Create an Interview Scheduled Notification and Correctly Display Interview Location

If you decide to create an interview scheduled notification by copying the content of the notification template, the groovy expression used in the template will be lost.

To correctly display the interview location details, you need to add the groovy expression in the message text showing the location information plus the token InterviewSchedulingLocationSingleLineAddress.

<% if (InterviewSchedulingLocationTypeCode == "ORA_IS_LOCATION_PHONE") print("Location: " + InterviewSchedulingLocationPhoneNumber); %> <% if (InterviewSchedulingLocationTypeCode == "ORA_IS_LOCATION_WEBCONFERENCE") print("Location: " + InterviewSchedulingLocationWebConferenceLink + " Phone Number: " + InterviewSchedulingLocationPhoneNumber + " Access Code: " + InterviewSchedulingLocationPhoneNumberPasscode); %> <% if (InterviewSchedulingLocationTypeCode == "ORA_IS_LOCATION_IN_PERSON") print("Location: " + InterviewSchedulingLocationSingleLineAddress);%>