Set Up Matching Features: Best Candidates, Similar Candidates, Similar Jobs, Recommended Jobs

You can enable intelligent matching features such as Best Candidates, Similar Candidates, Similar Jobs, Recommended Jobs. These features use Oracle AI Apps matching algorithms to provide recommendations.

  • Best Candidates: Recruiters use the Best Candidates feature to review the recommended best candidates for an open job requisition.
  • Similar Candidates: Recruiters use the Similar Candidates feature to find candidates that have similar traits with an existing candidate.
  • Similar Jobs: Recruiters use the Similar Jobs feature to recommend similar jobs based on a specific job requisition.
  • Recommended Jobs: Candidates use the Recommended Jobs feature to review jobs based on their profile.

To use matching features, your organization must meet the following criteria:

  • The Recruiting environment must NOT be on a government pod.

For best results, it's strongly recommended to also meet these criteria:

  • The Recruiting environment must be live in production for at least 6 months or have prior production data of at least 6 months to benefit from high quality recommendations and prediction results.
  • The Recruiting environment must use English for their operation language.

Best Candidates, Similar Candidates, Similar Jobs, and Recommended Jobs are automatically activated and don’t require any Oracle AI Apps activation steps. You need to run the Synchronize Recruiting Data for Candidate Recommendations scheduled process for ingestion.

  1. Create the Profile Option for Intelligent Matching
  2. Enable Intelligent Matching Features
  3. Run the Scheduled Process for Candidate Recommendations

Create the Profile Option for Intelligent Matching

You need to create and enable a profile option for intelligent matching called IRC_AI_INTELLIGENT_MATCHING.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Profile Options.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the New icon.
  6. On the Create Profile Option page, create the profile option by entering these values:
    • Profile Option Code: IRC_AI_INTELLIGENT_MATCHING
    • Profile Display Name: Intelligent Matching Features Enabled
    • Application: Recruiting
    • Module: Recruiting Common
    • Description: Enable or disable AI features in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
    • Start Date: Today's date
  7. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

When the profile option is created, you need to enable it at the Site level.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option code IRC_AI_INTELLIGENT_MATCHING.
  6. Set the profile value at the Site level to Y.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Enable Intelligent Matching Features

You enable intelligent matching features to make them available to users in Oracle Recruiting.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
    • Task: Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information
  2. Expand the AI Feature Integration section and click Edit.
  3. Select the matching feature you want to enable, that is Best Candidates, Similar Jobs, Recommended Jobs, Similar Candidates.
  4. Click Save.

Run the Scheduled Process for Candidate Recommendations

When matching features are enabled, you need to run the Synchronize Recruiting Data for Candidate Recommendations scheduled process to push data from Oracle Recruiting to the Oracle AI Apps.

  1. In the Navigator menu, go to Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. On the Overview page, click Schedule New Process.
  3. Search for the process Synchronize Recruiting Data for Candidate Recommendations.
  4. Click OK.
  5. On the Process Details page, click Advanced Options.
  6. Configure these fields:
    • Entity Type: Select All or leave the field blank. For initial or incremental data ingestion, you need to select All to ingest all the entities.
    • From Date: You can leave the field blank to pull all data, or you can select a date when to start the data extraction.
      Note: When you leave the From Date field blank, the process extracts all the data during the first run and only extracts incremental date from the next run. Oracle recommends that you run a complete data extract the first time. You must set all the scheduled subsequent runs to extract only incremental data.
    • We recommend a recurring schedule to be performed every 1 hour. On a testing environment, you can schedule on a need basis. Click the Schedule tab and set up a schedule.
  7. Click Submit.


When the scheduled process is completed, anonymous requisition and candidate data will have been exported to the AI Cloud service and will then be processed. You can expect to see recommendations for AI Apps after 8 to 12 hours depending on the volume of data.