for example for different requisitions, or for one Pre-Hire process and one New Hire process for the same requisition.

    Note that the tab label "Tasks" can be changed, like any text in any career section. This can be useful for instance for career sections that have only Offboarding tasks.

    In addition, a separate career section can be configured which only contains the Tasks tab. See Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section.

    Note: Note that SSO is not supported with this type of career section.

    Accessing tasks in the career section

    Candidates/employees can click the Tasks tab while in the career section.

    • If one process is running with at least one In Progress task, they land on that task. If the process has more than one In Progress task, they land on the first In Progress task.

    • If one process is running but all the tasks currently assigned to the candidate are Complete, they land on the first Complete task.

    • If more than one process is running, they land on a page that lists each running process. The name of the process is displayed, there is a graphic of how many tasks are complete out of the total tasks, and candidates can click the tasks of each process.

    Candidates/employees can also receive an email message containing a link to the specific task or to their Tasks tab (and hence to all their tasks).

    Completing tasks

    If candidates, new hires or employees arrived at the task after clicking the Tasks tab or after clicking the URL in the email they received, the system will automatically show them the next In Progress task after they complete/submit a task. If there is no In Progress task after this one, and if the process is still not 100% complete, the system will bring them back to the first Completed task.

    If candidates/employees arrived at the task by clicking on its name in the left-hand side of the Tasks tab, then the system will remain on the current task after they click to complete it. They can now choose to click another task name in the list at the left-hand side of the page.

    If this was the last task and its completion caused the overall process to reach 100% Complete, with no additional tasks waiting for any other assignees, then this process will disappear from the career section. The candidates, new hires or employees can no longer access any completed tasks nor PDF documents or reference links within that process. If there are no other Onboarding (Transitions) processes running for this candidate, then the Tasks tab will disappear. Each task gets completed in its own way:

    • User-defined form task: The person reads the instructions or other text; clicks any links to visit any resources or sites; reviews or updates the data in any fields, especially the mandatory required fields; provides any E-Signature that is required; visits the Learn page from the URL if any is configured in the form; clicks the Submit button when done. Note that there is no option to save a partially-completed form; any changes that are made in the form are lost if they are not submitted.

    • Document task: The only information shown on the right panel of the Tasks tab is the name of the PDF document. When the person clicks the name of the document, the browser opens the PDF in a new tab, depending on the browser version and settings. This PDF can contain personalized information due to any variables that it contains. By clicking to open the PDF, the person has automatically changed this task's status to Completed; there is no additional button to click.

    • Correspondence task: The person can open and view the email message sent to him/her. The Send Correspondence type of task is automatically in status Completed from the moment it appears; there is no way for the candidate to mark it complete. The email message is a copy of what was emailed by the Send Correspondence type of task. Any additional reminders or notifications for any other tasks are not displayed here; those emails only go to the selected email address of the candidate. Also, this is not related to the Secure Message Center where Recruiting's messages can be displayed, for zones that have configured this feature.

    • Content Page task: The person can read the content and can also access any links or resources that are embedded within the content. Some organizations may find that the history tracking for task completion provides a sufficient audit mechanism, so that using separate forms to gather E-Signatures is not necessary.

    • External Service task: This is a correspondence task configured to provide partner-related information. It may contain a URL to visit the partner so that the candidate can perform any necessary actions, or it may simply contain partner data and updates. This task appears in the status "In Progress", and there is no button/way to mark this task as complete. When the overall partner communication is completed and the final results have been sent from the partner back to the system, this task is automatically completed.

    Configuration of the Tasks tab

    For the Tasks tab to be displayed in career sections, the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator must configure an Onboarding (Transitions) process and assign tasks to the New Hire role. When the process starts and a task is assigned to the new hire, the new hire sees the Tasks tab in the career section. There is no configuration to be done in the Career Section Administration menu to make the Tasks tab appear.

    The Tasks tab must share the same theme, branding and colors as the rest of the career section. This provides a look and feel that is familiar to people who visited the career section as a candidate and return to perform other tasks while employed at your organization.

    Just like any other career section, it is always possible for the Career Section administrator to select one place in each career section that will be the default landing page for candidates after they log in.

      Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section

      The Onboarding (Transitions) career section type is for career sections whose purpose is to display only tasks assigned to candidates or employees without job search capabilities.

      Career sections of this type contain a single tab called "Tasks" where candidates or employees can complete their tasks. No job-related information such as the Job Search tab, the My Jobpage tab, job lists or application flows is available.

      Dedicated Onboarding (Transitions)-only career sections are ideal if you want to create distinct career sections for specific purposes and audiences. You can create dedicated Onboarding (Transitions) career sections for onboarding, "pre-boarding", promotion, relocation, offboarding or other purposes. Each one can have a theme, branding and colors that are different from your other career sections and you can rename labels if desired. A dedicated Onboarding (Transitions) career section for offboarding processes, for example, could have a unique theme, branding and colors and you could change the default tab name "Tasks" to "Offboarding".

      To create this type of career section, the Onboarding Portal career section type must be selected in the career section properties. By default, the Tasks tab is displayed. The My Account and Access Management career portal pages are enabled by default; the other career portal pages cannot be turned on. For details, see Building an Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section.

      The email messages must be configured such that the link they include is not the {TransitionsURLs_Para.TaskAccessURL} variable but instead, a specific URL of a dedicated Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section. This ensures that the candidates or employees who receive an invitation will be directed to the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section with their assigned tasks. In addition, Career Section administrators should always assign a high sequence number to Onboarding (Transitions)-only career sections (see "Defining the Sequence of Career Sections" in the Oracle Taleo Career Section Configuration Guide). Why? The {TransitionsURLs_Para.TaskAccessURL} variable for "standard" career sections directs candidates and employees to their tasks at the appropriate career section with the lowest sequence number. By assigning a high sequence number to each Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section, Career Section administrators ensure that candidates and employees who should be directed to a "standard" career section (to search for jobs, for example) will not be directed to an Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.

        Building an Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section

        The building of an Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section consists of the following steps. The step-by-step process on how to configure each of these step is available in the Career Section Configuration Guide.

        1. Creating a branding file (optional): It is recommended to place custom information only at the top and bottom of the browser page. The Tasks tab contains a task list on the left, which means that less horizontal space is available for displaying forms, content, and other Onboarding (Transitions) tasks. Adding a navigation pane or margins to the left or right side of the career section is not recommended because such configurations would result in a narrow space for displaying forms, content and other tasks.

        2. Creating a privacy agreement: Note that the other types of statement (E-Signature, Background Check Consent, Diversity) are not relevant to the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section. The privacy agreement must be associated with the Onboarding portal career section type.

        3. Creating a theme (optional).

        4. Configuring security options for career sections: Security options can be configured specifically for the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.

        5. Defining the properties of the career section.

        6. Configuring career portal pages: The My Account and Access Management career portal pages are enabled by default; configure the properties as desired. The other career portal pages cannot be turned on.

        7. Changing the label of the Tasks tab (optional): For example, if the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section was used for offboarding, you could rename the tab Offboarding.

        8. Enabling the Activate SSL encryption setting to ensure data sent from the candidate to the server is encrypted. (Career Sections > click the portal career section > Security Settings).

        9. Enabling the career section.

        10. Creating an Onboarding (Transitions) message template (in the Onboarding (Transitions) Administration menu) and including the Onboarding (Transitions) portal URL that will direct candidates, new hires or employees to the Onboarding portal. The URL is available under Career Sections > (click the portal career section) > Career Section URL > Show). Do not use the standard variable {TransitionsURLs_Para.TaskAccessURL}.

          Onboarding (Transitions)-only Career Section Properties

          Element Description
          Code The code must be unique
          Name The name must be unique.
          Description A brief description of the Career Section.
          Type Select Onboarding Portal.
          Sequence The sequence is the order in which the Career Sections are used by the system to evaluate on which Career Section to redirect a candidate coming from a job specific URL. For Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section, make sure to put the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section last in the sequence to avoid people landing on this career section by mistake.
          Display the link allowing to deactivate the account in the My account page Displays the Deactivate link in the My Account page. Candidates can click the link to disable their account. This can be useful if the My Account career portal page is enabled in the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.
          Authentication Privacy Agreement
          Name In the Name list, select the privacy agreement you created for the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.
          Display the authentication privacy agreement before Specify where the privacy agreement will appear in the career section. Possible options are before the Login page or the Registration page.
          Corporate Brand
          Name Corporate brand that will appear in the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.
          Name Theme that will appear in the Onboarding (Transitions)-only career section.