Actions for Performance Document Approvals

When a manager submits a performance document for approval, this action starts the transactional approval task.

Let's discuss what happens after this event and the impact of other approval actions on the status of the performance tasks. Approvers receive notification that the document is ready for approval. They can approve or reject the documentin multiple locations. They can also perform other actions, such as requesting more information, or reassigning ordelegating the approval to someone else.

If a second approval task is required for a document, the normal process applies. For example, you can have two approval tasks connected by the same performance document with separate approval transactions. In this case, the approval tasks could be an approval to review what to evaluate, and another approval to review the evaluation and discuss ratings.

Approval Actions

As part of the approval process, approvers can take a number of actions on a performance document. These actions include:

  • Approve

  • Reject

  • Request Information

  • Reassign

  • Delegate

  • Suspend

  • Resume

The locations where approvers can perform approval process actions are shown in the table.



Worklist, email notifications, and performance document

Use the Actions menu to approve or reject the document, or perform other approval process actions. Not all actions are supported in the email notifications. You approve or reject the approval once only. Use the worklist, email, or a link in the performance document.

Select the Approve or Reject buttons on the performance document. No other approval process actions are available on the performance document.

Transaction Console

HR specialists use the Transaction Console to perform approval process actions, such as: reject, terminate, and so on.

Task Status After Rejection

If a performance document is rejected, the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is set to In progress so the manager can update the document. If you need to change the status of other tasks before resubmitting the manager evaluation, the HR specialist can use the Performance Documents task.

Reassign and Delegate

Approvers can either reassign or delegate approval to another manager. Reassignment and delegation are valid only for one approval task.


Bypass the Performance Approval task to separate it from the transactional approval task. Continue the evaluation process when approvers are unable to approve the performance document. For example, if they're on leave. Bypassing the performance approval task automatically aborts the transactional approval task. The HR specialist can advance the performance document to the next task using the Performance Documents task.


If the transactional approval task is terminated, then HR specialists can bypass the performance approval task to move it to the next task.