My Learning Page Configurations for Redwood

You can configure which sort options appear on the My Learning tab of the Redwood learner self-service experience. Also configure which attributes to display or hide. Use Visual Builder Studio.

Sort Attribute Comments
myLearnExpTabSortCriterias Controls which sort options appear and in what order when learners click the My Learning Experiences tab of the Me > Learning page.
Attribute Displayed Comments
showTotalResultsInmyLearnExpTab Yes Show or hide the total results counter.
showSortOptionInMyLearnExpTab Yes Show or hide the sort options.
showRequiredLearningFilterInMyLearningExpTab Yes Show or hide the Required Learning filter.
showCurrentLearningFilterInMyLearningExpTab Yes Show or hide the Current Learning filter.
showAllCompletedLearningFilterInMyLearningExpTab Yes Show or hide the All Completed Learning filter.
showCompleteLearningHistoryFilterInMyLearningExpTab Yes Show or hide the Learning History filter.