Enable Vanity Email

You can use a vanity email to send email communications to external candidates. A vanity email is used to brand the "from email" to make it friendlier and easy to read.

You can set up one vanity email for your organization. If your organization has multiple career sites, only one vanity email can be created.

To enable a vanity email, you need to:

  1. Create the Profile Option for Vanity Email

  2. Enable Vanity Email

  3. Configure the Vanity Email

Create the Profile Option for Vanity Email

You need to create a profile option called IRC_VANITY_EMAIL_ENABLED.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Profile Options.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the New icon.
  6. On the Create Profile Option page, create the profile option by entering these values:
    • Profile Option Code: IRC_VANITY_EMAIL_ENABLED

    • Profile Display Name: Vanity Email

    • Application: Recruiting

    • Module: Recruiting Common

    • Description: Enable the vanity email feature in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    • Start Date: Today's date

  7. Click Save and Close.

When the profile option is created, you need to enable it at the Site level.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option code IRC_VANITY_EMAIL_ENABLED.
  6. Set the profile value at the Site level to Y.
  7. Click Save and Close.

For details, see Create and Edit Profile Options.

Enable Vanity Email

You need to define the vanity email address and its display name.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information

  2. Expand the Candidate Experience section and click Edit.

  3. Select the option Vanity Email.

  4. Enter the vanity email display name. Example: Vision Inc. Careers

  5. Enter the vanity email address. Example: careers@visioninc.com

  6. Click Save.

Note: When system messages are sent (such as application confirmation, interview scheduling), they will have the vanity email display name and vanity email. When a recruiter sends an email using the Send Message feature, that message will have the recruiter name (not the vanity email display name and vanity email).

Configure the Vanity Email

You need to set up a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) policy on your domain to ensure that your outbound email is delivered successfully to the external candidates.

To enable Oracle to send out an email on your behalf, you must set up an SPF policy on your domain as an authentication mechanism. The exact method of setting up an SPF policy varies from one domain provider to another. For example, v=spf1 include:spf_c.oraclecloud.com ~all. As an example, after this SPF policy changes, the candidate will receive an email with the "from email" being "Vision Inc. Careers" <careers@visioninc.com>

You must contact your IT department to add the SPF rule when you want to use the Vanity Email. You must add this rule in your email server to let Oracle's pod email send emails on your behalf.

Note: Those configuration steps are needed only if you're using the Vanity Email field. If you just want to use the alias (Display Name field), you don't need to configure the SPF policy on your domain. In such case, the candidate will receive an email such as "Vision Inc. Careers" <abcxyz.us.fa.oraclecloud.com@oraclecloud.com>