Create a Career Site Splash Page

You create a splash page to define the content of the central panel of an external career site.

The splash page can contain text, images, videos, and any information that you want to display to candidates to provide a richer candidate experience. For example, a splash page can provide information about a company's offices or benefits. It can be linked to one of the links in the career site header.
  1. Open the career site you're creating.
  2. Click the Pages tab.
  3. Click the Add Page icon.
  4. Provide a title for the page.
  5. Click Splash Page.
  6. Click Create Page.
  7. You can use the default splash page as a starting point and personalize it.
    Actions menu Using the Actions menu on the left side, you can add rows to a section and then add predefined column layouts to those rows. You can also duplicate and delete a row. When you're creating your column layouts, note that if you go from a 5-column layout for example, to a 3 column layout, columns and design elements within them will get deleted.

    Using the Actions menu on the right side, you can add a background color, image, or a video. For videos, enter a YouTube URL or a URL to a mp4 file.

    Elements menu Using the Elements menu, you can add and format elements in a section such as headline, paragraph, image, video, button, space, rule, job list, HTML, Talent Community button.

    For videos, enter a YouTube URL or a URL to a mp4 file. For the job list, indicate the number of jobs you want to display and job list filtering criteria such as keyword, location, title.

  8. When you’re done configuring the page, click Publish in the Settings menu.


The page becomes available on the Pages tab and it's active. You can use it in your external career sites.