12Onboarding (Transitions) and Learn

Onboarding (Transitions) and Learn

    Onboarding (Transitions) and Learn

    An Onboarding (Transitions) process can include a task from which new employees can access the Learning area of their organization's zone.

    The employees click the link on an onboarding form in the career section to display the Learning landing page in a new browser window. In the Learning area, employees can access course ware and/or other resources and they can examine and update their completion status for each Learning item.

      Pairing Up Learn with SmartOrg

      Each Taleo Learn zone is paired with one Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) zone.

      1. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator arranges user synchronization between SmartOrg and Taleo Learn such that employees in SmartOrg are immediately synchronized with the Learn system to receive assigned learning titles and to use single sign-on from the career section (if the latter was implemented in the organization).

        Preparing Learn to Be Visited

        The Learn administrator performs certain tasks to prepare Learn to be visited.

        1. The Learn administrator configures a single landing page for all visitors including those who come from the Taleo Table of Contents/Welcome Center and those who come from Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) tasks.

        2. The Taleo Learn landing page should include the Learning Plan dynamic object so that when employees go to the page, all the learning titles (from the catalog) they are supposed to see are displayed. In other words, although the landing page is the same for all visitors, the selection of Taleo Learn courses and classes displayed in the learning plan is specific to each person.

        3. The Learn administrator should set up some dynamic rules to ensure that the appropriate selection of Taleo Learn courses and classes is assigned to specific groups (of new hires or employees) automatically. For example, rules could be configured to automatically populate each employee's learning plan with titles (compliance information, etc.) based on the individual's location or department. Later, the manager could decide which skills would need to be improved through learning over the coming year and could manually assign the most appropriate Taleo Learn courses and classes.

        4. The only information available in Taleo Onboarding (Transitions) regarding an employee's progress through a Learn task is when the person submits the form that indicates they have completed all of the required learning. No record of completion of individual learning titles is available in Onboarding (Transitions); the system of record for this information is Taleo Learn. For this reason, any reporting of task completion of Learn tasks in Onboarding (Transitions) processes is the domain of the Learn administrator.

          Configuring the Onboarding (Transitions) Form to Visit Learn

          The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator then performs the following tasks.

          1. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator configures a product setting for the Learn URL.

          2. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator creates an Onboarding (Transitions) form that must include the Taleo Learn variable “ElearningUrl”. The system will populate the variable later with the link to the appropriate landing page in Taleo Learn.

          3. The Onboarding (Transitions) administrator adds the form (as a task) to a process.

          4. Before the Learn form is assigned to a person, the process must ensure that the individual is an employee in the Taleo system. If the person is a candidate, not an employee, the link will not work and will display an error message instead of the Learn landing page. To ensure that the individuals are indeed employees before a process including a Learn form is assigned to them, an organization can use the following methods: 1) Companies often use a Taleo Connect import at a certain point around start date, to import in batch all the relevant information for new hires, such as OLF and manager. 2) An HR participant can be assigned a task in the process to go into SmartOrg and add some of this information manually to each candidate before the form task is assigned to the candidates.

          5. The form can only be assigned to the new employee; the link will not work if clicked by a manager, recruiter or any other participant. This is to ensure that the learning is in fact completed by the employee (and not someone else).

          6. The variable cannot be used on a message template to invite the employee to click from the email directly to the Learn landing page. Instead, the Onboarding (Transitions) form, which includes the Learn variable, can be configured to send a specific notification to its assignee, which brings them to this Onboarding (Transitions) task after they log in.

          Note: It is recommended that the Onboarding (Transitions) administrator indicates on the form when new hires or employees should submit completion confirmation. This can avoid situations where people submit confirmation before completing all the titles in the Learn plan and other situations where people completed all titles but forgot to submit confirmation.
          Note: Reporting of completed Taleo Learn tasks is based on information in the Taleo Learn product. No information about completion is available in Taleo Onboarding (Transitions), neither about the Learn titles taken by the new hire or the employee, nor about overall progress or completion.

            Specifying the Learn URL

            Configuration > [Onboarding (Transitions)] Administration > Settings
            1. Click Learn Integration URL.

            2. Click Edit.

            3. Enter the URL in the Value field.

              The URL typically resembles the following one but <customerzone> must be replaced by the Sub-Learn zone name: https://<customerzone>/LCNet/Integrations/SSO/TEE/TargetHandler.aspx).
            4. Click Save.

              Completing the Learn Task

              Finally, the employee completes the Learn task.

              The form containing the Taleo Learn variable is displayed at the appropriate moment on the Tasks tab of the new hire or employee. When the new hire or employee visits a career section and clicks the link on the form task, a new browser window opens and displays the Taleo Learn landing page configured by the Taleo Learn administrator. The learning plan can vary from one individual to another. The person takes the training.

              Note: Only new hires and employees can access learning plan form tasks. They must be employees in SmartOrg. Though Onboarding (Transitions) Center users can view employees' forms, they cannot access the Taleo Learn link.

              The person submits confirmation manually on the onboarding form that he or she completed all the titles in the Learn plan.