Set Up the WebEx App for Oracle Learning Integration

For WebEx integration to work with Oracle Learning, you need to complete these tasks in the WebEx app:

  1. Set up a WebEx delegate account to use to create WebEx meetings on behalf of all instructors. You need to provide the user name of this delegate account when you configure WebEx as a classroom provider in Oracle Learning.
  2. Each instructor who will use WebEx to host meetings needs to sign in to WebEx and add the user name of the WebEx account from step 1 as a delegate. Integration creates meetings for only the instructors who successfully complete this setup task.
  3. Create at least one meeting template each for Meeting Center and Training Center in WebEx by creating meetings and saving them as templates. All the meeting options you selected for each meeting become part of the template and apply when people create future meetings.
    Templates must exist in WebEx Users for each WebEx service. The templates appear in the WebEx Users profile preferences, where you can set default templates. As part of adding instructors in Learning, learning administrators must select a meeting template.