Create a Candidate Interview Schedule Template

You can create interview schedule templates to help recruiters and hiring managers save time when they create interview schedules for job requisitions. For example, you can specify a commonly-used conference room or location or the URL and dial-in information.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Job Requisitions
    • Task: Interview Schedule Templates
  2. On the Interview Schedule Templates page, click Add.
  3. Complete the Basic Information section:
    1. Enter a title and a code for the interview schedule template.
    1. Select the schedule type, either managed by the candidate or the hiring team.
    1. Enter an interview title.
  4. Complete the Location Details section:
    Select the format for the interview: in person, by phone, by web conference. The web conference format generates a link for the interview. The Use Teams integration option or the Use Zoom integration option is available depending on the integration enabled within your organization.
    1. If you select the Use Teams integration option, define the meeting host. This is the person which Microsoft Office 365 account is used to generate the Teams link. You can select a specific person or a member of the hiring team. If you select a collaborator type as the meeting host, but no such collaborator type is defined on the requisition, the schedule owner will be defaulted as the meeting host on interviews and interview slots. If you select a collaborator type as the meeting host and the requisition has many users assigned to this collaborator type, the first user of this collaborator type (the first one displayed in the requisition) will be the meeting host.
    2. If you select the Use Zoom integration option, define the meeting host. This is the person whose Zoom account is used to generate the Zoom link. You can select a specific person or a member of the hiring team (recruiter, hiring manager, collaborator). Selecting a hiring team member type is only available on interview schedule templates and interview schedules. When you select a person, you'll get an error message if the person you selected didn't authorize the Zoom integration. If you select yourself as the meeting host, you'll be offered to authorize the Zoom integration if it's not already authorized. If that's the case, you'll be able to do it right on the page without needing to access the Zoom authorization quick action. When you save an interview schedule for the first time, the schedule owner (the current user creating the schedule) is asked to authorize the Zoom integration if not already done. That's because in some situations it's possible to have a meeting host who hasn't provided the Zoom authorization. When that happens, the schedule owner is used as the meeting host instead.
    Note: The other fields related to web conference are disabled: Phone, Web Conference Link, Access Code.
  5. Complete the Settings section:
    1. Select which actions candidates can perform on their interviews. See Interview Schedule Settings.
  6. Complete the Candidate Info section:
    1. Enter moreinfo for the candidate.
      • Preschedule details are instructions for candidates before scheduling their interview.
      • Postschedule details are instructions for the interview such as directions to the interview location, instructions on how to join a web conference.
  7. Complete the Interviewer Documents section:
    1. Include documents attached to the notification sent to interviewers.
      • You can include a link to the job posting so that the interviewers can refer to the job description, qualifications, or other details.
      • You can include a link to the resume.
      • You can include a .ics attachment so that candidates and interviewers can add the interview to their calendar. The .ics setting is used for both the interviewer and the candidate, and contains complete interview location information. The subject text includes the candidate's name.
  8. Complete the Candidate Notifications section:
    1. Select notification templates to send candidates. Templates provided with the application are selected by default. You can select notification templates for interview scheduled, canceled, updated, rescheduled and interview reminder.
    2. Complete the Reminders section for candidate managed interview schedules.
  9. Complete the Remiders section for candidate managed interview schedules.
    1. You can indicate if you want to send a reminder notification to the interview schedule creator when the schedule has a low number of available interview openings. You can also send a reminder notification when the schedule is full. The number of available interview openings can decrease when candidates are scheduling interviews, but also due to time passing (interview openings now being in the past).
  10. Click Save and Close.
    The template appears on the Interview Schedule Templates page.
  11. While the template is still in Draft status, you can translate the template using the Translate Template action available in the Interview Schedule Templates page.
  12. Select the Activate Template action to make the template available for selection on job requisitions.