Enable Opportunity Marketplace

You can enable or disable Opportunity Marketplace for the entire organization. When Opportunity Marketplace is enabled, users can access it from Me > Opportunity Marketplace, or from the Quick Actions link under Me.

Before you start

  • Enable Oracle Cloud Recruiting or Talent Modules. Opportunity Marketplace can be enabled along with Oracle Fusion HCM. Opportunity marketplace requires either Oracle Recruiting Cloud, or Oracle Talent Cloud to get this offering for free.
  • Set up the Recruiting Location Hierarchy to use locations in Opportunity Marketplace. Refer to Using Geography Hierarchies and Geography Hierarchy Structure for complete instructions.

Here's what to do

  1. Create the Profile Option for Opportunity Marketplace Jobs
  2. Create the Profile Option for Opportunity Marketplace Gigs (Enable this profile option only if you want to use gigs in your organization.)
  3. Create Opportunity Marketplace Job Roles
  4. Enable Oracle Search for Opportunity Marketplace.
  5. Run the scheduled process called “ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS”. This ensures that all jobs and gigs that already exist in the application are fully indexed for search. Specify “fa-hcm-requisition” in the Index Name to Reingest field.
  6. Run the scheduled process called “ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS” to ensure that saved search index definitions are set up for usage. Specify “fa-hcm-savedsearch” in the Index Name to Reingest field.
  7. If you are using gigs in Opportunity Marketplace, run the scheduled process called “ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS” to ensure that saved search index definitions are set up for usage. Specify “fa-hcm-gig” in the Index Name to Reingest field.
    If you receive error messages stating that the OSCS isn't reachable, refer to What do I do if I get errors stating that the OSCS isn't reachable?
  8. Configure the Frequency of Opportunity Marketplace Email Notfications
  9. Configure the Opportunity Marketplace Email Template
  10. (Optional) Hide the Current Jobs Menu Under Me
  11. (Optional) Enable Skills Advisor for Gigs