Complete an Event

Once an event has started, the only action available is Complete Event. Marking an event as complete prevents further changes to the event, such as adding new candidates.

Current event attendees aren't impacted when you complete an event, however, private event URLs and check-in links are disabled, and the event is removed from the list of events to which candidates can be added. Once completed, you can't re-enable an event. You can only add attachments and move candidates from a completed event to either a requisition or a candidate pool. Completed public events aren't automatically un-posted. This allows you to use events that have ended for marketing purposes. You can un-post them when you no longer want them to be visible to the public.

  1. Open the Hiring work area.
  2. Click the Events tab.
  3. Locate the event and select it.
  4. Select Complete Event from the Actions menu.