Configure Job Offers to Respect Requisition Headcount

As candidates move through the lifecycle, the requisition is checked to ensure that an additional worker is still needed, or to prevent that move if the opportunity is no longer available.

A requisition is considered to be at its limit of candidates when the number of openings is the same or less than the number of candidates who are hired plus those who have an extended or accepted offer. Any candidate at or beyond the Offer - Extended status is counted in this tally. Any of these candidates who later move into the state Rejected by Employer or Withdrawn by Candidate are subtracted from this count.

Only users with the privilege Communicate Job Offer Ignoring Number of Openings (IRC_COMMUNICATE_JOB_OFFER_IGNORING_NUMBER_OF_OPENINGS) can hire more candidates than the number of openings on the requisition. These users can move forward as many job applications as they want through the Offer phase, and no verifications against the requisition are done.

When Are Offer Verifications Done Against Requisitions

Here's when the requisition's remaining number of openings is checked in the job application's lifecycle:

  • When users use the Submit button while creating or editing a job offer: A job offer can be drafted for a candidate's job application regardless of any limits, but a validation occurs when the user is ready to submit it into the approval cycle. When clicking the Submit button in the flow Create Offer or Edit Offer, the user might receive an error message. The job offer can't be submitted if the requisition doesn't have any remaining openings, counting both hired people and extended offers - unless the user has the privilege to ignore this limit. This saves the approvers' time because there is little point in approving an additional offer if there's no room for this candidate in the requisition.

  • When using the Extend Offer action: By the time the user is ready to extend the draft job offer to the candidate, it's possible that the requisition or position was updated or became filled, so that no room now remains for this candidate. The same check is performed before the status can be moved to Offer - Extended, to prevent notifying a candidate about a job offer for an opening that no longer exists. Only users with the privilege to ignore this limit can extend the offer.

  • Configurable when the Extend Offer action is triggered automatically: If the requisition's candidate selection process is configured to extend job offers, either immediately or after a delay, the requisition's count of hired candidates isn't checked by default. However, the automatic progression can be configured to check and prevent the extend of the offer if the requisition is full. Note that the job application will only be available to be extended if the requisition had sufficient openings to allow submitting the draft offer in the first place.

  • Never Upon Accept: As long as the job offer is in the state Extended, the candidate isn't prevented from accepting the offer. This is also true for the Recruiting user who might accept the offer on behalf of the candidate. Even in the unlikely case that the requisition was updated or got more hires in the meantime, the candidate and users aren't informed of these limits. It will be the responsibility of the HR specialists to reconcile any problems after this point.

  • Never upon Move to HR: When the candidate moves into the HR phase, no further validation is done for the requisition's limits.