What's Recruiting Assistant

Oracle Recruiting Assistant (ORA) is a 24/7 chat bot that helps candidates find the right jobs, get answers to their questions, view job recommendations based on their resumes, check job application status, and receive contextual guidance at the right time. It empowers recruiters to communicate with candidates in a conversational manner and from any device.

ORA supports these three skills:
  • Candidate Experience
  • Internal Candidate Experience
  • Hiring

Candidate Experience

The Candidate Experience skill serves external candidates and has been enhanced with new capabilities, making it the Candidate Experience Version 2 (CE V2) skill. It is delivered as part of the Candidate Experience V2 Digital Assistant.

When you opt in to Recruiting Booster, you get expanded capabilities as part of the CE V2 skill.

The Expanded CE V2 Capabilities

These expanded capabilities enable candidates to search for jobs based on a specific location, job category, or job function, receive job recommendations based on their resumes, complete job applications within the chat bot interface, and get answers to job-related questions that they may have. These capabilities are available in addition to the existing Candidate Experience capabilities.

With these expanded capabilities, candidates can make informed decisions and experience an improved job application process. The recruiting team also benefits from these capabilities by having more qualified candidates due to the pre-screening process, and saving time when ORA engages candidates and answers their job-specific questions.

With this enhanced skill:

  • Candidates find the right jobs quickly and express interest on any device.
  • Candidates ask any question they have on the job and find relevant answers, reducing turnaround time.
  • Candidates can get quick job recommendations, apply for the job directly from the chatbot, and view upcoming interview schedules.
  • After applying for a job, candidates can know the status of their job application, withdraw their application, or join a talent pool to get regular updates on potential roles.

Internal Candidate Experience and Hiring Skills

The Internal Candidate Experience and Hiring skills serve employees and are delivered as part of FADigital Assistant.

The Internal Candidate Experience skill enables internal candidates to search for jobs, check their application status, or withdraw their application. They can also refer a job to another employee or an external friend or colleague.

The Hiring skill enables recruiters and hiring teams to check the status of their requisitions, the status of candidates' applications, and review any pending offers. They can also create a new job requisition based on their hiring needs.

For detailed information on the Internal Candidate Experience and Hiring skills, refer to the Using Oracle Digital Assistant to Interact with HCM guide.